I only want to execute this JavaScript function runEx() if publicVarFromCodeBehind != "abc".
I am setting the publicVarFromCodeBehind = "abc" in the Page_Load event but anyway the runEx() function is executing. I wonder how this works and how to prevent runEx() from executing though I need to catch the logic from C# and pass on the variable to the JavaScript.
I have created javascript function as mentioned below to hide/show some control. I am calling this script on dropdown on 'onchange' method. In dropdown first item is "-- Select --". I want to execute it on Page Load function, so by default it will be hidden. I tried to call like this on Page load, but it is not working.
I am using a Timer with a 3 minutes interval. I am exeuting the Page_Load event every 3 minutes. I am doing that this way as I have all this code inside an UpdatePanel1 which causes
a partial unnoticed postback to the server. I have a lot of code in the Page_Load event that I havenīt put here.
But what does not work is the code I have in the Page_Load event now.
I am trying to execute the javascript function with this line: body1.Attributes.Add("Onload", "startbk()");
This function should start an imageButton to change image between 2 images. This function do works if I refresh the page so the function itself do works.
But it seems this function does not execute when the Timer executes the Page_Load event, so this is my problem how I can solve this?
I Getting A Problem In DataGrid's ItemDataBound Event. I Am Calling A JavaScript Function In DataGrid's ItemDataBound Which Retrun The CellIndex And RowIndex Number On Which UserClick After That I Am Re-Binding The DataGrid With jQuery Function After That ItemDataBound Event Not Working. I Want To Call The Same Function Again. Is Their Any Method To Call A Server-Side Function On ItemDataBound Event Except Client-Side Function..
I have downloaded a jquery tool which creates overlay windows so here is the code which I want to trigger by calling a javascript function instead of a button or link.
The HTML note the overlay is executing when i click the button i want this to be triggered on javascript function)
All i want to do is call a function lets say "ShowOverlay()" from my code behind using ClientRegisterScript() and it should do the same as it is doing on button.
how to execute the code behind function using JavaScript keypress ?
The reason is that the keypress that I'm referring to will be used in searching record so I want that every keypress a result will be shown in the gridview immediately.
How do I execute a function in JavaScript when a text box is populated with text? The text box with be hidden from the user. It will be populated by a USB magnetic card swiper.
Pseudo code:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function MyFunction() { //execute this function when MyTxtBox is populated } </script> <asp:TextBox id="MyTxtBox" runat="server" Visible="false" />
How do I execute an JavaScript function right when an ASP.NET text box control is populated and focus is still set? The onChange event will not work because I need to programmatically move focus to the next form element after the JavaScript function has executed.
Is is very similar to this question. The marked answer is correct for the context on the question, but after some more testing it did not exactly solve my current issue.
How can I trigger a jQuery function with the Gridview Select button? I want that the select button trigger the jquery function that has the row details (it's already working with a asp:buttonfield ), and select the row so i can get the values and send it trough e-mail with another button. I don't know if this is possible. or, Can I trigger the jQuery function from code behind with the select button Sub? How?
This function capture the gridview cell values that are hidden and show them in a div outside the gridview (it works as row details). I have no problem with this.
All i need is a button that select the row index and/or values and trigger the jquery function . Or I can execute the jQuery function from server side. I don't know if it's posible.
what I am trying to do;I want it so that when the user clicks on the datagrid column headers to sort the records, or when they go to page the datagrid, that a confirmation pop-up appears first, confirming that their changes are going to be lost (unless they click "Cancel").I have the confirmation pop-up scripted in Javascript and is added to the controls on the page using
How do I attach this to a datagrid header and to the pager?Do the columns need to be Template columns and the header text being hyperlink? If so, how do I set it up so it will, if the user clicks "OK" in the confirmation pop-up, still sort?
I had a datagrid with lot of columns.The datagrid coloumns width changes accoprding to data.
So I want to get the width of the column in Javascript,because I maintain a dummy header(**here I need to set the each Header column width according to the data columns width).
i've a question. How can i add an js function like 'confirm();' to an imagebutton that its inside a GridView column?ImageButton imgEliminarVariable = (ImageButton)e.Row.FindControl("imgEliminarVariable");
i am having two textboxes and a label in a gridview control, i am adding a javascript function to the second textbox onblur event attribute and display the result in the label, the function works fine and result is displayed in the label, but when i am saving the grid data into the database, the label is returned 0 or empty, but i am able to see the value , how to overcome this.
Can I call a javascript function from a hyperlink field in gridview?I dont want to navigate to a different page,instead i need to call the javascript on clicking the hyperlink.
I am collecting user roles into a single dimension string array.
I have a repeater that its source set to that array. The repeater template includes list of checkboxes for the values in the array.The checkbox text is set to: Text='<%# Container.DataItem %>'
All is good till this point.
But I am trying to call a javascript function triggered by clickign a checkbox and pass it the container.dataitem, but the javascript doesn't seem to be reading the value and either complain about string not being in correct format or that treats the container.dataitem as a liter. This is the trial that didn't work (I tried many different things too):
DetermineVal(<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem) %>); determineval is my javascript function
I need to call a javascript funtion, on the click event of buttons(asp button or html button) in my gridviw.Also I need to pass the ID from the gridview(datakey value) as a parameter to the javascript function.
ie ,All the rows in my gridview has a button field,on clicking each of the buttons ,a javascript function is to be fired ,and the ID of that particular row from gridview(datakey value) should be passed to the javascript as a parameter.
I have a GridView with an image button in a TemplateField in the last column.
I would like to pass the GridView row values (Bound Field Values - a record) to a JavaScript function to create another html table of selected records in ClientSide (like jCart-A shopping cart).
I would like to know how to pass all GridView column values to the javascript when the image at the end of the respective row is clicked.
created treeview dyamically. I wanted to invoke a javascript confrim when a node is clicked . it should give him a popup saying are you sure you want to delete. if yes then call the file which is set in the navigate urlif user selects no, they nothing should happen.
TreeNode ActTNNode = new TreeNode("<span onclick=""javascript:confirm('Are you sure you want to delete);"">Delete</span> ");