Forms Data Controls :: Get Control Name In The CreateUserWizard Form?
Dec 21, 2010
I have a CreateUserWizard control on a form TextBox and I want to addmobile content CreateUserWizard information stored in the text box can saveanother table The problem is that the TextBox can not get a name when I added in the formCreateUserWizard
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Similar Messages:
Jan 19, 2010
I am developing a project in ASP.Net and C#. As per its requirement I have used CreateUserWizard control in FormView's InsertItem template to register a School just like a user registration to get rid of writing the code manually to register a schnool.
well, in CreateUserWizard control there is not any textbox control named username in its content Template because I have no need of this.
when I run this page I get following error.....
how to fix this?
I dont want, indeed I dont need, the username text field that's why I have removed this.
I have customized this control as per my requirements hence few default fields have been removed like username textbox field, therefore it may result more errors when I fix first one.
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May 4, 2010
i have following issue: I am creating a new user register form manually without CreateUserWizard control, and all works perfectly unitil I intentionaly (for test purposes) enter existing username (for example BLABLABLA) into username.textbox. After that i get my error message as expected that says "username BLABLABLA allready exist", now when I tray (as a future user who could be in the same situation) to correct the username and enter another one (for example TRATRATRA), it still gives me this error "username BLABLABLA allready exist!" This is the second day that I'm traying to solve this!
Here is a part of my code:
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Mar 17, 2010
I want to create a user registration form, I used the CreateUserWizard control, and i intend to add more filed with the wizard interface, the fields were firstname,lastname, telephone all these with the textBox control and sex-male or female with a radioButton control, and upload photo with the FileUpload control.
After a successfull submit to the sql database, i should be able to retrieve all this informtion inluding the photo uploaded in another aspx page using any of the data control in y toolbox and resizein the photo to be 100/100 pixel size. pls could you write out the code (step by step details) to follow to implement all this in my 3.5 c# website. I have already created a table in my database, using userId as my ForeignKey.
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Aug 4, 2010
I am using a from view for data entry. I need to verify that a check box is true or false after editing a record.
I have been accessing label text using the following|
CType(FormView1.FindControl("RespDeptLabel"), Label).Text
How can I access the state of a checkbox in the form view to determine if it is true or false
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Oct 13, 2012
I am creating an application for that I am creating login page so I am using CreateUserWizard control.
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Jan 28, 2010
I have seen several post on this but I cant seem to make any head way. I have a createUserWizard that creates a user and on my CompleteWizardStep I have a drop down that needs data bound to it. The error I am getting is 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' Null referenctException my code is:
Dim iSavesCounties As New dsISavesTableAdapters.tbl_countiesTableAdapter
Dim ddNewCounties As DropDownList
ddNewCounties = CType(CreateUserWizardStep1.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("ddCounties"), DropDownList)
ddNewCounties.DataSource = iSavesCounties.GetData()
ddNewCounties.DataTextField = "countyName"
ddNewCounties.DataValueField = "countyId"
Dim iSavesCounties As New dsISavesTableAdapters.tbl_countiesTableAdapter
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Jan 4, 2010
I want to find all the controls in the Formview. I have written the below code
If frm.HasControls Then
For Each childCtrl In frm.Controls
'DisableEnableControls(childCtrl, EnabledFlag)
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Apr 9, 2010
I'm using the following code to pick up the UserID of newly created users in a page containing a CreateUserWizard. Should work because it's at the end of the _CreatedUser event, but the UserName comes up Nothing. Anyone know what the problem might be? I know the user is being created because the "success" message is displayed and it writes to the database.
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Mar 4, 2011
I have a Web User Control that is sitting in a Tabcontainer on a web page. The user control is on tab 1 and has a listview control in it. In the listview control I have a textbox called txtWorkOrderID. In tab 2 I have a gridview with a button in one of the columns. When the button is clicked I want to grab the ID from the row I'm on and fill the txtWorkOrderID with it on tab 1. I've got things to work as far as grabing the ID and switching back to tab 1, but I keep getting a null reference when I try to put the value into the txtWorkOrderID which tells me its not finding the control. I am using .netVB in VS10. how to reference the textbox in the control on tab 1. here is what I have so far. [Code]....
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Sep 17, 2010
I have a drop down list (created during form design) with auto postback enabled. And I use AJAX to prevent 'visible postback'.
When a user choose an item from the drop down list, the system will then perform a postback and created a set of form control's such as label, drop down list and text box for entry.
Then, I will have a button (created during form design), and when I click on the button, i want to find for the form control that are created after the post back, but I cant find them!
I wonder if those form controls are render to the web form?? But I have no problem finding the drop down list that is created during design time.
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Mar 10, 2011
I am experiencing a problem on my aspx page.
I have a web form on which the user fills in a basic data: date (with drop down lists), an asset class (with a radioButtonList that is bound with en Enum) and other simple controls... The, when the form is submitted, I make a query on the database to retrieve my data and bind these data into a gridView.
Here are some bit of codes
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (int assetclassVal in Enum.GetValues(typeof(AssetClass)))
The 1st time I submit the form everything is working well, the second time even if I change nothing in in the web form, the GridView1_RowCreated fires an exception when the property AssetClass is called. The error message is
Must specify valid information for parsing in the string.
This is because rblAssetClass.SelectedValue is empty, but I don't understand why.
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Sep 22, 2010
I have a CreateUserWizard where there are two plain WizardSteps, then the CreateUserWizardStep, then CompleteWizardStep. In the CreateUserWizardStep I would like to use a reCAPTCHA control. Obviously when I go to the first plain WizardStep the reCAPTCHA control is invalid. So when I click the Next button from the first WizardStep the form isn't valid and I can't progress. I'm not sure how to handle this situation.
