Display DateTime In GridView Using User's Time?

Apr 28, 2010

I have a DateTime stored in UTC time that I'd like to display to the user in their local time from within a GridView control. How can I convert my DateTime to the user's time (not my server's local time)? Here is my current field as it appears in the GridView Columns collection:

<asp:BoundField DataField="RunTime" HeaderText="Run Time"
SortExpression="RunTime" DataFormatString="{0:f}" />

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Web Forms :: Split Date And Time From DateTime And Display In TextBox

Dec 4, 2013

There is a "singleline" Textbox in my page in which both date and time are fetch from database table column "DateTime".

I want Time to be come below Date in that "singleline" Textbox.

I can't take that Textbox as "multiline". How to split date and time in singleline Textbox?

How to achieve this?

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Data Controls :: Extract And Display Time In Label From DateTime Field

Jan 29, 2014

My work is done properly all good with this query

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Forms Data Controls :: How Show Local Time In Datagridview Collumn DateTime From Database With Universal Datetime

Jun 2, 2010

How show local time in datagridview collumn DateTime from database with universal datetime

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User Controls :: Display Time To User As Per TimeZone

Feb 26, 2014

How get current date and time

example:  TimeZone(UTC +10)


<script type="text/javascript">
function ClientTime() {
var dt = new Date();
var ss = dt.getSeconds();
var mm = dt.getMinutes();
var hh = dt.getHours();


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Defining Default Start Time And End Time (DateTime Manipulation)

Mar 26, 2010

Our business case requires that a Start Time and End Time must be defined for each Organization involved in the business model. For example; some organizations have their working hours from 8:00AM to 5:00PM and others from 9:00 to 6:00PM. While creating a new Event on our calendar these should be queried from the database (StartTime and EndTime) and setting these as default. My questions are:

1) How should I save these times since DateTime requires a Date in front of it and there's no Time column format on SQL Server (Varchar? Number?). If using one of these types how to I concatenate these to a DateTime variable?

2) If the column should be DateTime, how do I concatenate it to replace the column's Date with Today's date and replace the Time with the time specified for that? Let me be more clear:

Default values saved in the database: StartTime = "2010-01-01 8:00AM" EndTime = "2010-01-01 5:00PM" In my code after querying, my local variables would be populated and replaced by: OrgStartHour = "2010-03-26 8:00AM" and OrgEndHour = "2010-03-26 5:00PM"


The code above works but I have no idea on how to replace/concatenate the "2010-01-01" with today's date while keeping the "8:00 AM" on it. :)

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display Datetime Type Into Date In Gridview

Feb 4, 2010

i have created a table with column like date (datetime), employeename (varchar) and their designation (varchar).. am using sql server 2005 and vb.net

I want to display this information in gridview.. i also displayed the inforamtion, but what the problem is the display of date is 4/2/2010 12:00:00 AM.. i need to display only the date in the gridview as 4/2/2010 under the date column .

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Data Controls :: Filter Records Based On Year From DateTime And Display In GridView?

Dec 30, 2013

i am having table in which date, company name and amount is stored

i have one dropdown in which i kept year 

now i want to show data in gridview according to year selected from dropdownlist but how i can seperate date from year in date field

protected void ddlYear_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


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Web Forms :: Convert Datetime String From PDT To IST (local Time) Datetime String?

Apr 28, 2010

i am displaying some news from rss feeds in the page. But i am stuck up in the date time conversion. I got th published datetime as pdt formated string. How can i convert to my local time. Coversion from the pdt string tot DateTime is error..


This second line is error and i need the result in the specified format or same format as in the published date but in local time ie IST (India Standard Time)

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Data Controls :: Calculate Individual Time Of User And Display In Datalist Footer?

May 7, 2015

how do i give the individual total time? 

Means if i have a person name asim which is working on project and on same project he start n stop time (2 time) so how can i calculate the total time of only that person on that particular project ?

This is my asp.net code

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Data Controls :: Calculate Individual Time Of User And Display In DataList Footer

Jan 28, 2014

How do I give the individual total time? 

Means if i have a person name asim which is working on project and on same project he start n stop time (2 time) so how can i calculate the total time of only that person on that particular project ?

This is my asp.net code

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Name:</strong>
<asp:Label ID="NameLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Name") %>' />
<br />
<br />
<strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; JobNumber:</strong>
<asp:Label ID="JobNumberLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("JobNumber") %>' />

[Code] .....

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Time Difference In GridView?

Aug 3, 2010

I would like to display time difference between previous row in GridView.

I prefer creating new Column in SQL, but I can't come up with getting value from "last row" in SQL statement.

The reason is that I would like to have Total hours.

