I want scrollable gridview with fixed header. For that i create belw code
It works fine uptil page loads.I have functionality to delete rows from gridview.Once i click delete button from gridview the width of header columns get decreased then the width od data inside gridview.It means depending on the content of data the size gets variable.HOW to show data inside gridview irrespective of the content of data.
Scrollable GridView with Fixed Headers inside ASP.Net UpdatePanel using jQuery Plugin. I have one more question in that. How to adjust the width of the columns headers because for some of my gridviews the headers not showing the proper format. in the gridview I gave HorizontalAlign="Left" and in the columns I gave
I am working with asp.net tab control currently with two tabs. The first tab is a list of jobs to be worked. The gridview id is "gvJobs". I call the ScrollableGridPlug via
$(document).ready( function () { $('[id*=gvJobs]').Scrollable({ ScrollHeight: 450
When i click at the Equip Tab is get a blank gridview. There is a scrollbar on the left side indicating there is data in the gridview; however there is nothing visible. Additionally is there a way to scrollable function when I click on the appropriate tab?
I am using an ASP.NET ListView control and, at the moment, I have a scrollable grid: (example below is simplified and contains embedded styling for sake of question)
I have an ASHX handler or an ASPX page (the problem happens in both cases).
The web client sends a request containing If-None-Match and/or If-Modified-Since headers but context.Request.Headers.Get("If-None-Match") or context.Request.Headers.Get("If-Modified-Since") is null in the handler.
The same script works in my local development machine but it doesn't work in the online machine (both are running IIS7 on Win 2008, .NET 3.5)
In my div displaying list of records using gridview. The div properties are like height=200, width=200, overflow-y:scroll, etc. I know in gridview we will get a default Page navigation bar appened to the records (it could be bottom or top) but what I want is records in gridview is scrobble and page navigation bar should be static at both the places (bottom and top). if we enabled page navigation bar in gridview...it will be appended to the gridview records and it will be scroll along with records but i want static page navigation bar.
On my page there are several nets with update panel in the main grid I use a plug-in scrolling and everything works fine, but the rest of the grid placed in modulpopupextender with the panel, and return an error when updating, because the title of the grid is placed in a div, what to do?
I came across a page that showed a solution for freezing the top (header) row of a gridview and allowed it to be scrollable. Here is the article: [URL] ....
It works and I was able to freeze the top row! However, I have a nested gridview ("gridview2") within that gridview ("gridview1") and I need to freeze it's header row...but I am encountering the following compilation error: "The name 'gridview2' does not exist in the current context"
I have tried many approaches to solve this, including calling the javascript function on the button event in which gridview2 is displayed, however I receive the compile error every time.
I have never work with a repeater and after a lot of research I got to the conclusion that this is the control I need to use for what I have to do. I need display data but I will need 2 headers and after some sort of amount of records the headers will repeat again. In this page you will find an example of what I'm trying to do http://ratings.fide.com/view_source.phtml?code=45276 I don't know if a repeater is the right control but i thin it is.
I have a form with multiple update panels in one form. here i have a gridview with update panel where jqery scrolable with fixed header is not working. i saw your post where IsInUpdatepanel: true
I followed your topic to select all rows with checkbox in gridview header and it is verygoodThis is code :
<script type="text/javascript"> function CheckAll(objRef) { var grid = document.getElementById("<%=Grd_Data.ClientID%>"); var headerCheckBox = document.getElementById("ChkAll"); var inputs = grid.getElementsByTagName("input"); for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { if (inputs[i].type == "checkbox") { if (objRef.checked) { inputs[i].checked = true; } else { inputs[i].checked = false; } } } }</script>
But i noticed that when i deselect a row in gridview the checkbox in header is still checked.How can i fix this problem that when i deselect one row from gridview the checkbox in grid header change to be unchecked ?
I wanted to have fixed headers in grid view. I came across multiple solutions but none worked with IE 8 and Chrome. One of the best solutions is following:
I have a couple of Textboxes in a Gridview header, mainly used to search for items in the dataset. This works fine; however, on Post Back, the textboxes do not hold the entered text. The View State is enabled for these control items.
I have written a code from here http://www.aspsnippets.com/Articles/Display-GridView-with-Empty-Message-and-Header-and-Footer-when-no-data-in-ASP.Net.aspx. I just edited this as follows. this is my gridview code:-
and my code file code is as follows SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["contest"].ConnectionString); protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { Bind_Grid(); } } protected void Bind_Grid() { string strSql = "select * from mtblInformation"; SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(strSql,con); SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(com); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dt); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { gvCustomers.DataSource = dt; gvCustomers.DataBind(); } }
when in database table have records then gridview binds and its showing records, But when there is no record in DB , instead of showing msgs that "No Data found." gridview doesn't appear.