Forms Data Controls :: Creating Stacked Bar Chart From VS2010 Chart Control (Documentation)
Nov 17, 2010
i'm trying to create a stacked bar chart on a vb web form using vs2010.My data source returns:
Error in Functionality Awaiting on Supplier
1IMT IssuesmActive6
IMT Issues,Awaiting on Supplier
2,IMT Issues,Awaiting on User 4
IMT Issues Closed 120
Login / Password Active
But I can't get this into a stacked chart. I know I must have to do quite a bit of work declaring what the series are and soforth, or having a different dataset but can't find any documentation on it.A link to some documentation or an example of a stacked chart from an sql datasource would be much appreciated.
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Similar Messages:
May 13, 2010
If my dataset contains any null values, then the 3D stacked bar (or column) chart crashes with the "Index is out of range" error.It works fine for 2D for the same data set.
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Jan 18, 2011
I need to create the following stacked bar chart using the MS Chart control:
My table structure is as follows:
PEStaffAssessmentID int
PESubmissionID int
Q1_ConfidentDelivering int
Q2_ProfessionalAttitudes int
Q3_LeadershipEffective int
Q4_SupportedByPeers int
Q5_AssistedInexperienced int
Q6_ConfidentKnowing int
Q7_AbleToTalk int
Q8_CommunicationEffective int
Q9_ConfidentSupporting int
Q10_TeamShares int
Q11_CareDeliveredSafely int
Q12_MinimumMaintained int
Q13_MeetOwnExpectations int
Q14_SpendEnoughTime int
Q15_ProvidePhysicalCare int
Q16_ProvideEmotionalCare int
Q17_SpiritualCare int
Q18_ProvideCare int
Q19_ManageWorkload int
Q20_HighestStandardCare int
Q21_MoraleLevel int
Q22_RateCareReceived int
So each column in my datasource need to represented by a row in the graph. and the contents of the stacked bars should be the values in the fields. how to set up the series in the chart object to reflect this?
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Jun 28, 2010
I am trying to add a tooltip to each AxisX label on a Stacked Bar Chart. It displays the same value all the way across. Below is the code
With.ToolTip =
Chart1.ChartAreas("ChartArea1").AxisX"Month = #VALX"
.Interval = 1End With
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Jul 9, 2010
I have an issue in using dot net chart control. In chart last column is not completely shown which give bad appearance and on right side of chart it looks like TickMark are enabled. I set MajorTickMark of AxisY2 disabled but still tick marks on right side.
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Feb 24, 2010
how to freeze the x axis of the chart control in ms chart? need to use because data displayed at large amount that is scrollable.
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Apr 28, 2010
Am I going mad/blind? Probably a combination of the two.
How does one go about removing the data labels from a pie chart with the new chart control in .net 4?
I can get these to display as tooltips absolutely fine, but ultiamtely I'd like the labels not to be present as it looks rather busy.
I've searched previous answers and seen code behind resolutions but surely there must be some sort of code infront option to turn these labels off?
View 2 Replies
Aug 12, 2010
I am using MS Chart control (3.5), and have a requirement where I need to display 2 pie charts. The datapoints for the pie charts is set programatically. My doubts are as follows:
1. Can I display both the pie charts in a single chart control and area, or do I have to use two controls? (Currently I am using two controls)
2. How can I maintain the same size for both the pie charts? This is my main concern, since the pie sizes keep changing, depending on the number of datapoints. I tried using custom properties like "MinimumRelativePieSize", but it's not working.
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May 21, 2010
I started using the awesome chart controls with my apps recently and so far they've been nothing short of breath taking. Right now I have a weird problem, on the first load of my page, the chart control appears correctly and the tooltip is correct, however, when I update it with new data, the chart displays correctly, but the tooltips are for the previous set of data.
I hope this makes sense. The first time I load the chart, the pie chart segments and tooltips are correct, after a partial postback (to get the new data), the pie chart segments are correct but the tooltips are for the previous data set.
Basically once the tooltips are set the first time, they can't be updated after that without a full page postback.
Here's how I set the tooltip:
Anyone else noticed this behaviour and have a work around?
Currently my only workaround is to check for a partial postback and not render the tooltip, which I'd rather not do as the tooltip display actual statistical data as opposed to the pie itself (which uses percentages).
View 2 Replies
Aug 6, 2010
I have not found any way how to stack 3D pie charts. Stacking seems to me available only with Stacked Bar, 100% Stacked Bar, Stacked Column, and 100% Stacked Column.This is example from ASP.NET Chart Control examples gallery, but this one is without any code behind ...
The only way how to at least get closer to this I've found is to create two series of data, each in its own chart area, but it's creating duplicated legend entries and with collectind small pie slices it changes color data entries. (Like that Ownership, Renting and Leasing labels are duplicated and with differenc colors)
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Nov 16, 2010
I have to draw 100% Stacked Bar Chart using ms Chart Control.I want the stacked bar chart to be shown like following images i have uploaded .
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May 21, 2010
I am stuck in chart controls...Here is my prob... There is a ListBox containing some items...when user selects multiple items from the list box I want to generate a dynamic table with the number of columns same as that of the number items selected in the listbox. And for each selected item I want to show a seperate chart in the columns...Currently I want the same chart control for every selected item (i.e. a static hard coded chart that i will replace later by dynamic values)....I am using a method that draws a chart control using a sample dataset... I am calling it each time when a new column is created..Also the DrawChart method executes for the first column only and throws an index out of range exception! after the first code is not
my code...
