Forms Data Controls :: CheckBoxList In A DetailsView Template Field
Dec 28, 2010
I have a Details view where I want to have a multi-select value, with the choices driven from another table.I need to iterate through the check-boxes in the list, and I do that by using a DetailsView1.FindControl("MyCheckBoxList") to find the check box list.The challenge I'm having now is that if I name the CheckBoxList differently in each of the templates (Item, Edit, Insert), then they each need a separate handler to find the control and iterate through the checkboxes. I can't find a method to fire a handler
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May 18, 2010
I have a template field in a Details View which is a dropdown selection of values.While I can get the value of the textfields in the DetailsView by using: DetailsView1.Rows(i).Cells(1).Text.ToStringI don't know how do extract a value from a dropdownlist2 contained in the DetailsView.
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Jan 19, 2010
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Mar 22, 2010
I've been struggling with trying to figure out how to do this for about 2 weeks now. I have a DetailsView with several template fields in it. The first field (Unit_Code) is a dropdownlist item where the user would select a Unit based off the Unit_Code's Unit Name. Further down I have a field named (System), system needs to get it's value from the selectedvalue or selectedindex that the user selected in the (Unit_Code) dropdownlist. I have another dropdownlist item (Component) that will need to get the selected value from System to sort on, so once I have the first Unit_Code to System figured out I should be able to figure out the System to Component part seeing as it will basically be doing the same thing.
My aspx page code is below:
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Feb 11, 2010
I'm trying to add an DropDownList to a DetailsView by code, because i'm writing a solution that let's the user select an table and view your records and edit them, some of theese tables, have a foreign key column and the user must have to select some item in the list.
Below is my sample code:
the code above is working correctly, when the user click in the buttons New or Edit , the DetailsView opens correctly, showing the DropDownlist, but when the user click in the buttons update or insert , an error occurs, the viewState cannot be loaded:
Failed to load viewstate. The control tree which viewstate is being loaded must match the control tree used to save viewstate during the previous request. For example, when controls are added dynamically, the controls added during a post must match the type and position of the controls added during the initial request.
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Jul 31, 2013
i am implementing a update query module.i am displaying all fields from a table for a term searched. well now i am implementing update option for the record which are displayed, i have like 70 columns in my table, and i want to know how to restrict some selected fields to be only read only while the form can be updated ?Like if user select to update a record then some selected field such as "Timestamp, UID etc some selected fields" remains READ ONLY !
View 1 Replies
Sep 9, 2010
I have a gridview which the columns are created programmatically.
When a button is click i will clear all columns and add the columns that I want. Im adding a boundfield which is not a problem. When I add a template field, I must add also the item template which is my problem.
How can I add a item template in the template field I created which is binded in my datasource. Also what event handler should I use to do this.
Here's the part of my code:
Someone know how can I bind a label item template from the datasource. The label item template should be firstname + middlename + lastname.
If im not doing it programatically, it will be just concatenating eval(). But how can create item template and bind it programmatically?
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Dec 4, 2010
Setting up the editItem template of a gridview. I have a template field with a dropdown list for editing. When the gridview goes into edit mode the dropdown list is displayed with all the right options but the current value of the field (pre-editing) is not the selected value of the dropdown list? How do I make that happen? I have a couple fields where the editItem template will use a dropdown list and I'm sure a user will not realize those values have changed and they will just edit what they intended to edit and save the changes, inadvertently also making changes to other fields.
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May 19, 2010
I have a DetailsView control in a VS2010 project. There are 20 fields, most of which have been converted to template fields. However, when I right click the control and choose Edit Template, I only see the first 15. I cannot choose to edit any of the template fields beyond that. The fields work when I run the project, but I cannot edit them via the designer. Is this by design or is something corrupted?
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May 24, 2010
The Detailsview has a template containing a textbox for one of it's fields.When an item is selected in the Gridview, I want to set a property of the textbox. How do I do that? I've tried Findcontrol for the item during Prerender of the detailsview. I've also tried many other things. Below is a portion of my aspx code followed by my VB code.
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
DataKeyNames="LU_DutyStations_ID" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1">
asp:CommandField ShowSelectButton="True" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Duty Station Code" HeaderText="Duty Station Code"
View 1 Replies
Nov 10, 2010
I am using a DetailsView Control and have a "MemberStatus" field.
When using the templates in edit mode, I am using a dropdownlist to change the member status.
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Member status:" InsertVisible="False" SortExpression="MemberStatus">
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlMemberStatus" runat="server" DataSourceID="adsMemberStatus" CssClass="eitField" DataTextField="MemberStatus"
DataValueField="MemberStatusID" Width="120px" SelectedValue='<%# Bind("MemberStatusID") %>'>
<asp:Label ID="Label6" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("MemberStatus") %>'></asp:Label>
What I would like to achieve is, if the MemberStatus is changed during edit mode, e.g. from "Active" to "Deceased"
I would like to enable certain fields e.g. txtBoxDateDeceased, and attach a RequiredFieldValidator for the textbox field.
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Dec 13, 2010
i have a detailsview with a dropdownlist. i would like to be able to select a value from this dropdownlist and depending on the selectedvalue display a specific control/header in another column.
View 9 Replies
Jan 26, 2011
when image display, there is a space where the template headertext resides.
how do i remove the header space (vertical line )completely to leave just the imagebutton.
