DataSource Controls :: Multiple Values Into The Same Table?

Feb 6, 2010

I am creating an online employment application, and instead of creating a table with 20 columns for job duties that may or may not receive values, I simply want to create 3 columns

EmployerName (Name of Work history Employer)

I want to create a form on a page with 10 textboxes so the applicant can type in some job duties they had at that job.

Is there a way in C# or SQL to then cycle through and insert the textbox values as separate rows?

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DataSource Controls :: Set Up SQL Table Columns To Have Multiple Values?

Mar 9, 2010

Is it possible in to set up an SQL table column to have multiple values? Or would I have to put my values into a new table and link it to the original one?

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DataSource Controls :: Insert Comma Separated Values Into Multiple Columns Table?

Mar 22, 2010

I've requirement where user can enter multiple columns like first name, lastname, email, age, sex fields and insert them into database.on my frontend aspx page, i'll be showing a single row initially with 5 text boxes(first name, lastname, email, age, sex) and a button to add more columns. when user clicks on add more, another 5 textboxes will be shown and then i'll be taking 5 + 5 (textbox values) and comma seperate them and need to insert into a table with primary auto increment key ID and the remaining 5 columns(firstname, lastname, email, age, sex). I previously worked on the same requirmeent but with only single column. Now i need to insert for 5 columns, How can i do this? Below is my stored proc which i used for single column insertion.


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C# - Selecting Multiple Table Values And Binding The Data Into Multiple Grids?

Oct 5, 2010

i have multiple tables .

I have created one stored procedure where I am selecting the table values.



I am using LINQ to retrieve the Data. So Using Linq I am calling the stored procedure.

So I ll get the table values in the C# Code the table values.

so in my UI i have 4 gridviews.

I want split the output values into four source and bind it to the grid.

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DataSource Controls :: Storing Values In A Table

Jun 9, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: Insert Values From One Table Into Another?

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DataSource Controls :: Using Multiple Values In A Parametrized Query?

Aug 13, 2010

SELECT ClientMaster.ClientName,*
FROM ProjectMaster LEFT JOIN ClientMaster
ProjectMaster.RefCode IN (@refcode) AND ProjectMaster.ProjectStatus=@status

@refcode should be able to contain multiple values but how should I pass value to the parameterized query?

I have tried many ways such as @refcode = 'VALUE1','VALUE2', @refcode = VALUE1,VALUE2 but to no avail?

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DataSource Controls :: Checkboxlist / How To Fix The Table So Values Are Stored OK

Jan 16, 2010

I need to fix the table so values are stored ok.

Now I think I should have the values of music feature set by default to 0

What should I modify in the below table. as well as profileid should be a foreign key constraint.


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Jan 5, 2010

how to check if the particular values in a table exists?

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DataSource Controls :: Adding Values To A Table In A Form?

May 17, 2010

I guess the code is totally right and doesn't require any change in it,, however am getting an error which says "Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '11/11/2010' to data type int."check the attached file ..


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DataSource Controls :: How To Insert Multiple Entries In A Table

Mar 24, 2010

An option to add a range of computers based on tag numbers, for instance, user input 800101 and 800110 would add computers SYS800101, SYS800102, SYS800103, SYS 800104, SYS800105, SYS800106, SYS800107, SYS800108, SYS800109, and SYS800110. Currently the app adds a single computer at a time.

Here I am using ASP.NET using C# and my backend in active directory.

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DataSource Controls :: Multiple Dates For 1 Table Entry?

Jun 4, 2010

I want to be able to display the entries in this table based on the date and time of recorded in the entry.

So as an example:

Entry A only appears on Mondays at time X.

Entry B appears on Tuesdays at time X and Sundays at time X.

Entry C appears every day of the week at time X.

Entry D appears every day of the week but twice on each day at time X and y respectively.

View 2 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Searching Table With Multiple Criteria?

Apr 15, 2010

I want to select data from a table where the user can search by 3 options; date, keyword, and type. The date will always be either today or a user chosen date. The keyword can be null or something the user inputs. The type will be chosen from a drop down and can be all or a specific category. I know how to search the date, but the other two create complications. I have created a stored procedure trying to figure this out:


Is there a way to say if the keyword is null then don't use it as a search criteria. If that is possible then type can use that same logic I suppose.

View 6 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Match One Input Parameter With One Of Multiple Values?

Jun 10, 2010

I have 3 tables as follows:

1 - Members containing the following fields:

MemberID int

2 - Companies containing the following:

CompanyID int

CompanyType (S=Supplier, R=Retailer, C=Competitor)

3 - Member_Company_Link containing the following:

MemberID int
CompanyID int

The Company table contains any Company with a potential relationship to a "Member". For example:

Companyabc = C (Competitor)
Companyxyz = S (Supplier)

When a new Member record is entered, the user selects from two dropdowns: CompanyType (Supplier, Retailer,Competitor); and CompanyName. The CompanyName dropdown is populated depending on the value selected for CompanyType so if the user selects "Supplier" for CompanyType then only those Companies with a CompanyType of "S" for Supplier will be listed in the CompanyName dropdown.