Custom navigation template somewhere maybe?
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Jan 18, 2010
Once again something for a new bee... I have 3 questions -
1. I wanted to add a drop down list instead of a text box to my grid control (which should come up on clicking editing)
2. Similar control for form view
3. On click "select" in a grid view, I want to open a new web page which will show a form view attached with the same "select" index.
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Jan 20, 2010
how to call AJax rating control in Form view ?
I have 1 rating control in fromview in code behid page i wan to call Ajax rating contrl in formview for determine event and property .
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Feb 11, 2011
I am new to working with the Form View control so I am not quite sure how to do this.
I want my users to be able to enter search criteria into text boxes at the bottom of my FV just beneath a table and then click a button to initiate a DB search and rebind of the form.
Where do I create/ access the button's event handler to make this happen ?
I would like to have buttons in the Item template and possibly the edit template sections of the FV.
So I have created my buttons and now I want to access their button click events.
Here is my meager start this is located in the Formview databound event:
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Nov 17, 2010
I need to create a server control with the CreateUserWizard, so this CreateUserWizard use the current projects database and the current web.config to get the "MailDefinition" section so it can send emails with the current web project's settings...I cannot add ASCX page to a server control....
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Mar 22, 2011
Is there a property i can call to set the maximum length for the username or password field in a CreateUserWizard Control to limit the numebr of characters entered in the field? If so, how can this be done?
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Oct 16, 2010
referencing a control inside the createuserWizard template of the createuserStep
I tried like this:
Dim lastn As TextBox = CType(CreateUserWizard1.FindControl("LastNameTxt"), TextBox)
and like that:
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Oct 12, 2013
How to Approve New Users with Confirmation Email Using CreateUserWizard Control in ASP.Net.
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Oct 13, 2010
I have a text box that is intended for an Email address. I am using a Regular eExppression validation control to validate the email address. When I place the following lines of code in a blank web Form, the validator works properly.
<asp:TextBox ID="Email" runat="server" CssClass="DefaultTextBox TextboxWidth" MaxLength="80"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="valEmail" runat="server" ControlToValidate="Email" ErrorMessage="Invalid Email address" SetFocusOnError="True" ToolTip="Invalid Email address" ValidationExpression="w+([-+.']w+)*@w+([-.]w+)*.w+([-.]w+)*">*</asp:RegularExpressionValidator`>
However, when I use the validation control within a CreateUserWizard control, it does not seem to fire but other validation controls (Required and Custom validators) do fire, but not the regular expression validator above for validating the address. The following is my complete web page. The two controls above appear unchanged in the code below, they are simply embedded into the wizard control mentioned.
<%@ Page Title="" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/Master Pages/MasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Login.aspx.vb" Inherits="Login" %>
<%@ MasterType VirtualPath="~/Master Pages/MasterPage.master" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" runat="Server">
<style type="text/css">
width: 200px;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 12pt;
color: rgb(44, 68, 105);
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May 25, 2010
I have a Web User Control I created for authentication. The web user control is inside the box below. Clicking any button (1 or 2) below works correct as it goes to the correct c# button click event in the code behind file. If I press enter on fields a or b it goes to the correct callback (button1's) if I press enter on field c it still goes to button1's callback, not button2's
How can I give my web user control a nice self contained for and view state etc, so it wont mess with the remainder of the page's form?
| User: __a___ |
| Pass: __b___ |
| [button1]|
Prompt:______c______ [button2]
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Feb 2, 2011
I am trying to customize the CreateUserWizard control....I added a couple of text boxes with First name, last name in the create userwizard....But the problem is i cannot access the textbox from the code behind....The text boxes which i included in the code are marked in Bold Here is the code for the CreateUserwizard Control
<asp:CreateUserWizard ID="CreateUserWizard1" runat="server" OnCancelButtonClick="CreateUserWizard1_CancelButtonClick"
OnCreatingUser="CreateUserWizard1_CreatingUser" OnActiveStepChanged="CreateUserWizard1_ActiveStepChanged"
CancelDestinationPageUrl="~/Default.aspx" DisplayCancelButton="True" ContinueDestinationPageUrl="~/Default.aspx"
Width="320px" LoginCreatedUser="False" Height="295px" InvalidEmailErrorMessage="Please enter a valid email address.">
<StepNextButtonStyle CssClass="Button" />
<ContinueButtonStyle CssClass="Button" />
<CreateUserButtonStyle CssClass="Button" />
<StartNextButtonStyle CssClass="Button" />
<StepStyle CssClass="WpcClinicalText_Enabled" />
<CancelButtonStyle CssClass="Button" />
<StepPreviousButtonStyle CssClass="Button" />
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Sep 20, 2010
i have used createuserwizard control in my project (v.s 2010 ) using c# and i want to do some modifications like i have to set user roles automatically while registering,
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Jan 1, 2011
How to change just the layout (template) of the CreateUserWizard control programmatically? I would to define another layout (not using the horrid table) but continue to use all the event handling and the creation of the user of the CreateUserWizard control. Just for reference, the following code doesn't work, and produces an unexpected result not representing my Template at all. The "InstantiateIn" method of the ITemplate is not called.
public partial class b : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
CreateUserWizard createUserWizard = new CreateUserWizard();
createUserWizard.CreateUserStep.ContentTemplate = new Template();
public class Template : ITemplate
void ITemplate.InstantiateIn(Control container)
container.Controls.Add(new TextBox() { ID = "UserName" });
container.Controls.Add(new TextBox() { ID = "Password" });
container.Controls.Add(new TextBox() { ID = "ConfirmPassword" });
container.Controls.Add(new TextBox() { ID = "Email" });
container.Controls.Add(new PlaceHolder() { ID = "ErrorMessage" });
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