Forms Data Controls :: Getting The Headertext Of A Selected Column When Autopostback?

Sep 23, 2010

I have a grid which is getting bound from a dataset and the autogeneratecolumns prperty is set to true.

Now i have a menu control. And when i select a particular cell, I want to headertext of the cell selected should appear as the text of the menu item.

But because autogeneratecolumns = true, so i gridview.columns.count=0. So not able to get the header text.

The code goes as follows.


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Forms Data Controls :: Hide Detailsview Template Headertext Column?

Jan 26, 2011


when image display, there is a space where the template headertext resides.

how do i remove the header space (vertical line )completely to leave just the imagebutton.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Getting Headertext From Underlying Datasource Column Name?

Feb 25, 2011

I have a GridView whose AutoGenerateColumns="False". However, I don't want to statically specify the HeaderText for the columns in HTML markup. Rather I'd like to set the HeaderText to be the name of the underlying SQLDataSource column name. How can I do this?


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Web Forms :: Gridview Headertext After Textbox Autopostback Ontextchanged

Jun 25, 2010

I have an gridview with 3 columns. As default I entered for each columnns an headertext, but depending on an language parameter in the data the headertext is changed on page_load with a SetLabels function.

Recently I added an templatefield textbox with an autopostback=true and an ontextchanged event :

When a user changes the text in the textbox all events are executed properly BUT my headertext is set back to the default value (from the .ascx) even tho page_load event is executing properly WITH the SETLABELS function.

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Forms Data Controls :: Taking Attributes From Gridview1 And Inserting It Into GridView2 As Column HeaderText?

Apr 8, 2010

I have a problem here.

I have a Gridview, lets call it GVDistinctDate which displays Distinct Date in one column only. For example: I got 5 rows, and 1 column where the column only display distinct dates such as 02/04/2010 | 03/04/2010 | 04/04/2010 | 05/04/2010 | 06/04/2010 where obviously this dates come from a table in the database.

Now i want to take those dates in GVDistinctDate and assign it to another gridview, lets call it GVReport, as column Header Text. For this GVReport, the first column would be StudentID where a list of studentid will be displayed, and then starting from the second column onwards, where the Header Text would be the dates from GVDistinctDate, will display a Status of absent or present according to the studentID and the corresponding date. How do it get the dates from GVDistinctDate into the column Header Text of GVReport?

AND how do it display the Present or Absent status based on the studentID in column 1 GVReport and the dates on the Header Text? Below are the codes of how i got the distinct date into GVDistinctDate


The code below is for GVReport and the comments are where i tried to put in the dates into the column header text.


There is a problem here: GVReport.Columns(k).HeaderText = headerText
Error:Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index

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Forms Data Controls :: Can Increase The Rowspan Of A Bound Field Column's HeaderText In A Gridview

Jul 8, 2010

I have a grid that is built as well as populated dynamically through c# code. The grid has 3 columns(3 bound fields). And data is being populated in those bound fields through c# code programatically.

Elaborating my question: I have 3 bound field columns(col1, col2 & col3) . I have to increase the rowspan of col2 and col3 headertext's to 2 i.e I want the col2 and col3 header texts to span across two row cells. But the col1 header text should span across just 1 row. And the extra rowscell that is created under col1 due to the increase in the rowspans (of col2 and col3 boundfield headertexts) should be populated with some random text, i.e something like XXXXX

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Web Forms :: How To Stop Autopostback For A Selected Values In Autopostback Enabled Dropdown

Mar 29, 2010

I am using an autopostback enabled dropdown list. Here i want to restrict the autopostback property fot the value "Select" in the ddl. I have used javascript for this purpose. but not working.My code look like this.


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Forms Data Controls :: AutoPostback Checkbox For Quickly Updating A Boolean Column In GridView

Jan 24, 2011

In trying to improve 'user experience' with a GridView, I have an administrative application where a GridView is displaying records from a SQL table. One of the columns is a bit column, and is displayed as a checkbox in the GridView. I want the user to be able to simply check or uncheck the box while viewing the GridView, and the value in that column for that record is immediately updated. So I set AutoPostBack="true" on the CheckBox in the GridView's Template Field.

But tests are indicating that the column value is not actually getting changed, even though the page appears to post back and displays the newly checked (or unchecked) checkbox correctly. But if I check the SQL table directly the column's value has not changed.

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Forms Data Controls :: Making Visible Of Gridviwe Column If All Values In Selected In A Column Is Not Null

Dec 30, 2010

I have gridviwe having 2 columns:

1) DocNumber 2)Title

query select docnumber,title from tbl_docs.


Now the issue is that that every document doesn't has document number. I want to make invisible the docuNumber column of the grid viwe if all values in the docNumber retrieved are null.for example:

docnumber tite
null Document 1

null Document 2

null doucment 3

null document 4

if returned result match above where all docnumber are null then make the gridviwe docnumber column ivisible eslemake the greidviwe column visible.

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Data Controls :: Get Column Index Of A Selected Column In GridView

Feb 3, 2014

I have a grid view with 4 columns and 12 rows.  Getting the row index is not problem; ;however, I cannot find a way to get the column index of the cell that i select.

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Forms Data Controls :: Update Selected Column In Gridview?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a gridview with an edit command button. When I press the edit button, it makes all the columns of the selected row editable. But I want it to make only few columns of the selected row to be can I do that?

