Forms Data Controls :: How To Fill The Textbox's And Checkbox Outside The Gridview While Click On Edit Button In Grid View
Dec 16, 2010
I have string taskID[texbox],string projectID[texbox],,string description[texbox],,int totalHrs[texbox],,int billableYN[CheckBox],int activeYN[CheckBox]
outside the grid view .
I have gridview with edit button with bound columns taskID,projectID,description,totalHrs,billableYN,activeYN.
I want when i click on edit button this taskID,projectID,description,totalHrs,billableYN,activeYN should populate outside the grid view on string taskID[texbox],string projectID[texbox],,string description[texbox],,int totalHrs[texbox],,int billableYN[CheckBox],int activeYN[CheckBox]
I am doing a online web application whereby user is able to enter in new template as well as search for template. The Add template is located outside the grid view and if user clicks on the button, it will load the grid view that is populated with data as there is a row of empty fields at the bottom. However when I click on the Add Template button, the grid view does not appear.
This is my business logic that I used it to search for records as well to click on the Add Template button to add in new records:
see a lot about gridview in pop up but in my case i have a grid view in main page with a textbox in its templete and a button when ever button for every row clicked the pop up window open user enter a value and press a button in pop up i want the text user enter in textbox in pop up to place in text box in the row that user click the button
I have a page where I have a tab container and four tabs. the problem is on the first tab "manage quote request" I have a Gridview with the quote request general informatin listed and have a template field created with a link button to databind to the formview quote details. the porblem comes in when after I click on the select linkbutton. the Formview loads right. Then Whe I try to click on the edit linkbuttin in the form view I have to click it twice to change the mode to edit.
i have two checkboxes in two templete fileds in a gridview .but i want to uncheck only single checkbox when i click on button which is ouside of the grid,
i have a grid view with some coulmns like Name,Phone no etc with Edit,Delete column in grid view. I click a row in grid view to Edit,it goes another page where i can edit all fields .Once i update i redirect the page to gridview. I want the grid view to remain in that particular page say 4 of the grid view
There are some products listed in a grid view . whenever user clicks on a contact button i want to redirect him to a contact pg. along with a email which i will get from sql data source which im useing for grid view. These email buttom differ from product to product.
I have a grid view that does add, edit update and delete. ( I draged the grid to the aspx page ) it is working. I would like to have the following : once I lick on edit, I open a form inside the grid view to edit the fields. How can I do that.
I have a GridView that checks to see who is online and then displays their profile information in it. I want to hide this from view and instead show textboxes containing the data from the Gridview and display it in the text boxes.
Then if a user changes the data and clicks submit the data will be updated. Now I am using a GridView over a form view as if I use the form view I get an error when it trys to check the GUID.
I am posting this in the webforms section as I don't think I was clear on my last post. I am trying toinsert a gridview checkbox value to a database when I click the submit button. I have looked at dozens of examples but can't seem to put it together and I know this must be pretty simple.
i m using GridView with hovermenuand i want that when we click on edit button then we get TextBox to write in Gridviewand also i get error when click on edit for e.commandArgument is null
I have a page with about 8 dropdowns at the top, and a gridview at the bottom. The user will select values from the dropdowns and then I want to populate the grid. I would like not to do a postback when filling the grid, so I'd like to have an html input button which calls a web method. My web method accepts an array of parameters (i.e., the dropdown values), passes these to a stored proc and returns a List (Of myClass). I then want to bind the List to the gridview. First question: Is this possible?
Second question: I need to pass the dropdown values to the web method. So I need a javascript function which looks at each dropdown, gets the value, and puts it in an array, then passes this array to my Web method. The web method needs to know which value goes with which parameter, to feed the stored am I locking myself into a situation where the ORDER of the parameters matters, and is there a better way?
I have some template columns that have multiple textboxes in them.
There is one textbox for the Date portion of a datetime field and another textbox for the Time portion of the datetime field.
How do I populate those textboxes after the user clicks on the "Edit" button?
My assumption was I could get the data from the label that was displaying the datetime field data, break it down into Date and Time, and then access the textboxes.text property to fill those.
I can get the data from the label control, but when trying to fill the two textboxes with the data, I get Object Reference Not Set... errors.
Im assuming maybe those textboxes are not setup yet during the RowEditing Event?
I make one texbox and one button. What i want to realize is that people fill the message into textbox and then click button. The content of that message will automatically send to my email address.
