DataSource Controls :: Matching The Username And Password Entered And If Count Is Greater Than 0?

Jan 26, 2010

i am creating a simple login page with 2 text boxes and a button in C#.NET. I actually couting the number of rows matching the username and password entered and if count is greater than 0 i am redirecting them to a welcome page else i am directing them to



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DataSource Controls :: Create A Procedure That Checks If Username And Password Match?

Aug 3, 2010

Im new to stored procedures so this may seem a stupid question. What i'm trying to do is create a procedure that checks if username and password match, if true then reset the failed password counter to '0'.

The problem i get is that it keeps prompting for a userID as a variable, see code:


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SQL Server :: Sql Count Greater Then 10?

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The code will run but it is underlined with an error "Attribute values must be enclosed in quotation marks."

Sample code looks like this...

SelectCommand="Link.Section, Link.PostDate.....


and (PostDate <= GetDate()) and (isnull(postremove, getdate()) >= getdate()))">

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Now to my question. I would like to check for username availability. For this I need to extract the text entered in the UserName textbox from the CreateUserWizard. I don't know how to do so. I need to cast somewhere but where?

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SELECT TOP (1) Property.Name, Property.Price, Department.DepartmentTitle, Images.ImageId, Property.DateAdded
Department ON Property.DepartmentId = Department.DepartmentId LEFT OUTER JOIN
Images ON Property.PropertyId = Images.PropertyId
WHERE Property.dateadded >= NOW -30 days

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Security :: Capture User Entered Password Using LoginControl?

Nov 2, 2010

We use the LoginControl to authenticate our users. For this particular site, security isn't a HUGE concern but the Membership provider allowed us to customize the users menu and do some other handy things.

Lately, our Customer Service department has been complaining that there is something wrong, because many users are being "locked out". What I would like to do is capture the login and password (I know how to get the login) and log it to our SQL database. Is there a way to get the un-encypted password? I am pretty sure there isn't but thought someone might know a workaound (without using a custom control of something of that nature).

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DataSource Controls :: Get ID Of Row Entered?

Apr 8, 2010

I have the following code:


How do I get the Letter_ID of the row just created, and use it later on in the code?

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VS 2008 - Show Message NOT Valid User When Wrong UserID / Password Entered

Jul 7, 2013

I wanted to show message "NOT valid user"; when user provide wrong userid/password ...but it does not showing any label in it..

public string Checkuser(string value1, string value2)
ExecuteTSQL ts = new ExecuteTSQL();
DataSet ds = ts.SelectQueryDS("select * from tbl_user where USERNAME =" + "'" + value1 +"'" +" and password1 = " +"'"+ value2+ "'" );
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)


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DataSource Controls :: Check The Values Entered Against A Database?

Mar 10, 2010

I have a webform, that needs to check the values entered against a database, and then send an email if the request turns out positiv.

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DataSource Controls :: Troubleshooting / On Submission None Of Data Gets Entered Into Database?

Jul 23, 2010

I'm a rookie at all this and need some insight from veterans.

I'm working on a web form that submits data to a database. I'm using C# as my code behind language and am using LINQ to SQL with a LINQ data source. I'm working in the code-behind page to format/concatenate the user's data before going into the database.

Everything looks like it's formatted and aligned correctly. I am not receiving any errors or warnings, but on submission none of my data gets entered into the database.

My question is... how should I troubleshoot or go about finding out what's keeping my data from being entered into the db.

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Dec 13, 2010

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In short i want textbox to enter limit is only 140 characters ....

i have te following code to do that .... but i wanna implement 140 characters limit in multiline textbox :

<script type="text/javascript">
function Count(x) {
document.getElementById("Label1").innerHTML = document.getElementById("TextBox2").value.length;
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server" Height="78px"
TextMode="MultiLine" Width="224px" onkeyup="Count("

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Cannot Get The Right Side Of The Username And Password Textboxes

Feb 25, 2010

Looking at the html below, why I can not get the right side of the username and password textboxes to lign up underneath eachother?


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Send Username And Password To Net Web Service

Dec 21, 2010

I am developing a .net application using Web Services, and the application is consuming them using Spring.Net WebServiceProxyFactory. I need to send to the web service the username and password of the user that is logged in to the application, consuming the web service. Reading some forum post [URL] they seem to refer to an example that used to be in the spring documentation [URL], an example of how using SOAP headers for authentication using the WebServiceExporter and WebServiceProxyFactory, but the link to the file is broken. Do you know a way that I can send the user credentials as a soap header using Or any data (for example, a token ID that the web service will use later to get the user credentials).

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Security :: How To Force Username And Password

May 20, 2010

I have created a test user/password on my web site. The intent is to have prospective clients login and try out the tool. Instead of telling them the userid/password of the test user, I'd like to tweak the Login wizard.

In the Load event, I was able to specify login1.UserName = "test user"

But when I try to specify the password, I'm told it is a readonly field. How can I 'force' a specific password? Or, how can I call the login event directly and pass the needed values?

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Security :: How To Encrypt Username And Password

Jan 21, 2011

I designed a website, in login page username and password should be encrypted and sent to server for validation. How to do this.

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Applying Username And Password To A Folder?

Feb 16, 2011

I have a root folder college when you type in server/college/science it will ask for the user name and password.

(The usename and password are stored in controlpanel->administartivetools->computermanagement->localusersandgroups->users

userid is Test and password is PWD

Now I addea a folder in college

so when I type in college/english it is not asking me for the user id and password. It is showing the content directly.

How can I make english folder ask for the userrid and pasword stored in users (Test)

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MVC :: Valid Username And Password With FilePathResult?

Jan 26, 2011

public FilePathResult GetFileFromDisk(int id){ var file = dbSample.FileStores.Where(f => f.FileID == id).FirstOrDefault(); string path = Server.MapPath(@"~Images"); string fileName = file.FileUrl;.....

return File(path + fileName, file.MimeType, file.FileName);}hey I have this code for getting file from my server.In some downloader like IDM we have a SiteLogin,we can input usernameand password in your downloader,how can i retrieve from this to check this Username is exists from my database.

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How To Get Username And Password Textbox From Page

Aug 6, 2010

I m crating contact reader functionality in my site. for this i have taken class from. from which i m working on tracing input box from yahoo pages. after seaching this text box i'll send value to respective textbox but for searching text box i used one fucntion in which i used one reguler expression for tracing input box.

Here is the function


and here is the page code


so there is anything problem in the regex. so except username and password i m getiing all the input types.

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