DataSource Controls :: How To Get Data 7 Days From Date Field
Mar 25, 2010
I am trying to get all records 7 days from the Purchase date field using this query:
SELECT DATEADD(dd, 7, dtPurchaseDate) FROM CustomerProduct
This doesn't seem to work because it is giving me dates from 2002, 2003, etc. What am I doing wrong.
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Jun 15, 2010
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Jan 17, 2013
in my asp.net_vb code web. there are 9 textboxes whcih is used for entering numerical/dates
first is lve.text in whicj numder is entered
second one is lvefrom.text
thirdone is lveto.text
when user fills (lve.text) 5 and enter 15 Jan 2013 in lvefrom.text then lveto.text should show 19 Jan 2013. i had posted this earlier and got reply which is mentioned below. this code below gives me 20 Jan 2013 instead of 19 Jan 2013.
tw text boxes lve.text (number filled) and lve from.text (date filled). when user enter a numder in lve.text and select a date fro date picker in lvefrom.text then lveto.text should show date selected in lvefrom.text + number of days in lveto.text (eg if number of days is 5 and date selected in lvefrom.text is 15 Jan 2013 then lveto.text should display 19 jan 2013. because the starting day is also counted in my case.
Protected Sub lvefrom_TextChanged1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lvefrom.TextChanged
Dim ObjLocDate As New Date
Dim IntLocDays As Integer
IntLocDays = Convert.ToInt32(lve.Text)
ObjLocDate = lvefrom.Text
ObjLocDate = ObjLocDate.AddDays(IntLocDays)
lveto.Text = ObjLocDate.Date.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy")
End Sub
fourt tex box is pfx.text, fifth is pfx1.text, sixth is pfx2.text
when use filles pfx.text 3 then pfx1.text should display 12 Jan 2013 and pfx2.text should display 14 Jan 2013. these are the prefix for leave( as 12 to 14 Jan 2013 is prefix.seveth is sfx.text, eighth is sfx1.text and nineth is sfx2.text
when user fills sfx.text 3Â then sfx1.text should display 20 Jan 2013 and sfx2.text should display.
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2010-01-21 14:35:25.203
2010-01-22 12:55:18.033
2010-01-26 12:10:06.990
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how do i insert date and time together ? what is the format for this. i tried like this but its not working.
string startDtime = TextFromDate.Text + " " + Stime;
is this the right way ? dd/mm/yyy +" "+ 00:00
or i need to make a string that contain this : dd/mm/yyy00:00
its not writing any eror it just do nothing .
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if (!Page.IsPostBack)
//Initialize SetupDate to today.
TextBox setupdate = (TextBox)fvJob.FindControl("txtSetupDate");
setupdate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
The first time this page loads, the txtSetupDate field is initialized.
Although, and subsequent loads of the page doesn't initialize the Text Box. I step through the code in the debugger and I can see that the code is executig, but something (the FormView bind?) is "clearing" the Text Box.
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