It happened to add an extra Gridveiw Header in row_databound event , It did worked fine on !Postback but disappered on Page.Postback . Quick google search guided me to move the event to Row_Created event and every thing is okay .
Can any expert post some pointers , differnces between grid row_created vs row_databount with some sample table data created dynamically behaviour of both the events in !Postback and page.Postback .
I'm using a grid view to display a number of records from a database.
Each row has an Edit Button. When the button is clicked I want an ID to be passed back to a funtion in my .cs file. How do I bind the rowID to the Button field?
I've tired using a hyper link instead but this doens't seem to work because I'm posting back to the same page which already has a Permanter on the URL.
I have 5 gridviews, all of of them have a Checkbox template field. I already did SUM of a specific column in the gridviews and displayed the Total in the gridview footers.
There is a submit button on the page as well.(this is not in a template column in the gridview)
what i do is select some rows in the gridviews by ticking the checkbox. Then I click on the submit button and the values change in the database and page refreshes with the new Total in the gridview footers. Any row that was ticked. the checkbox for that row in the gridview gets disabled. so cannot change the value again.
Now i want a way to show a popup with a SUM of those rows that are ticked recently and the SUM of already ticked and disabled rows before the values change for the ticked rows in the gridview when the submit button is clicked.
I get a message saying 'Error Creating Control -SqlDataSource3'. . . .does not match anyroperties within a 'System.web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSource'. This was working just fine until a couple daysago and I don't know what changed to cause this to no work any longer. Can anyone tell me what is causing thiserror?
SelectCommand="SELECT ID, Pub, Street, Neighborhood, City, State, RelativeAddress, Crawl FROM ListofPubs WHERE (Neighborhood = @Neighborhood1) OR (Neighborhood = @Neighborhood2) OR (Neighborhood = @Neighborhood3) _ [code]...
I have a small problem I am returning some data from a query and have allowed paging, however when I click on the next button to view the following page the gridview disappears.
My datasource is specified in the code behind:
<asp:Panel ID="dtpanel" runat="server" Visible="False"> <asp:GridView ID="grddetails" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" AllowPaging="True" OnPageIndexChanging="grddetails_SelectedIndexChanged" ViewStateMode="Enabled" onselectedindexchanged="grddetails_SelectedIndexChanged" AllowSorting="True" > <Columns> <asp:BoundField DataField="Col1" HeaderText="Col1" SortExpression="Col1" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="Col2" HeaderText="Col2" SortExpression="Col2" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="Col3" HeaderText="Col3" SortExpression="Col3" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="Col4" HeaderText="Col4" SortExpression="Col4" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="Col5" HeaderText="Col5" SortExpression="Col5" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="Col6" HeaderText="Col6" SortExpression="Col6" /> </Columns> </asp:GridView> </asp:Panel> using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { } protected void GridView2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { int y = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); Control control = GridView2.Rows[y].Cells[0].Controls[0]; LinkButton btn = control as LinkButton; string qval = btn.Text; string query = "SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Col LIKE '%" + qval + "%'"; string connectionString = @"Data Source=servername;Initial Catalog=dbname;Integrated Security=True"; SqlConnection accessConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString); SqlCommand accessCommand = new SqlCommand(query, accessConnection); SqlDataAdapter grddetailsDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(accessCommand); DataTable grddetailsDataTable = new DataTable("Table"); grddetailsDataAdapter.Fill(grddetailsDataTable); int dataTableRowCount = grddetailsDataTable.Rows.Count; if (dataTableRowCount > 0) { grddetails.DataSource = grddetailsDataTable; grddetails.DataBind(); } dtpanel.Visible = true; } protected void GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { int w = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); Control control = GridView1.Rows[w].Cells[0].Controls[0]; LinkButton btn = control as LinkButton; string qval2 = btn.Text; Label1.Text = btn.Text; string query = "SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Col LIKE '%" + qval2 + "%'"; string connectionString = @"Data Source=servername;Initial Catalog=dbname;Integrated Security=True"; SqlConnection accessConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString); SqlCommand accessCommand = new SqlCommand(query, accessConnection); SqlDataAdapter grddetailsDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(accessCommand); DataTable grddetailsDataTable = new DataTable("Table"); grddetailsDataAdapter.Fill(grddetailsDataTable); grddetails.DataSource = grddetailsDataTable; grddetails.DataBind(); dtpanel.Visible = true; } protected void grddetails_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e) { DataTable dataTable = grddetails.DataSource as DataTable; grddetails.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex; grddetails.DataBind(); dtpanel.Visible = true; } }