Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Cell Text Changes Format?

Feb 14, 2011

I've a GridView with check box and when bind data from database, data is binded correctly as shown below.

106 - Joan Fabregat
107 - Jose Antonio Pons
108 - Enrique Moreno
109 - Miguel Navasa
110 - Ramón Charco
111 - Evaristo Varo Perez
114 - Alejandra Otero

But, when i try to retrive data from datagrid for selected row (gvrow.Cells[2].Text;), then text format changes as shown below:

106 - Joan Fabregat
107 - Jose Antonio Pons
108 - Enrique Moreno
109 - Miguel Navasa
110 - Ramón Charco
111 - Evaristo Varo Perez

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sender As
ByVal e
(Not (e.Row.DataItem)
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