Data Controls :: How To Bind Image Control Inside GridView From Database

Dec 19, 2013

How to call different images in <asp: Image> tag for every row of gridview.I used below code as per my requirement (HTML code):

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Caption="Customer List" EmptyDataText="You have deleted all records in customer list">
<RowStyle Height="40px" />


Only difficulty im facing is how to bind different images in "ImageUrl" for every row of Gridview.Note: Images are not saved in DB.

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See below:


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aspx.cs code:




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Forms Data Controls :: Bind Image To Gridview?

Jan 11, 2011

i have a gridview, i have one images folder. in the database i have image path.

using that path i want to bind those images to gridview. but images are not displaying.

my gridvew code is.

ImageUrl='<%# (string) FormatImageUrl( (string) Eval("image")) %>'
my aspx.cs code is


public partial
ShowList : System.Web.UI.Page
void Page_Load(object sender,
EventArgs e)
string FormatImageUrl(string image)
if (image !=
null && image.Length > 0)
return image;
void BindData()
DataSet ds =
ds = BusinessLogic.FetchDetails();
GV.DataSource = ds;

when ever i debug the program dataset contains all the images. but those are not binded to gridvew.

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