ID | DateTime | Time Difference
1 | 1/1/2010 1:00:00 am |
2 | 1/1/2010 2:00:00 am | 1:00
3 | 1/1/2010 4:00:00 am | 2:00
Total 3:00

View 2 Replies

Data Controls :: How To Display Only Time In BoundField Column GridView

May 7, 2015

I have table in which there is data of Employee of Coming and Out of dateTime


   ID           IN DateTime                    Out DateTime
PA1991 5/5/2014 9:16:41 AM  5/5/2014 7:45:41 PM
PA1991 5/6/2014 9:16:41 AM 5/6/2014 7:45:41 PM
PA1991 5/7/2014 9:16:41 AM 5/7/2014 7:45:41 PM
PA1991 5/7/2014 9:15:41 AM 5/7/2014 8:45:41 PM

I want to Show Dates of how many days Employee Came After 09:00AM ..

String s1 = "Select * From EmployeeLog Where EmployeeID='"+comboBox1.SelectedValue+"'";
ocmd = new OleDbCommand(s1, ocon);
OleDbDataReader odr1;
TimeSpan DefTime = new TimeSpan(09, 15, 00);


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Format Datetime With Or Without The Time

Jan 3, 2010

Sometimes I get a datetime with a time sometimes it's just the date. Of course if it's just the date I I want to format with "dd.MM.yyyy" and if it has a time "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm".. This is in a repeater, so I thought may be it's possible without a simple if statement?

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Forms Data Controls :: Same Rows Display One Time On Rowdatabound In Gridview?

Mar 28, 2011

I want to display same rows values only one time and another same rows to be empty on rowdatabound in gridview.

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Databases :: SQL DateTime Does Not Save The Time?

Jan 21, 2011

I have a MySQL database with a field of type DateTime. When I try to send a date to the DB with the following format:


It does not save the time, only the date and a "00:00:00" at the end. For instance12/1/2011 00:00:00Any idea how I can format save also hours, minutes and seconds? Would it be best to use Timestamps?

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Web Forms :: Appending Time With Datetime

Aug 2, 2010

I would like to append time also with datetime variable. My Todate need to be in the format of 9/9/2010 23:23:59.

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Web Forms :: Datetime.now.tostring() Two Different Time

Nov 11, 2010

I have deployed my asp.net application in my hosting provider they are from US... I have one filed in which i have wriiten Datetime.now.tostring() it saves in Database table it save 11/11/2010 5:20:47 AM

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Convert Javascript Time To DateTime?

Sep 4, 2010

I'm trying to convert the javascript date to ASP.NET's DateTime.Now

var todaysDate = new Date();
document.getElementById('hdnDate').value = todaysDate.toString();
private void ConvertToDotNetDateTime()
DateTime myDate = (DateTime)hdnDate.Value; ??? ? //bit lost here

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Data Controls :: Dynamically Find Difference Of Check In And Out Time And Display In GridView Row

Nov 22, 2015


<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Outdoor Hours" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Right">
<asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblOutdoorHours" Text='<%# calculateOutdoorHours(Eval("CheckOut")) %>'></asp:Label>


protected string calculateOutdoorHours(object CheckOut) {
for (int i = 0; i < grdAttendance.Columns.Count; i++) {
string nextCheckIn = grdAttendance.Rows[i].Columns[1].Text;
TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Parse(nextCheckIn.ToString()).Subtract(DateTime.Parse(CheckOut.ToString()));
return duration.ToString();

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Data Controls :: Display Only Date And Remove Time In BoundField Column Of GridView

May 7, 2015

I have SQL2012 database, which has a Table with many columns in it . One of the columns is "Start Date" and i set the dataType to "Date". Now I am putting the data into a gridview but the data is different to the database, the "Start Date" column has time as well. why this is happening ( the Start Date column is the gridview is a BoundField).

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Web Forms :: Time Zones And DateTime Parsing?

Apr 2, 2010

I have the code:



I live in Saint-Petersburg, so s="11 : 15 : 14". What should i write in web.config or in some else place for take the similar hours?

I can't to use ToString, ToUniversalTime and change Parse arguments (it data takes from web services).

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Web Forms :: DateTime Variable Contain Date And Time?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a column in a Table within an SQL database that is defined as DateTime. I tried to store time data in it, but could only store date information. Am I doing something wrong?

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Get The Time From The Datetime Variable Without Changing It Into A String Using C#

May 27, 2010

i have two clock times in my DB as varchar datatype.. i loaded it from db as varchar itself. in C# i have assigned this value to a datetime variable.. how can i get the time from the datetime variable without changing it into a string.

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SQL Server :: How To Get A Sum Of Time Stored In Datetime Datatype

Feb 16, 2011

I have a datetime column where I store the amount of time a person workded on a project, so it might be 2011-02-16 05:00:00.000 in the column, this being 5 hours. I need to get a sum of the hours in my sproc I tried


But it tells me I cannot sum on datetime.

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