The use can enter up to 10 CompanyType/CompanyName combinations. When the record is saved, these CompanyType/CompanyName combinations are saved in the Member_Company_Link table. One record for each CompanyType/CompanyName combination is entered in the table.

The problem I'm having is in the retrieval process. I have a "search" screen in which users can select certain criteria to list Members by and one of them is CompanyName. For example they want to see all Member records with "company xyz" as a Supplier and/or "companyabc" as a Competitor. Because each Member can have multiple Supplier and/or Comptitor records I can't figure out how to loop through them to match on the value entered by the user. If Member1 has 5 corresponding records in theMember_Company_Link file and 4 of them contain Companies that are Competitors (Competitor1, Competitor2, Competitor3 and Competitor4) and the search criteria is to find records containing "Competitor3" how can I loop through the values in the Member_Company_Link file for each MemberID to see if there is a match for "Competitor3"?

I know this post is too long and most of you will have ignored it by now but I'm hoping someone will have a clue because I've already spent more than a day trying to figure it out. It seems I have to store multiple values in an array but I have no clue how to do this.

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DataSource Controls :: Return Multiple Values From Stored Procedure?

Jun 2, 2010

Is it possible to return multiple values from a stored procedure? Basically, if I execute the stored proc on the C# side, then on the SQL side I do multiple calculations. Let's say I have 5 int values I need returned to the C# side.

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DataSource Controls :: Retrieve Text Values From Sql Table Using An XML List?

May 6, 2010

Some ids are pulled out from the XML field of a certain User Profile . Those ids have their text values stored in a SQL table.

What is the best way to map that xml list to the SQL table in order to populate a dropdown list which contains ids from the XML list and text values from the SQL table?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Get Query To Return Values From Xml Column In Table

Jun 24, 2010

I am trying to do a lookup in a table with a value stored in an xml column.

I tried this several ways but I can't get it to work.

Here is some code:


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DataSource Controls :: Multiple Users Updating The Same Table Simultaneously?

Apr 19, 2010

In general, If multiple users thru an application try to update the same tables in database simultaneously, then by default on what basis the priority will be given.Like if we don't have any extra logic for the locking implemented.

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DataSource Controls :: Update Multiple Rows In Directory Table?

Sep 22, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to update multiple rows in my Directory table, when a user changes their Street Number or Street Name in their profile. They can add multiple users to a directory and each user they add to the directory has this primary users UserId in it. So if the primary user changes their address, I want it to update the address for all the users they listed in the directory as well. I'm adding this to the On_Click in the Code Behind, so when they click to update their profile, it fires this function as well. This code may be way off, but here's what I have right now:


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DataSource Controls :: How To Delete Multiple Records In A Table Using Linq

May 14, 2010

i am new to this linq concept,

i have used the following code to delete multiple records in my table,

but when i hit the button insteading deleting multiple records only one record is getting deleted

below is the code

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

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DataSource Controls :: How To Create Table To Store Multiple Images

Jan 5, 2010

I have read up on uploading multiple images and storing them to a file but so far i am only able to store one image into both file and into database. The problem i have is that i don't know how to create the table to store more than one image?

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DataSource Controls :: Delete Multiple Rows From Database In A Table?

May 1, 2010

I've have to delete multiple rows from database in a table . Which is the best way to delete data to optimize performance of sql server as well as

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DataSource Controls :: Trigger On View Updates Multiple Table?

Jun 23, 2010

I have Tables customer (Customerid),Product(Productid),Order(orderid). i have created view Customerid,Productid,orderid . is it posssible that if i insert value in view it will get inserted in table itself. can i do it in MS SQL SERVER

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DataSource Controls :: Writing Multiple Gridview Checkbox Values To Database

Jun 11, 2010

I have a checkbox column in a Gridview that I would like to use to insert the value of one cell in the row into an access database. There will be a maximun of five cells allowed to be selected so there can be one value written to one field in the database up to the maximum of the five fields. The access database has five columns: Selection1 ,Selection2, Selection3 ,Selection4 and Selection5

When the checkbox is checked, the value of one cell (PliD) should be written to each field in the database. Ie: checkbox in row 1 should write PliD value to Selection1, checkbox in row 2 should write PliD value to Selection2, checkbox in row 3 should write PliD value to Selection3 and on depending on which checkbox has been checked. I am not sure how to get the value of the checkbox and write it into the corresponding fields in the database.


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DataSource Controls :: Copy Data From One Table And Insert With Extra Values?

Jan 27, 2010

Is there a way to copy a row from one table and insert to another but at the same time insert extra values to destination table?Let's say source table Item has values:


Destination table ItemHist:


I want to copy row from source table where itemid is 25, insert it into destination table and add extra values: ChangeDate, ChangeReason, ChangedBy. I tried:

INSERT INTO ItemHist (ItemID, ChangeDate, ChangeReason, ChangedBy, ItemType, ItemModel) VALUES (ItemHist.ChangeDate=GetDate(), ItemHist.ChangeReason="why not", ItemHist.ChangedBy="me")
SELECT ItemID, ItemType, ItemProducer, ItemModel FROM Item WHERE ItemId=25

but obviously it didn't work ("The name 'ChangeDate' is not permitted in this context. Only constants, expressions, or variables allowed here. Column names are not permitted.").

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