Crystal Reports :: Display In New Window On Button Click
Apr 7, 2014
I want to show the crystal report in separate page which having only one crystal report viewer and loading the viewer dynamically by different report in same webform in new tab is it possible in
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Similar Messages:
Mar 6, 2014
I have an application where I would like to display a report (using Report Viewer on a .aspx page) in a new window so the user can simply close the report page when finished viewing and have the source page still active.
since "Report viewer" is on .aspx page so I want to open report on next browser window.
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Feb 17, 2011
I am using Visual studio 2008, and Crystal report, every thing is fine, but when i am click on my button(i hide crystal report tool bar and use own button for printing purpose) which i add for printing purpose the code written at button click
reportDocument.PrintOptions.PrinterNam... = "CutePDF Writer";
in the output just column names but no data is present in output, but during and after clicking on print button, but not at output. i use ajax on crystal report on my click print button click, any one have idea for printing or exporting of crystal report using
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Nov 22, 2010
I have a Registration form with two Buttons "Save" & "Report". When I click on "Save" the data will store in the Database. Now I want when click on the "Report" button the report of that particular will be produce in the Crystal report. How can I do that??
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Sep 4, 2010
I am using Crystal Report on my ASP.NET Fw. 3.5 project. My report contains 100+ pages. When I click on next page button on crystal report viewer control my whole page gets postback to server and then second page appears. This take same time when first time report gets loaded.
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Jan 27, 2014
I got a problem with crystal report while printing. The problem is if I select Display Toolbar = False in crystal report viewer then I need to press Ctlr+P to print the report which is not good, because it prints the entire page. If I select DisplayToolbar =True then it displays print button and option to print but When I click print button it prints but all fields empty & |||||||||||||||.
When I press print button It displays an option/Messege in browser (Open With Different Viewer) If I press open then I can open it as pdf and print it, and it prints it correctly.
If I don't use this option it print the report blank or like this ||||||||||||||||||||||.
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May 7, 2015
how to print crystal report when button clicks and after button clicks it shows the print dialogue popup as well as report is save as pdf format in local machine.
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Nov 2, 2010
I have one application in which i have crystal report binded in aspx page when it load it shows perfect.. i have lot of filed in crystal report in which i have one filed1 i need to show that value in out side of the textbox ..
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Dec 17, 2010
I have binded crsytal report through dataset. My crystal report is working fine. but when i click on print button, data is not coming on crystal report . the following code i have written. what i am missing out? How to pass parameter when i click on print button? and how to bind data while printing?
On pageLoad
string ReportPath = Server.MapPath("/Reports/CrystalReport1.rpt").ToString();
reportTnaApprovalbyUser.FileName = ReportPath;
protected void BIndReport()
reportTnaApprovalbyUser.SetParameterValue("@Date", DateTime.Now.Date);
reportTnaApprovalbyUser.SetParameterValue("@CompCode", bo.CompCode);
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = reportTnaApprovalbyUser;
protected void ParameterInCrstalReport()
BO bo = new BO();
ParameterFields pF = new ParameterFields();
ParameterField p1 = new ParameterField();
ParameterDiscreteValue pdv = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
p1.Name = "@Date";
pdv.Value = DateTime.Now.Date;
ParameterField p2 = new ParameterField();
ParameterDiscreteValue pdv2 = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
p2.Name = "@CompCode";
pdv2.Value = bo.CompCode;
//CrystalReportViewer1.ParameterFieldInfo = pF;
reportTnaApprovalbyUser.SetParameterValue("@Date", DateTime.Now.Date);
reportTnaApprovalbyUser.SetParameterValue("@CompCode", bo.CompCode);
View 3 Replies
Jan 8, 2013
how to show direct print dialog box when click on print button in crystal report? when i click on print button the it goes to pdf file i want to show print dialog box?
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Apr 23, 2010
I am building Reports which have twp parts-1.)Normal Report2.) Detail reportThe user is shown the NORMAL REPORT first. If user wants to see the details of that reporthe clicks that part(row) of "Normal Report" of which h/she want to see the details.The Detail report is shown after that.
