Data Controls :: Place Nested Child GridView Inside UpdatePanel For Asynchronous Expand And Collapse
Jun 7, 2013
I tryed to put a nested Gridviews (parent-child) in an UpdatePanel, but it didn 't work as I want. Firstly the code of the Gridview (its from the example reffering to this [URL] .....)
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="scriptMgr" runat="server" EnablePartialRendering="true" />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="updatePnl" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<asp:GridView ID="gvCustomers" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" CssClass="Grid"
DataKeyNames="CustomerID" onrowcommand="RowCommand1">
in the scriptManager, no exception will be shown, but on RowCommand a complete Postback is done.
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1 Cold
2 Fever
Table 2
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1 Amoxil
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1 Cetzine
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3 Nov, 4 Nov, 6 Nov...etc
The problem that am experiencing now:
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Feb 10, 2010
I have a Radtreeview that sits inside a RadGrid. For some reason the expand/collapse buttons of the Treeview are not working. I can expand the Treeview initially, however the NodeExpand event never fires.(a postback does occur to the server, and I have several buttons on the treeview node that work.) Once the node has been expanded, the collapse button doesn't work, and clicking on it does nothing.(no postback to server). I have the ExpandMode set to ServerSide. However, if I change the Expandmode to Clientside it works properly.
I really need the control to work with ExpandMode set to serverside, to reduce the loading for large Tree's.
Im not sure if this matters. But I am adding the Events to the RadTreeview when the event RadGrid_ItemDataBound is fired.I am noticing one strange behavior, that I cannot explain either, if I do not attach an event to NodeExpand It fails to open or close. Also the NodeDataBound event fires successfully and the data is loading fine into the tree.
RadTreeView tree = (RadTreeView)e.Item.FindControl("RadTreeView1");
tree.NodeDataBound += new RadTreeViewEventHandler(RadTreeView1_NodeDataBound);
tree.NodeExpand += new RadTreeViewEventHandler(RadTreeView1_NodeExpand);
tree.NodeCollapse += new RadTreeViewEventHandler(tree_NodeCollapse);
Here is the decleration of the Treeview in the ascx file
<telerik:GridTableView Name="Detail Table" ShowHeader="false">
<telerik:GridTemplateColumn UniqueName="FooTreeview">
<telerik:RadTreeView ID="RadTreeView1" runat="server" DataValueField="CommunicationID"
LoadingStatusPosition="BelowNodeText" style="white-space: normal;">
<uc1:FooControl ID="r1" runat="server" FooBindings='<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container,"DataItem") %>' />
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Dec 5, 2013
In Nested Grid, we get a '+' sign. The problem is that '+' sign appears all times, even if there are no child records for that row. 1. Can we enable/disable OR Hide/Unhide '+' sign. depending on if child rows exits.2. OR alteast we can put some bgcolor indicating to user that this record do have child rows. Without any indicator user may feel quite annoying to click on '+' sign and nothing happens.
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Feb 15, 2011
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Jul 6, 2010
I have this function to expand and collapse rows in gridview from this website:
how to have a expand/collapse ALL function on top of individual rows?
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Jun 30, 2010
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This is one of them.
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Instead when I show here orderdetail.aspx in a different page. I want to show it when any row is expanded based on ordernumber.
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Jan 21, 2011
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I got it to work using AJAX Control Toolkit, but I find it a bit cumbersome and rather slow. I want to use JQuery for this one.
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Nov 19, 2012
ASP.Net Nested GridViews – GridView inside GridView with Expand and Collapse feature this artical works for me but i want to expand first row when page is loaded all the other record show as same as it is collapse. may be it is happen in this nested gridview
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Jan 3, 2010
I have a nested gridview dynamically added. It seems I resolved all issues with the loading this control on a parent page along with other controls and I can trigger the edit of the first level - the master part of the gridview. However, I cannot trigger the edit on a child gridview.
The master and the child gridviews have objectdatasources in a markup but I have to do the additional data binding after the loading the control on the parent page (see the code below). I'm doing that additional data binding only for the master gridview that is working fine and shows the data for the master and the child gridviews. When I click the Edit button on the master gridview it shows text boxes for the editing but when I click the Edit button on the child gridview it's doing nothing and moreover the editing mode for the master gridview is going back to the initial stage (labels).
I was trying to trigger it throughuse the registering the event:
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