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Aug 13, 2010
im using Vs2010 to plot real time line chart. i have been looking for the section that allow me to set X and Y axis..
i jus couldn't find the place for me to set.
my Y axis is a double, min =0, max = 100 and my X axis, min =0, max = 300(seconds).
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Apr 27, 2016
I want to display line permanently in Y axis in stacked chart , limitation is 3000 and now i am displaring yearly value ,i want make two column for one year value display 1.Total sales of the all the mobile.
Code :
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[] {
new DataColumn("Apple"),
new DataColumn("Nokia"),
new DataColumn("Samsung"),
new DataColumn("Sony"),
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Jun 23, 2010
I want to create a stacked bar chart using jquery.I have already done the chart using static values ,but I have now to do it with dynamic values.Please can anyone help me,its very urgent.I am using the flot plugin,if any other plugin is good or feasible
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Jan 28, 2011
I have a drop downlist,and next to it there is an MS bar chart.i want to change the datate of the MS chart ,once the user selects another year from the dropdownlist.
When the page loads ,the chart displays the default year(2011) and it works.The problem is that is does not change the data when you select another year from the dropdownlist.
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Feb 21, 2011
am using VS 2010.I am new to this (AJAX RAD Controls/AJAX RAD Charts).I am having an xml file having 3 tables.Now my requirement is to plot a Stacked bar Chart dynamically retrieving values from different tables.
I have retrive values from different table into One Datatable named "ValuesToDisplay"
05:30 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30
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Jul 19, 2010
I have X and Y data columns coming from database.
I have to show scatter plot chart with Linear, Exponential, Log, power using chart control.
How to do that?
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Nov 1, 2010
How do I reduce the width of the left margin area shown below, marked in red?
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May 5, 2010
I am building a .net page and need to display some data residing in a database. Some of it's working, some not. I would like to use a table to display the data with the format below..
row - question data
row - answer (count)
row - next answer (count)
row - BarChart representing the answer counts for question
row - next question data
row - answer (count)
row - next answer (count)
row - BarChart representing the answer counts for question
The question data and answer count rows are generated with no issue. However, the rows containing the barchart are problematic. Not sure how to create a new instance of a chart on the fly and hook in all the methods, etc. and get the control added to and displayed in the tablecell. Been looking for examples to create the chart on the fly with no real results.
View 7 Replies
Jun 7, 2010
im trying to create simple pie chart using the MS Chart controls. When my pie chart gets rendered in the browser i get padding around the pie chart that i cant get rid of. i would like the pie chart to sit up against the edge of the image with no padding or margin. in my code below the padding is highlighted in blue. i.e Chart1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
<script type="text/C#" runat="server">
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Set the chart type
Chart1.Series["Series1"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Pie;
//add points
//set back color of chart object
Chart1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
//set back color of chart area
Chart1.ChartAreas["ChartArea1"].BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
<asp:Chart ID="Chart1" runat="server">
<asp:Series Name="Series1" ChartType="Pie">
<asp:ChartArea Name="ChartArea1">
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Aug 13, 2010
I am trying to create a chart with three x-axis labels where the chart series x-value member is a date. That is, each data point is a day returned from a SQL Server table. The first label row is to be the day component, the second label row the month name component and the third label row the year. The returned dataset can be from any time period and of varying length. It needs to look like below so each day can be seen but the bigger picture is also shown.
x-axis label(0): 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6
x-axis label(1): March April
x-axis label(2): 2010
I can set the first row using the design time properties as such
I am not sure how to create the next to custom labels at runtime. I have gone through the options using Add(Double, DateTimeIntervalType, Double, Double, String, Int32, LabelMarkStyle) and Add(Double, DateTimeIntervalType, String, Int32, LabelMarkStyle) but I just cannot get them to appear in the chart label.
I tried the other method
however could not find how to set the DateTimeIntervalType on the CustomLabel object.
There was nothing in the ChartSamples and I am not even sure if it can be done.
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Jan 17, 2011
I have what is turning out to be a rather complicated issue - at least for me.
I have a table with TeamID, TeamName, TotalTeamSize, ArrivalDate adn DepartureDate.
I need to create a source for a bar chart that will show the number of people deployed each month. It can be assumed that the entire team is dployed for each of the days between the ArrivalDate and the DepartureDate. Sometimes the ArrivalDate/DepartureDate spans two months (very rarely more) and sometimes it does not.
Here is what I have so far. In this setup phase, I thought I'd get the code working for one team (using a DropDownList) and then cycle through the entire table in order to get the full dataset for the bar chart.
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Apr 21, 2010
Does anyone know how to explode a certain section of the piechart, which is part of microsoft chart controls?
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Jun 7, 2010
i created a chart in Excel, but now I am having the time of my life to create the same chart in a control.
If you can see on the bottom I have converted the labels to percentages.
In excel I am using a series of data cells to create the bottom labels (0-8 with a .5 increment).
The Y-axis is done with a fixed maximum value of 2 and the labels are percentages as well. How do I get those same axes on the chart control?
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