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Jan 3, 2011
I am a newB when it comes to Crystal Reports
I was tying to add crystal report but VS2010 keeps opening "SAP" window to download it. After downloading ans installing, VS2100 still doesn't create reports. VS2010 adds .mht file to the project and keeps redirecting to the same SAP page.
What is wrong, how can I solve this issue.
Looks to me, it is some knind of installation issue / assemblies???
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Dec 3, 2010
I have two reports but i want to use the same crystal report viewer to display both reports depending on an option selected. How can I achieve this?
CrystalReportViewer.setCrystalReportSource(CrystalReportSource3) or something like this i am just not sure about the code in c#
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Nov 19, 2010
I am working with Parametrized Crystal Reports. There are only two page called Source.aspx and Target.aspx.
Only One text box data shows Not 2nd One.Can any one help me with this by checking my code?
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Aug 5, 2010
When i run the application locally it works fine but when i publish it n access from it it gives the error asEither the Crystal Reports registry key permissions are insufficient or the Crystal Reports runtime is not installed correctly.
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Aug 19, 2010
I want to display a crystal report in my application. Suppose I have tables named student details, student marks, student address, etc... Nowif I want to display all these details (fields of all tables) in one crystal report (with page breaks if necessary) then how will I achieve it. I will be providing a combo box in my application that contains list of student names.How can I link this combo box with the cystal report to dynamically display report for different student on selected index change of combo box?
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Nov 9, 2010
to print a crystal report from the server's printer with a button on the web application.Assume that I have a ASP .NET Web Application, When i press the "print" button on the web application, the server which holds the web application prints the specific crystal report with specific data set. Is this possible? How I am going to make this happened?I am sorry to say that I'm very new to all these web programming,
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May 20, 2010
.rdl file in crystal report.Data is displaying vertically in the report, when i filter on the date field.
1. I need paging in this.paging is not working.when i click on paging,a authentication window opens and after ths fill,all data comes on the report with out filter.
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May 20, 2010
Refresh the Parent Window. I open the child window,I want that on close button click on child window,parent window refreshes
I searched all on the net & find the above soln,But its not refreshing.when i click on button1,then some Pop up appears see in Pic(with buttons Retry & Cancel). When i click on Retry again the child window loads Then again i click on button1,again popup appears & so on & on.
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Jun 13, 2010
I'm new to Visual Studio.NET . I need to integrate the crystal reports into an ASP.NET application. I generated Crystal report with the help of crystal report XI developer edition(Stand alone version and NOT from the one which comes from visual studio).
How to integrate this report with the web application.
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Jul 16, 2010
We have quite a few reports which were developed earlier in Crystal Reports 8.5. We are now planning to use these reports in our web application developed in VS 2008 (C#).
What dlls are needed for calling 8.5 in the application and how should they be added to the application while shipping it to the client?
They are also struggling to get the code running. Would also need the code to call the report with parameters.
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Apr 6, 2010
I have already generated crystal reports but i've made them static. but now i want to make the user to select the criteria for generating the reports. for eg., in one of them i want to show monthwise data so user should be able to select the month and year and that would be passed as parameter and compared to the existing data. provide me with proper exact code that can be used for giving parameters in such a report using C#.
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Jul 10, 2010
How to display more than 20 columns in a crystal report.
In .Net Crystal report how can I display over 20 columns? I can use not more than 10 columns.
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Nov 18, 2010
May I know how to do this kinds of report? I am using Crystal Report 2008. Is it can be done using crystal report 2008? Is yes, may I know how to do this?
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Mar 31, 2010
I want to show image in a crystal report. Scenario is something like this.
I have a database where my path of an image is persisting. eg ftp://Images/1.jpg
Now i want to repeat this image in a crystal report.
When i fills my datatable it shows me complete url. When i displays this field in GridView i uses imageBox to display my image and it works for me very fine.
But when i tries to do the same with crystal reports, it starts me showing image path as it is. Now here instead of path i want an image to be displayed.
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