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Forms Data Controls :: Access Value Of Column In Selected Row In Gridview

Nov 9, 2010

I have seen a lot of things on the net on this but nothing seems to work. I have a GridView with name and other information on files stored in a database but also on a Server. I display the gridview with the files and the user selects the file to delete (row) by hitting the command field for Delete. I have an event on the gridview for code behind. Here I want to access the file name for the row selected, to be able to include it in the File.Delete statement.

Even before this I want to display the selected file name in a label back to the web page. I have tried everything including findcontrol selectedValue, etc. Nothing is working. I either get complier error, or nothing is displayed in label. If I let it go the the File.Delete step I get access error becasue there is no file name. HELP. here is screen shot of the gridview. Ignore the download button for now. That is my next headache to figure out. So based on the screen shot I want the value of log_doc from the gridview. It is in a column called file_name

File ID
File Name
Upload Date
Uploaded By

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Forms Data Controls :: Comparing Selected Value Against GridView Column?

Oct 12, 2010

I have a GridView Column "Gender". After displaying datagrid, I m selecting dropdown which is not in datagrid.

Dropdown list is in the same page. When I select dropdown Gender as male or female, I have to validate that Gender against GridView Column. If that Gender Exist in GridView, I have to display message.

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Forms Data Controls :: Find Index Of Selected Column In Asp Gridview?

Mar 13, 2011

i know how to find the index of selected row in asp gridview , but i need to find the index of selected column in asp gridview ?for ex:i have i gridview contains columns with header ( the header is the primary key i looking for ) , this grid contain linkbutton , i want to get the column header name on click on linkbutton ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Grouping The Data Rows Of The Grid View Under The Column Selected?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a grid view that needs to be shown group wise. The grouping of the data should be dynamic and that is based on the column that is selected.

In general it should list all the rows and based on the coloumn header selected, all the rows should group by that column and should be listed under it. That also needs the template column for the check box and while group by there should be a check all option available for each group.

Even having the collapse and expand option for each groups is required.

I currently use VS 2005 and later will use 2008 and 2010, but will use the aspx code and not xaml.

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Forms Data Controls :: Import Selected Row And Column From Excel File To Gridview?

Nov 10, 2010

How do i import selected row and columm from excel file to gridview? I have 9 rows in the excel file. I would like to display only 3 rows.

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Web Forms :: DropDownList Selected Value Getting Lost When AutoPostBack Is True

May 7, 2015

Am using DropDown list. Whenever Autopostback is true it selecting first value of dropdown list...

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Forms Data Controls :: How Change HeaderText In DetailsView

Mar 22, 2010

I have a webform with a DetailsView control. In the DetailsView, I would like to update the headertext (showing field names) to a "friendly name"

I also have a cross-reference table which has a field name with a matching friendly name.

Is there some code to get my DetailsView control to look up the field name, and then display the friendly name on my form.

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Forms Data Controls :: Setting Headertext Of Gridview Dynamically

Jul 22, 2010

Is tehre anyway to set the HeaderText dynamically on a gridview? I'm trying the below, it kind of works, but the problem is on the initial load nothing shows up, but when I postback then the new text populates:
grdvMyTest.HeaderRow.Cells[5].Text = GetTheCalculatedDate();

I've tried that in both Page_Load and grdMyTest_Load, but same thing happens in both. When the page initial loads the column header text is blank, when I click something causing a postback it pops up. I don't have a IsPostBack check around that line, so it should be running regradless. I'm guessing I'm doing it at the wrong event, either too eariler or too late.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Change HeaderText In GridView From Code Behind

May 4, 2010

I am using Templates in GridView, but now I have to change the "HeaderText" of each column from code behind. I don't have <HeaderTemplate> so therefore I cannot use FndControl() in header row.

Is there a way to change the HeaderText of each colum without using <HeaderTemplate>

Here are the templates of the GridView which I am using


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Forms Data Controls :: DataGrid Columns HeaderText Modification?

Jun 29, 2010

I'm trying dynamically to change the HeaderText of one of my DataGrid's columns but have some problem.

I'm making the change on button click event.

At the first click nothing happened, but at the second click the change is made correctly.

Why only at the second click the change is made?

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Forms Data Controls :: Hide TemplateColumn HeaderText Programatically With C#?

Nov 24, 2010


hide TemplateColumn HeaderText programatically with c#?

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Forms Data Controls :: Access The HeaderText Of A ListView Control

Jan 23, 2011

How to access the HeaderText of a listView control ?

I want to fill the headerText of a listview dynamically.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Programmatically Set The HeaderText Of A GridView BoundField

Jan 8, 2010

I need to set the HeaderText of GridView BoundField in codebehind file based on a flag at runtime.

I tried setting the column name as

e.Row.Cells[0].Text = "XXXX";

It is worked out but not able to sort that column.

here my requirement is to set the HeaderText programmatically in codebehind and able to sort the column.

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Forms Data Controls :: Assign HeaderText Of Gridview Columns From Datatable

Jan 7, 2010

Actually i want that HeaderText of gridview should be as column name of datatable, which i assign to that perticular column of gridview.

I have templatefield in that column and AutoGeneratedColumn is false

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