Data Controls :: Using AJAX CalendarExtender For TextBox Inside GridView

May 7, 2015

Refer here: [URL] ....

Why I can't use Ajax Calendar Extender inside the gridview?

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What I'm finding is that if I externally change the date in the text box that the CalendarExtender is attached to (I'm also using an image button with a calendar image to invoke the calendar - like the last example on the

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page loads. text and calendar are set to 1/14/2010. cool. on the click event of a button elsewhere on the page I set the date in the text box to 12/15/2009.

I would expect that clicking on the calendar button to display the calendar would show December 15, 2009 in the calendar, but instead it's still stuck on January 14, 2010.

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System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataControlFieldCollection must have items of type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataControlField'. 'cc1:CalendarExtender' is of type 'AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarExtender'.

and i have ajax control toolkit installed

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I've been searching all day for a solution to this, but nothing has worked.

Here's my scenario: I'm binding the gridview to a datatable. One of the columns is a textbox that will accept user input.

When a "submit" button is clicked, I need to loop through all the rows, get the textbox's text, and add them all together. Simple, right?

I've tried the following (this is on the "submit" button's click event):


The itemtemplate looks like this:


The txtDays.Text property is ALWAYS empty. UNLESS I assign it a value w/in the control. But then it's ALWAYS that value. I need to get the value of what the user enters.

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<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Enter OTP">
<asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server"


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Jan 5, 2013

In my gridview, I have 6 columns. The first 5 columns are filled with data retrieved from database.In the 6th column I want to display a value from textbox from same form. The value should be displayed on the row next to last row of rest of the columns. So my last column (i.e.) 6th column will just have all the rows filled with the same value of the text box.

First 5 columns of grid will be filled by selecting the college name from dropdown.The last colum (Date) must be filled with the date that is given in the textbox.It can be even after button click event(date of attendence).

It can be done after button click event also..

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Mar 26, 2013

in my module there are data of students for H.S.C., C.E.T, AND H.S.C+C.E.T. so when i run the gridview page all the data of all streams together is displayed so i sort the data using a dropdownlist...means if 1 select the H.S.C in dropdownlist only the H.S.C students are being the problem is when i sort the data by selecting a stream in dropdownlist at that time the error message  of required field validator is displayed...

1) I wil select the stream from Dropdownlist and click the "sort button"

2) After the data is been sorted and i will enter the values in    the TextBox  and if i'll miss any of the textbox blank and i click on the "submit button" after dat the error should be displayed

as "Required".

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