Data Controls :: Search In Multiple Tables Using One TextBox And Display Results In Multiple GridView
Jul 22, 2013
I created 3 product table . A,B and c.
I show product of table in different gridview.
Now I am using one search box. but how to search product name with image in one query all of three table....
Simple how to search product from multiple table and show result...
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protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(TextBox1.Text);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Transactions where report_type = @report_type ");
cmd.Connection = con;
[Code] .....
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I have a gridview, whose select command is that query. But for some reason, I just get all the rows from one table only. I rechecked my datasource and it is ok. I read on some discussions that it is NOT possible to have data from two tables in a gridview. Is that true? If that is not true, how can I have data from multiple tables in a gridview? Or any other web control for that matter.
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dataset 1
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1. Book
2. Red
I have set up the sql data source and everything and my like operator is this.
LIKE '%' + @record + '%'
how can I solve this problem?
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Aug 18, 2015
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In Database
ID Name Year Start Year End
1 Yourname 2010 2015
In Gridview:
ID Name Year
1 Yourname 2010 2015
in a year column i want it to two row..
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i want like this,
Name | Info
name | lastname
| phone number
| address
I get this by default
name | last name | phone number | address
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Dec 16, 2012
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protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (TextBox2.Text == "" || TextBox3.Text =="") {
DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(TextBox1.Text);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Transactions where report_type = @report_type and dateadd(dd, datediff(dd,0, [R_date]), 0) = @R_date ");
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Is it possible in one form ex. TEST.aspx and one grid load data for any table and call all storedProcedure for him.
One GridView for all....
Select work fine, but how adjust (insert,update,primary key) it is possible?
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Please refer the link. [URL] ....
My question is how can I search GridView with multiple TextBoxes and pass multiple parameters to this sql command.
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query + id);
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Jan 24, 2016
in i want to create a button to serach from in two textbox. there are 2 possibilities;
1-only one textbox entering value (name)
2-both of textbox entering value (surname)
how can i do this? (by the way i am novice in
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Jun 29, 2010
I have a .NET 1 web app that is using a Oracle database, the web app has a page of table names that allows the users to select, there are 101 tables listed on the page. When the user clicks on a table name, it takes them to a page that shows user friendly column headers, the table data, etc. Is there a way to use one GridView to do this and show the user friendly column headers instead of creating 101 pages or 101 user controls and show that control based on the table passed into the page?
for example: the user clicks table 22, I want my gridview to look like this
Buyer's Name State City Zip Code Phone Number
if they click table 55 I want them to see this
Product Wholesale Price MSRP Sale Price On Sale (check box)
instead of showing the users
BuyersFullName BuyersState BuyersCity BuyersZipCode PhoneNumber, etc
and so I, I would like to use 1 gridview on one page if possible and build the grid on the "fly", We have the user friendly column headers in a table.
So my questions are:
is this possible, if so, what is the best approach in doing this
from a scalabilty level and maintenance level, would the 1 gridview be worth for all 101 (and growing tables), or would building a seperate user control for each table be better?
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Nov 30, 2010
I am having a hard time solving the following with an MVC view. My goal is to display data from multiple tables in a single MVC view. The bulk of the data comes from a table called Retailers. I also have another table called RetailerCategories which stores the retailerid from the Retailers table and also a categoryid linking to a Category table. Note that there are multiple records for each retailerid in the RetailerCategories table.
In the view I want to show a list of retailers and with each retailer I want to show the list of categories applicable to them. What would be the best way to accomplish this?
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Jul 27, 2010
I'm a novice in .NET programming. I was trying to figure a way to make a MULTI TABLE search via a stored procedure for my website. I've written a SP to select records from one table, which isn't working for some unknown reasons:
Whatever I search for, the datagrid is displaying all records from my table.
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Jul 6, 2010
hope you guys are doing well! I have a question and no answer yet how to do it. Right now i can have 1 dropdownlist and when i press on my search button its show the result of the query the user ask
but how to do it with two seperates dropdownlist ? isnt it with inner join ? also if the value is null what to do ?
here is my sample little code for a sample search
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Dec 12, 2013
I have a problem i have a string with multiple customerid which is seperatd by ,
the problem is if if split the string by comma, i want to fetch customername from customerprofile table on the basis of these customerid.
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Sep 20, 2015
I have one textbox and one button when i enter values in textbox separated by comma and click on button it should display details of all the numbers from database in gridview. the values are cid nos such as 12001,12002 when i enter both values by giving comma it should display details of both numbers from database.
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May 7, 2015
I tried out another article (Search GridView with Paging on TextBox KeyPress using jQuery in ASP.Net ). Need to add more search text boxes to that gridview with Paging?
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May 7, 2015
I've created a filter textbox for searching my data in gridview..
ex: i've 3 columns in gridview : ID, NAME, DATE
I ask, how to create a dynamic search for 3 columns in gridview using a textbox?
without writing a query repeatedly :(ID like '%" + search + "%') OR (NAME like '%" + search + "%') OR (DATE like '%" + search + "%')
protected void btnCariConnStrSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
string search = ((TextBox)GridView1.HeaderRow.FindControl("txtCariConnStr")).Text;
string sql = "select * from report where (ID like '%" + search + "%') OR (NAME like '%" + search + "%') OR (DATE like '%" + search + "%') ";
reader = mda.GetData(sql, connStr).CreateDataReader();
if (reader.Read()) { dt = mda.GetData(sql, connStr).Tables[0]; BindGridView(dt); lblRecordNotFound.Visible = false; }
else { Bindemptydt(); lblRecordNotFound.Visible = true; }
((TextBox)GridView1.HeaderRow.FindControl("txtCariConnStr")).Text = search;
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