Data Controls :: Display Row Details And Image From GridView On Button Click
Nov 27, 2013
I read your "Retrieve images using a file path stored in database in ASP.Net" article posted on June 18. And got the image in the gridview. I have made the "Auto generate select button - True" in gridview. On the click of the select button i want the image to be displayed in "Image" control and also the other details other than image to be diaplayed in textbox. I can get other details in textbox but cannot get image in "Image" control.
NOTE: I am not sure whether I need to use "Image" control available in the toolbox of VS2010.
I have a datalist control which uses repeatcolunm. I want to make Datalist items clickable and get the clicked item value into a textbox outside the datalist. I did this and it works only when I set "RepeatLayout="flow"" which cancels the "repeatcolunm" which is very necessary in my case. Below is code:
In the above structure room information has been loaded now when I click on book now then I want to access the roomid room price to send it next panel.
I just want to know that how it is possible to access other values using jquery...
I have to taken Template field value "EmpNo" in Gridview, When I click every employee no then its display in label How. I use RowDataBound event but RowDataBound event not read Template field.
I have one repeater and one gridview, i want to bind my repeater when link button is clicked which is inside repeater, i user itemCommand but its not working....
I gone through your "Display details of ASP.Net DataList Item in jQuery Dialog Modal popup on button click" Example it is very nice but i want to Display image also With the information it can display i assign image src like
I have 4 images.Onclick of each image corresponding div content will be displayed.How i will get triangular pointer on image when the image is clicked. by using css i got the triangular image
i have a gridview binded with data when i hover mouse to row i want to display a image button to display date ,and when i click the button i want to display calender control for choose date, and next step after i choose date it will be must insert into database. and mean while a hidden label control will display and date shuld be display in it
I have a gridview which display when person start n stop the project if same person do muliple projects it save n retrives eaisly i want to do that when i press select in gridview it give me the all about the person means if ali is working on 2 projects so it give me details like ali firsrt project is this time n date this , second project is this how can i do this ?
i want to show selected row of gridview into textbox then we can change these value then we click update button then these value add into selected row., this row show the update value not previous using jquery . following my code.
<script type="text/javascript" src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { // function Edit() { var par = $(this).parent().parent(); var id = par.children("td:nth-child(1)"); var name = par.children("td:nth-child(2)");
On grid RowDataBound based on some condition i've added imagebutton dynamically. parallelly i want to add event for this button click. here is my code snippet.
protected void GV3_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { TableCell cell = new TableCell(); ImageButton bttn = new ImageButton();
That message popup box comes, but i'm unable to catch that click event. while click on a row i want to delete that row, so want to create event dynamically. for that i've used this following dynamic click event
bttn.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(b_Click); private void b_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //delete record }
In gridview i have two link button that is "VIEW" and "DOWNLOAD" if i click "view" that pdf file wll display in an other page if i click download that file will be downloaded.. how can i do this..
I have a ListView with Checkbox in ItemTemplate. My requirement is to get all data of selected Checkbox of a row. For this I am using a Button Click which will check the selected checkbox of ListView and then it will get all the data of selected of that checkbox.
i want to display the details of datalist of partiicular row using jquery, on click of hyperlink "view" inside datalist item template .. i want to avod ajax popup modal
I am having a gridview with some button column. I have written some functionality in code behind for the button click. How can i display a confirm dialog in mid of the button click functionality and based on users response(Yes or No from dialog) i need to continue the remaining funtionality in the button click event.
I have a gridview control with a details column. I want the user to click details and it give me a pop-up showing details of the particular row. Any idea on how to do this using JQuery?? Looking for an example with code..