Data Controls :: How To Add Required Field Validator To TextBox Inside GridView
Mar 26, 2013
in my module there are data of students for H.S.C., C.E.T, AND H.S.C+C.E.T. so when i run the gridview page all the data of all streams together is displayed so i sort the data using a dropdownlist...means if 1 select the H.S.C in dropdownlist only the H.S.C students are being the problem is when i sort the data by selecting a stream in dropdownlist at that time the error message of required field validator is displayed...
1) I wil select the stream from Dropdownlist and click the "sort button"
2) After the data is been sorted and i will enter the values in the TextBox and if i'll miss any of the textbox blank and i click on the "submit button" after dat the error should be displayed
in my website there is a module in which i m fetching the data of present students in the gridview and i m entering there marks in the gridview textbox column (created by using item template)...I want to add required field validation to the textbox columns so that after clicking the submit button there should be an error message displayed if any of the textbox is empty...
I have a repeater control and inseid it's ItemTemplate and AlternateItemTemplate, I have the following code (toy code):
The problem is, when I click the button it shows a '*' in front of every textbox in odd or even items, instead of validating only the textbox in that item.
How can I validate only the text box inside the item in which the button being clicked resides?
I have a gridview on my aspx page having templatefields. In one of my templatefield i have a textbox with requiredfieldvalidator for validating input in textbox. I have another templatefield having checkbox in it. Now i want whenever user check the checkbox and then click on insert button, then first of all requiredfieldvalidor validates the textbox input for that particular row and then perform the insert operation. I m trying like this-My aspx code-
My C# Code-
But it doesnot validate and due to which insert operation throws an error-Input string was not in correct formatHow can i resolve it?
I have a gridview that contains a textbox, a drop down, and a checkbox. The commandfield of the gridview has ShowEditButton="true". All of the gridview updating takes place in the "_OnRowUpdating" event. I have a Panel above the gridview with a table and some fields. Everything in the gridview works perfectly, the edit, the update etc., however, when I add a requiredfieldvalidator to the panel above the gridview, the gridview update functionality no longer works. e.g., clicking the update button does not appear to fire. If I comment out the requiredfieldvalidator, everything works fine.
I have a website created in and have the following fields displayed in the grid view linked through a database.First_Name Last_name City Username Password Email Mobile Genderplease let me how I can put validations when the edit button is clicked and the textboxs popout...I have tried a lot of ways like edit template and all but they have not been helpfulReallyIf you need I can also post the code I am using..
When it comes to field validation, when I use a Compare Validator to make sure a date is a date or a numeric field has a number, I must also use a Required Field Validator to make sure there is something actually enetered. In other words, the Compare Validator allows a blank value even though a blank is not a date or number or whatever.
Is using both a Required Field Validator and a Compare Validator the way to do this or is there some way to make the Compare Validator also require input of some kind?
I'm trying to use a field validator to make sure one of my list boxes has a selection before the user is able to proceed to the next page. i'm having is that if the validation message is triggered, all of the buttons on my page loose functionality.Meaning, if I purposely trigger the validation control, I can't get rid of the error message and none of my buttons do anything when clicke after this.
The majority of the HTML:
Is there something that I need to add to the code behind of the page or the Java Script that I'm using?
I am using TinyMCE Editor for textarea in my webpage.
I also use RequiredFieldValidator for the same textarea, and when I click submit button the RequiredFieldValidator fires even the textarea has some text entered in it.
I have a aspx page with a ascx control inside an ascx control and the required field validator is not hit on the action of the page.
The issue is with the 2nd nested ascx control. The field validators in the first ascx control validate correctly, but with the ascx control inside the ascx control there are issues.
The nested ascx control is a repeater control and this may be the reason, but I am unsure.
I'm not exactly sure what question to ask, but I'll list a few below.
How do I attach the field validators up a level to the 1st ascx control?
Is it possible to put required fields into a nested ascx control?
Is it possible to have "Required Field Validator" controls to validate more than one field (example I have 12 textboxes that are required. I want to try an avoid having 12 RFV controls. If a validation does get triggered, is there a way to display a customized message ("textA is empty" or "textB is empty") etc.?
I have Dropdownlist whose value field and text field are bind at runtime. it has --select-- as first item with a value of '0' and the rest of the values are bind at runtime.
I have given validaton group for both the control and the validator as "g1" and Intialvalue=0
But still the page is posting back even if I select '--select--' option.
My Required validation for a field doesn't work because even the user didn't input anything, the watermark text is sent to the server. What's the best way to handle this? I'm using jquery and mvc.
I want to put validation on a combobox to ensure user selects/enters a value. I've tried using a the standard required field validator which doesn't work. So I would like to do the validation using javascript/jquery.
Not sure how to approach. When I look at how the combo box is rendered, it appears as a unordered html list. There is also a hidden field but this always seems to be set to 0.So is it possible to do this validation client side. I've read so many posts about this but I havn't got an answer yet.
I am having one dyanmic grid in that amount and date is not null column user should enter some thing in that spceified issue is that if the save button is pressed the requried validator is firing for all the rows which is should only show if the user shows in the current row.if the user left the particular row is empty and presses the save button the error message should show in the current row not all the rows. how to do this.
I am trying to get the required field validator to work. I have given it an initial value of the first index value in the dropdown list. I is just not working. Will my contrrols residing on a View of a Multiview control effect anything. I am using all drop down lists?