DataSource Controls :: Limiting String Length When Adding New DataTable Row?
Mar 13, 2011
I need to limit the length of the string that load into a DataTable that is being used to display. The data I am loading is coming from another DataTable. How do I shorten row["CG_GalleryName"] contents to 24 characters.
Convert.ToString(row["CG_GalleryName"]) -- how do I set this length to 24 characters? Using it in the below code.
I'm looping through an ArrayList and creating a column in a DataTable from each field. One of my fields is a DateTime field, and I've noticed that when I create the columns, it's being changed to a String, but I need it to still be a DateTime field for sorting. I'm trying to do this, but it's not quite working.
Maybe this could be a simple questino, but for me it's difficult to do this action: I have a table in sql server 2005 with some records stored, for example 10 records. The primary key of this table, let's call it "Employee", it's a number field with an autoincrement constraint. I want to store more data into the table by using a OdbcDataTable object and OdbcDataAdapter and adding new rows to the datatable and afeter that use the "Update" method from the OdbcDataAdapter object.
The big deal is this: let's suppose that I want a add a new record to the datatable object, using any method or code sequence that you want. if I have 10 records stored on the data base table, when I retrieve this table schema by using the OdbcDataAdapter "Fill" method, I have a copy of the data base table schema in the DataTable object, right?. if I add a new row on the datatable object, it's suppose that the primary key column of that table must AUTO-INCREMENT the value of the key, I mean if the last value that I store on the table was the number 10 on the PK field, when I add a new row on the datatable object, the PK value on the datatable object must be the number 11 if the autoincrement constraint is present into the DataTable object, but in my case, it doesn't work
So, How can I define the conditions or set the c# data objects properties to wor in that way???. In this moment the PK column on the odbcDataTable doesn't auto-increment its value when I add a new row on it.
Please helpe with this.
PD: I have another question about the DataTable object, how many records can store this object?? I have some problems with this because sometimes when I use the Fill() method to get data into the DataTable or a DataSet object there's no problem if the Fill() method retrieves about 142000 records, but when I retrieve over the 145000 records, when I inspect the DataSet or DataTable object by using the debuging mode, they have null value. Any of you can tell me why this situation ocurrs??
I need to create an interface for adding users to .Net Membership DB through an existing database. My Idea is to read each row from database from existing users table in a datatable and then iterate through each row and add it to new database. I cannot directly copy the rows from existing users table because the password stored in .Net Membership provider is in ir-reversible hash code and hashing is done through encryption algorithm present in front end code. My User count is huge (in millions).So what should i use to read the records, Dataset or datatable. Also tell what is the max number of rows it can hold.
Since I'm new to coding and I'm trying to understand why here is a little more detail on the question.If you have a text box and you are limiting the input to say 2 charactrs do you really need to validate the input further? What I have is a text box that has a max length of 2. Is there a security reason to add a validator to the textbox. I should add this is in
I'm having a problem with reading a string from sqlserver database and use it as the text of a label,
getDescTableAdapter gd = new getDescTableAdapter(); Label2.Text = Convert.ToString(gd.GetDesc(pid));
what i get in the form is: getDesc ! everything is right in the dataset and if i bind it to a gridview it works fine but when i convert it to string it seems it converts the table adaptor's name instead of the value.ance
i have the dataset with one table.Table contains three column like 'Name','Location','Pin'.I would like to move the data from another table based on schema.
I have a label control in datalist. When thw word is long, the text of label corrupts the design. Label hasn't a multiline property.I tried different ways . I tried to use textbox like a label but this time I can't give a link to textbox.I tried to use MeasureString() method for the label. But I couldn't do it.
I have tried using .NET's various encryption functions but all my encrypted strings are at least 24, 28 or 32 in length.
I have heard of CipherMode.CTS with Padding = None that produces the same length output as the input length but I can't seem to get the same result. I have toyed with the block-size, key-size and salt size.
I don't mind adding a digit to my input string to make it 16 in length.
I have two datatables, I want to get all records which are in one datatable but all matching records which exist in another datatable should not be available.
In terms of set, you can say that record which are in 1st datatable but not in 2nd DataTable.
i am trying to find the column length of a particular sql table, it is working very fine if its 'nvarchar' or 'text' type. But if i try to get the numeric(int/bigint/bit) data type i am getting error. please help me out. The sample code is given below for you reference,'*** Source Code Start
Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter(strQuery, PortalConn)
I am building a WCF Web Service that has a Business Logic layer (that implements all validation logic and other business rules) and a Data Access Layer that makes calls to Stored Procedures in my database.
I would like to be able to validate the length of data passed against that of the length of the parameters in the Stored Procedures without having to explicitly define the parameter lengths in my WCF Web Service.
Person Object Person.Name = "John Dhoe" Person.Age = 37 SQL Stored Procedure SavePerson FullName Varchar(15) Age Int
In my BLL or DAL, I would like to be able to do something like :
Passing onto a stored procedure a value from a GridView. The particular fields are a date type, and numeric type. Problem is, its plausible and conceivable in this case one or both could be null or empty.
Through searching I've seen suggested such ideas as Convert.ToDate(value), CDate(value), and so on. None of these work. You cannot convert an empty string or null value to a date. I don't know about the numeric value.
So, barring any non-working examples already given. What is standard. Its not like I've stumbled across some never afore seen problem.
Here is my code, but its quite typical.
Dim txtctlHireDate As TextBox = CType(gvEvaluatees.Rows(e.RowIndex).FindControl("txtHireDate"), TextBox) Dim txtctlGradYear As TextBox = CType(gvEvaluatees.Rows(e.RowIndex).FindControl("txtGradYear"), TextBox) Dim txtctlBU As TextBox = CType(gvEvaluatees.Rows(e.RowIndex).FindControl("txtBU"), TextBox) Dim ddlctlEvalGroups As DropDownList = CType(gvEvaluatees.Rows(e.RowIndex).FindControl("ddlEvalGroupSelection"), DropDownList) Dim chkctlActive As CheckBox = CType(gvEvaluatees.Rows(e.RowIndex).FindControl("chkActive"), CheckBox) UpdateEvaluatees.MGEvalUpdateEvaluatee(gvEvaluatees.DataKeys(0).Value, txtctlHireDate.Text, txtctlGradYear.Text, txtctlBU.Text,ddlctlEvalGroups.SelectedValue, chkctlActive.Checked) gvEvaluatees.EditIndex = -1 gvEvaluatees.DataSource = EvaluateesForDataGrid.GetData gvEvaluatees.DataBind()
I've bolded the parameters in question. A date value and numeric value are expected.
I want to modify my userAvailabilityCheck code and want to add the code that this userAvailabilityCheck function does not fire If the textbox is null or having character less than 6 but display related error message.
Below is my code-
As you can see in the above code, I have added if else code in my working code but after the addition of these checkers my code stops working.
i have 100 words in paragraph now i want to make array which contain 10 words in each array slot but not break words mean "Hello" in one slot would be "hel" and in second slot rest of word "lo".
I'm using ASP.NET with sql-server. I have an area where the user can enter text of a maximum amount. I encode this text as a good measure but the encoded length can be greater than this maximum amount when I try to insert it into the database.
Special characters are encoded on 3 characters. I can't show the user that he has exceeded the max amount of characters because from his perspective he hasn't. I also can't set the database field to the worst case scenario (being 3 times my max amount).
I'm using the following code to get a list of sites from a database and then show a short extract from the posts. The number of posts shown and the length of the extract is defined in the appsettings of the web.config.
I get the following error:
Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length