Data Controls :: Upload Files And Show Record In GridView Using DataTable With Download Button
May 7, 2015
If the file uploaded to a folder. How to create at table dynamically so that mant files are being uploaed and as many files are uploaded row are being created in this way
1) file name on the 1st coloumn
2) path of the file saved and once it is clicked it is downloaded (e.g., pptx)
i just want to create one colum in gridview where in the edit view i can upload the file and in the after the uploading the download links comes for download is it possible ?
just tell me the girdview colums get files for download from particular /download folder ?
I have a grid view that I made dynamically based on a data table. The fields that are displayed on the grid view are as follows:
File Name File TyPe Uploaded On
Where as the data table on which this grid is based contains one extra filed that is
This filed contains the contents of the file in binary format retrieved from the data base.
Now I wanted to download the file say by clicking on the file name on the grid or even I an agree to add a Download button to the grid that will download the relevant file.
I've got a DetailsView control on the page, which includes a FileUpload control. Both parts work individually e.g. I can upload a file and insert a record but what I'd like to be able to do is do both with one click - either on the Upload Buttton or on the Insert record text.
I have a button click event:
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
But I'm not sure how to call the Insert Record event on the detailsView control.
i store a file name in column like(1.dat).when i try to download this actually from the folder which is in solution exploer ... but i dont understnd how to download it through its name ...i use some code
I was following this tutorial and it worked perfectly: [URL] ....
I was wondering how do I archive this: the file name will be a link button (or whatever the best way is) and when click on the name, it will download the file (instead of haing an additonal "Download" column)?
how to download selected files from grid view. Initial I will display list of files with file paths in grid view along with check boxes. when user select some files, I should be able to download selected files in a zip file.
I have used the tutorial for Save and Retrieve Files from SQL Server Database using ASP.Net It's working well for saving and retrieving on page OR on label. For the file retrieving section i want the file to be displayed as link "Download" in Gridview and when i click on download link file should start downloading.
I have another problem is that I have Placed a file upload control in Empty template of Gridview to have multiple record insert. I have used viewstate to save multiple record into database. But problem is that I am able to find the control but it not giving any value.I have following code.
I want to make a website that has many files and the user can use it to download the files. Also, the admin can upload any file. How I can save the files so the file will be exist when the user download it and where I can put the file when the admin upload it?
I was just wondering what the best approach would be for uploading/downloading files. My users want to have the ability to upload and download emails to various Orders but i'm not sure of a few things.
Would I need a new table and reference it to my Orders table? Or would I need to create a new table and add columns such as file location, and upload the files to a particular server? Also since I am working on a Windows machine, i'm not really sure how to connect to my server to allow me to upload/download files (not sure if that makes sense).
I'm not a core web programmer. I'm building an web application which will track defects, using ASP.Net and MySQL. There is a requirement for me to attach multiple files to each review/defect.
how to upload files to MySQL and generate link for the uploded files in the ASP.Net form? Also when the user clicks the link I need to retrieve the file from the MySQL database and download the file to a directory in the client pc.
now when i type something in header Search cell , it shows the data of first page index only , it won't show me data from 2nd page index .. here's my code :
protected void PhasesTempGrid_OnDataBound(object sender, EventArgs e){ GridViewRow row = new GridViewRow(0, 0, DataControlRowType.Header, DataControlRowState.Normal); for (int i = 0; i < PhasesTempGrid.Columns.Count - 1; i++) { TableHeaderCell cell = new TableHeaderCell(); TextBox txtSearch = new TextBox();
[Code] .....
My gridview is in update panel therefore i did this in .js script :
I have a delete button bellow my gridview and I want a pop up to show when no record is selected and tell the user to first select a record. The button click event would show the pop up, but my gridview data blanks out.
A few questions regarding detailsview and gridview:
1) when page load, how can I default the detailsview to show the first record from the gridview? SelectedIndex does not have any effect to my detailsview.
2) how can I select a record in the gridview if my table has 2 key fields using below syntax?