Forms Data Controls :: Access A Control Inside A Listview Itemtemplate?
Mar 29, 2011
on my page, there are two listboxes,
Based on the selection of SchoolID in listviewSchools, the ListviewStudents will be filled with the data.
SchoolIDLabel is in the ItemTemplate of the ListviewSchools. The following works for insertitemtemplate
Dim txtTitle As TextBox = CType(ListView1.InsertItem.FindControl("txtTitle"), TextBox), but i can not Access a control inside the ItemTemplate of a listview.
I have a RadioButtonList control inside of a nested ListView control InsertTemplate. I need a way to access this control in the nestedListView_ItemInserting method.
I have gridview in my page that users can edit their data in gridview... and in this gridview I define label that I want when users click on Edit button it change label3.text:
I want to pass the checked checkboxes value of my listview control to a second page so I can display the listview in this second page with only those selected records
this is what I am have so far , but dont really know how to get it to work the desire way.. Code is working but I am afraid that chekcbox and listview values for my loop are not correct
What I want is to be able to click on the button: btnAddCart and then in the code behind retrieve the value of product name (Eval("Prouct")) and price (%#Eval("Price","{0:#}")%) for that particular row/itemtemplate.
I need the ability to check a box and then store or remove the text of the checkbox clicked to my sql server database. see my code below that is written in vb.
<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="SBN_Company_Cat_Types.aspx.vb" Inherits="ShopBuyName_Test_Site.SBN_Company_Cat_Types" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
see the following code. How do I access the imageButton (or any other control I may happen to have) within the listView? In this case, I'd like to change the image of the imagebutton based on certain conditions in the code behind file while the listview is being populated.
how to do this when the checkbox in listview layout template check select all checkboxes in listview itemtemplate.I dont give 'Eval 'field to checkbox present in itemtemplate.
I've googled around for a couple of days now and tried different solutions posted here and there, but nothing has worked so far. Therefore I'm forced to write a new thread about this subject.
I'm working on a solution containing nested listviews. The top listview lists different projects, and in each project a nested listview lists images from that specific project using a nested sqldatasource. Inside the nested listview I want the user to be able to add new images, and i'm using the InsertItemTemplate of the nested listview. When inserting a new image, the project need to be specified, as the project is a foreign key in my image database. The problem is that in my InsertItemTemplate, "Bind" and "Eval" does not work (I believe this is by design). Therefore, when adding the new image I don't have access to the project. I'm using the ItemInserting event of the nested listview to upload the image, and the optimal solution would be to have access to the project in this event and just pass it on as a parameter.
I have a listview and in each there is a dropdownlist and a textbox. The textbox is invisible. When I change a value on the ddl it fires the SelectedIndexChangedMethod. In here, if the ddl is certain value I want to show the textbox thats on the same row. How do I grab the textbox from inside this method?
I was wondering if there is a way to hide the ItemTemplate. I am using listview and would like to hide the itemtemplate when i am inserting a new record. Im not sure how to or if it is possible to do.
I have listview where every item has a textbox and next to it a button if you want to update the item. I want that every textbox default button(pressing enter) is the one right next to it. So i have a panel(pnlInput) surrounding the textbox(txtQuantity) and the button (btnCart). If i do nothing in code behind the default button for every textbox is the button of the item that was first rendered.
But then i tried in codebehind lstArticles_ItemDataBound //Set default button right Panel tmpPanel = (Panel)e.Item.FindControl("pnlInput"); Button tmpButton = (Button)e.Item.FindControl("btnCart"); tmpPanel.DefaultButton = tmpButton.ClientID;
But when i tried that i get the execption when the page is rendered that the default button for a panel needs to be of type ibuttoncontrol. I also tried UniqueID, but the same happens.
I have a dropdownlist in EditItemTemplate and InsertItemTemplate which I want it to populate at the runtime while Inserting an item or Editing an item.
I am facing an issue regarding populating a dropdownlist dynamically while in Edit and Insert mode. There are 0 Records in my table and it shows "Empty Data message" in my Listview control. Even the ItemDataBound event does not fire. So I am not able to find the dropdownlist in that listview.
This is my Aspx code which shows only InsertItemTemplate and EditItemTemplate.
on SelectedIndexChanged event handling of DropDownList in ItemTemplate of ListView. I put OnSelectedIndexChanged="DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged" in mark up, with code behind, but only to get Compiler Error Message: BC30456: 'DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged' is not a member of 'ASP.webform1_aspx'. How do I make it a member? When I do not put OnSelectedIndexChanged="DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged" in mark up, BC30456 does not pop up, but nothing happens when dropdownlist selected item is changed.
I need to access a control inside a repeater and change its properties. To enable it or not. I got an erorr message Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Here is my code inside a method. protected void
rptCAP_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { LinkButton lnDel = (LinkButton)rptCap.FindControl("lnkDelete"); lnkDel.Enabled = false; //<<<<< this is where the error occur }
This is a weird issue. I have a List view with 2 Link buttons. "Edit" and "Delete" Iam able to attach an event handler for the first linkbutton(Update). Code in the event handler executed fine. But If I try to attach a event handler for the second link button(Delete) , I get an error.
My Item Template Looks like this.
First Item works absolutely fine. But If I attach the second handler, I get the following error
Am I missing some thing ? Note - There is no error if I try to attach the 1st event handler to the second link button.[ie EditLinkButtonClicked to DeleteLinkButtonClicked ] Issue occurs only when I try to attach DeleteLinkButtonClicked to DeleteLinkButton
While running ItemDetabound upon load of a listivew, I am trying to access the text in a label of the LayoutTemplate of a different Listview. It works fine if I try access the same labels under the same names if they are in the same listview, but not if they are in a different one. It was working for a while, can't figure out what I changed, but now says that object doesn't exist.