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Jul 22, 2010
I use the DetailsView control to display selected employee's data for HR. The list of data elements has gotten pretty long so I thought I'd put some tables & panels inside the ItemTemplate and EditTemplate. Testing with NO code behind in effect works perfectly on display & update. Now I need to manipulate some stuff in the code behind which requires me to cast the controls I'm after. However old cast code doesn't work (it says the row index doesn't exist).
First is a clip of the DetailsView which gives me 3 nice columns.
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May 19, 2010
I am trying to target a control in a Detailsview in my codebehind, however I am getting an error "Name "control" is not declared" for example, i have a FileUpload field in the edit template of the detailsview, which I am trying to access as
I also tried adding a reference to the Detailsview id such as DetailsView1.FileField.PostedFile.SaveAs("directory")
View 5 Replies
Oct 31, 2010
I would like to find controls in the detailsview control placed in the EmptyData Template of the gridview. I am trying to create Insert new record for the gridview control.
1. If there are existing records in the table - works fine and sets my two values: I placed Detailsview and Insert Button in the footer of the gridview. I needed to set the values of two fields. When I click on the Insert button it saves new record and sets the field with the value (code attached - works fine). I also have a popup extender that opens detailsview - this works just fine.
2, If ther are not records in the table - saves record but cannot find and set controls on the detailsview Same thing setup in the EmptyData Template. The record is saved but I cannot Find and set the field value on the control.
1. Link button (on click) in the gridview footer (works fine)
protected void LinkButton1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
string zupa1;
zupa1 = ddlSelectEmployee.SelectedValue;
DetailsView zupa = (DetailsView)gvTraining4.FooterRow.FindControl("DetailsView1"); TextBox zupa2 = (TextBox) zupa.FindControl("txtInsertEmployee");
zupa2.Text = zupa1;
DetailsView dettraining = (DetailsView)gvTraining4.FooterRow.FindControl("DetailsView1");
TextBox training = (TextBox) dettraining.FindControl("txtTrainingType");
training.Text = "4";
2. EmptyDataTemplate.FindControl - can save record but cannot access txtInsertEmployee and txtTrainingType
DetailsView zupa = (DetailsView)gvTraining4.EmptyDataTemplate.FindControl("DetailsView1");TextBox
zupa2 = (TextBox)zupa.FindControl("txtInsertEmployee");TextBox
training = (TextBox)dettraining.FindControl("txtTrainingType");"4";
View 2 Replies
Mar 13, 2010
im making a details page but i want to add another filed on the detailsview i want the url of the page to have 2 parameters, one for the datasource of the detailsview and one for the field i want to add how can i accomplish that? for example:
and then the detailsview will have the details of account 12, and one more field that has value 50,00
View 3 Replies
Jun 7, 2010
I have a standard gridview and detailsview. My detailsview has some fields which are templates, with dropdownlists. The user selects a record in the gridview, then can go down to the detailsview, select Edit, and change some values (using dropdownlists).I am getting the error, "DDL has a selectedvalue which is invalid because it does not exist...." when I click Edit in the detailsview.
I know the problem has something to do with the dropdownlists not being instantiated or bound until I enter Edit mode. Is that right? In what event should I databind my dropdownlists? I've tried several things but could not get it to work. Do I have to loop through all the rows of my details view looking for the dropdownlists, or can I access them directly from some event?
View 7 Replies
Jun 30, 2010
I've got a Gridview which has a datasource to a particular database.
I've got a DetailsView which has a datasource to a table in another database.
when I select a Gridview row, I need to populate a field in the DetailsView with the Primary Key field (showing in the Gridview) from the Gridview.
Can this be done (if so, how?)?
Also (but not as important) :
If there's no field related in the second table, I'd like it to come up in Insert Mode - if there is a field related, I need it to come up in Edit mode
View 6 Replies
Apr 9, 2010
I want to add boundfield to the Detailsview control at the run time. The data is coming from the dataset, which is fetching data from SqlDataAdapter. I tried using the following code
string st = "select * from tbrob,tbemp,tbcty,tbcmp where robfircod=" + TextBox1.Text.ToString() + " and robempcod=empcod and robctycod=ctycod and robcmpcod=cmpcod";
View 6 Replies
Oct 29, 2010
I have a details view displaying data from my database. One of the fields is called account growth:
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May 24, 2010
Is it possible to make a datafiled of a detailsview inti a dropdownlist bound to a data source?
View 6 Replies
Oct 20, 2010
I want to populate a detailsview cell by a value from a drop'dn list(based on values from another table).
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Feb 9, 2011
I have an ASP.NET/C# web project that uses an Entity Data Model and Entity Framework to interact with my database. I also have a DetailsView control that will serve as the control used to insert a new record. The user will need to be able to select from multiple,
cascading dropdownlist controls to determine what parent record this new record will belong to. Here is an example.Say we have an online ordering system with the following hierarchy.
Customers -> Orders -> OrderParts -> Parts
We're going to add a new part to an order, under a customer. Ultimately the orderparts table won't have a reference to a customer, just an order. The order will have the reference to the customer. In the DetailsView for the new orderparts record we will need two cascading dropdownlist controls. One for customer and one for order, since we won't want to view some crazy amount of orders all in one dropdownlist.
However, the customer dropdownlist should not be bound to the detailsview control since there is no field for it. I also don't want to use the AJAX control since I don't want to create a separate web service to provide all of this information to the dropdownlist controls.
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