DataSource Controls :: Uploading Files To Sql Server Dbase?
Mar 6, 2010
and i found it, here can fairly easily code for a general dbase (name, address, etc..)my question here with this code is...where does my dbase info go?
my dbase info
dbase name = files
tablename = fileTable
column names = fileOne, fileTwo, fileThree
the file upload object is called "fileupload1" and this all goes with a "submit" button
also, that is pretty much for one file, what if the user is uploading more than one file? do i just add more if/then statements, one for each fileupload object?
how can i programatically create table in sql2005 from exisiting dbase or dbf file along with data in the files.....
wat i mean is that program shuld read the existing dbf/dbase/excel file,, create table with the same structure and data as in the exisiting dbase/dbf files..
I creating a page where our clients can view advertising images and then able to download the images in different file formats. So I need the images and the different download types all saved into the same row in the database so that when I go to display them on the page when they select a picture the right download links will be there. So here where my problem comes in, I don't know how to code it so that I can insert mulitiple file paths into the database at once. The images are saved in a table called images. The downloads are saved in a table called Image Downloads.
Here is the code for the page I have it coded to submit the images to the database but not sure how to add the rest. I have got three different sql datasources for each table not sure if that's the way to go.
I couldn't upload anythink to a server using FileUpload control (access denied exception). I changed permissions for required folder and gave aspnet user full access. It did not work (I got access denied exception). Than I changed permissions again and gave full access to all users on the machine - now upload works. As far as I understand, it makes my site vulnerable and I should give full access to only one user. Could anyone tell me which user IIS 7.5 uses?
i made a file uploader to folder named (Books) and i saved the name and the bath of the uploaded file to my DataBase but when i wanna download the uploaded file from the server ? how i make it ? by hyperlink ?
I am working on some project where I am needed to allow users to upload files, but only in pdf and .doc format. Now I know how to let users upload files, but I do not know how to check whether an uploading files is pdf and .doc or not. How could I know that? And how could I know the size of each file, for the file should be no greater than 3 MB?
Also, I have alloted a separate folder for the files that are uploaded by users. I have one page that displays the links to download the files in that folder. I needed to know how could I keep the track of the folder, for the files get uploaded every time? Or in other words, how could my 'downloads page' know about the files in that folder and create links for each file in that folder for the download? Also, if I create a link of a file for downloading purposes, will the file be downloaded when one clicks the link?
I have some code that allows users to upload file attachments into a varbinary(max) column in SQL Server from their web browser. It has been working perfectly fine for almost two years, but all of a sudden it stopped working. And it stopped working on only the production database server -- it still works fine on the development server.
I can only conclude that the code is fine and there is something up with the instance of SQL Server itself. But I have no idea how to isolate the problem.
I insert a record into the ATTACHMENT table, only inserting non-binary data like the title and the content type, and then chunk-upload the uploaded file using the following code:
For my web application I need to allow the user to upload a word document to the database. I've searched the forums and I've only been able to find with uploading to a server. Can anyone one give me a link to a tutorial or step by step guide on how to do it? I'm not even sure what data type to set the attribute to in the database.
uploading multiple files from client to server with have been looking at the upload control but that is for one file (unless someone knows a better way to do it).
For what I want to do I don't even really need a browse. I know the files off of the client are at a certain location. Is it possible to create a collection of *HttpPostedFile*s and upload those?
I don't think it is possible but would be glad to be proven wrong. Is there a different method or control that will easily allow uploading multiple files from client to server?
code with windows application and it works in a good way and files uploaded to server successfully using text box control and open file dialog,but when I tried it with upload control on application it doesn't work and gives error : Could not find file .......this is my code in windows application under button click FileInfo toUpload = new FileInfo(this.txtFile.Text); FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(this.txtAddress.Text + "/" + toUpload.Name ); request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;
have a web application which will allow me to upload files to my web folder. I have used the following code for uploading files (VB) on click of BUTTON UPLOAD
If FileUpload1.HasFile Then Try FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("/UPLOADS/" & FileUpload1.FileName))
I have made an application for some customer that I'm going to transfer to a webhotel.I want to make sure that the application is not copied and used elsewhere without my knowledge. So I have thought of stripping the aspx files from their code behind, that is not the aspx.cs file itself. But from all code inside the cs file, not the one that is automatically generated like page_load etc, but everything else. And when done, then just upload the compiled DLL file(s). Does this work? Are there something to be mindful of if I carry out with this plan.
I've got a project that's going to go on a dedicated server environment. I'll be uploading images to the server, but saving them outside of the virtual folder path of the actual website, like so:
Now, this works fine on my home computer. Is there anything I'll need to do with IIS or ASP.NET (possibly in web.config) for this to work properly on a production machine? Settings or permissions that may need changing?...
It will be on Window 2003 with IIS6 and ASP.NET 3.5 SP1.
i want to build a custom control using javascript on client side and ashx on server side.
I know about SWFUpload, how can i configure it with ashx on server side.
any tutorial how i can use FLASH objects to transfer files from client to server. i been looking for such tutorial for a while that uses flash object on client side and sends file info using bytes array to the server. also i want to reduce the size of the file on the client side before sending to safe bandwidth.
basically my client side is pure HTML/CSS/Jquery and Javascript using Ajax and my server side is ASP.NET with C# and most ASHX
I have an website that needs to connect to a dBase file on a remote server. The remote server has a ODBC System DSN connection configured but I have no idea how to connect to it.
I am using VB to upload image files to my server but am having problems. How can I use the ContentType to filter only image files? This is my code for my upload button which does not seem to be working. I can only upload bmp files:
Also, how can I show the user the image they uploade
I'd like to allow users to upload a .pdf file via the file upload control (if that's the best method), save the file to the db and then retrieve it so they can click on a link and open the .pdf they've uploaded. I've been looking for a tutorial on how to do this but keep running into methods of saving the file directly on the server in a directory, not in SQL server (using Linq and VB by the way)
I want to create a folder (titled their userid) for each user for Images they upload. I also want to name their files as their username + 1 or 2 or 3... whatever number of images they have.
I have this code to upload .xls files to sql server and am wondering what I need to change in order to upload comma delimited .dat files.
Dim connString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("xls").ConnectionString 'Declare Variables - Edit these based on your particular situation Dim sSQLTable As String = "tempContainer" Dim sExcelFileName As String [code]....
I have looked at various options for uploading files asynchronously in ASP.NET. the default Microsoft control does full postback, AsyncFileUpload control has only one button and cannot change the text and appearance and I need two buttons browse and upload. not interested in flash based controls. I found this
html close to what I need. it uses iframe to achieve this, but I would like a simplified version of this. I just want to display an image while uploading, I don't need number of bytes transferred etc. how can I achieve this? I just need to upload the file asynchronously without page flickering and save the file to the server and update the page contents after the upload is complete.