Forms Data Controls :: Line Break In Text Box?
Dec 5, 2010
I'm trying to add a line break in a textbox. When write it in the textbox it looks fine. As you can see on this picture
But when I add it to the database and writes it to the main site from the database, it deletes the line breaks. Like on this picture
HHow do i fix that?
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Jan 3, 2011
I am developing SMS portal in c# where people register & send sms.I M Using multiline asp:textbox for input message. i want to break line where user hit enter/new line in textbox. if there any textboxeditor which support only <br/>.
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Mar 29, 2010
how do I convert the linebreak of the text area to an actual linebreak?
When I try to convey it in a label it doesn't refer to the linebreak. I've tried to convert the to an "<br/>" but for some reason it didn't
accept it and showed "<br/>" instead of breaking the line.
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Aug 7, 2010
I have a header section in my css file and am trying to have a h1 title in in with a text box just to the right of the title (a bit like on sites like amazon and play, except using a piece of text for the title, rather than an image logo).
By default, if I use an h1 tag, it will insert a line break and cause the text box to appear below the title. I've tried using a span tag with class h1, but that doesn't work (I don't know if this is because h1 isn't considered a class in the same way that the classes prefixed with a dot in the css file are).
What is the best way to have the title text have the same style as the relevant h1 tag, but not have the associated line break?
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Feb 16, 2011
I'm working on exporting a dataset to excel. The address field that comes out of the database appears something like this.
0980 Somestreet<br>XYZ<br>MA<br>00000
When I'm about to export this to Excel, I'm replacing the <br> with "
", the resulting cell in Excel appear in one line with spaces where I replaced <br> with "
". I also tried "< br>" as many suggested while I was looking for a fix but just didnt help.
I'm looking for a result some thing like this within a cell with multiple lines.
0980 Somestreet
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Nov 16, 2010
I have the following regex 0-9-a-z-A-Z-@-.-:-/-_- - -s- ,
which is fine but i also want to allow new lines/break from data from text area so I can retrieve the next line.
So lets data is like this
Geography - Higher - A1
Irish - Higher - A2
Maths Ordinary - B1
English - Higher - B1
Business - Higher - B1
French - Higher - B1
My current script is stopping at "Geography - Higher - A1" I need to get to next line.
PS : What I am doing is using a program called Text Template Parser which requires the regex
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Oct 15, 2010
I have a DataTable of datetime objects - starttime and endtimes for 1 to infinite (almost) weeks. I've created a webcontrol of my own because I can't get either a DataGrid, GridView or a Repeater to break line after each week in my DataTable.
But it most be possibly to make it happend.
My data is sorted by asc using my Startdate.
Is there an eventhandler on either of the mentioned controls where I can do my check for every 7th day and then make my control break into a new line for the next week and so on?
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Jan 29, 2011
I am using a textbox to populate mySQL database. My problem is when I recall the text it displays without line brakes or line spacing, inserted in the input textbox. I have tried all the field types i.e. Text, Small, Medium Text and Chars. I have tried gridview, repeater and datalist all displaying continuous text without line brakes.
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Jul 15, 2010
I'm working with an MVC1.0 web app and I've found a bit of an odd anomaly.
I have a search box on the first page (normal text box) and the input from this is passed through to the ViewData and on to the second page.
On the second page, I render a TextArea with this search input text from the ViewData.
The problem is, there is an extra line break in the TextArea, just above the original text.
Stranger still is that if I now submit this page and the view is reloaded (after validation fails) - the original string of text has been trimmed and has no line breaks, but the TextArea now has 2 line breaks above the original text.
This can be repeated - every time the page reloads it has another line break.
It's driving me insane - does anyone have an idea on how to fix this?
FYI, you can check it out yourself - on your mobile phone, browse to [URL], punch something in the search box and hit search. You'll notice one line break added the first time the page loads. Then just hit "Find Best Offer" without entering a budget or selecting a category, and you'll see what I mean about the additional line breaks.
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Mar 15, 2011
One of my apps is to document aircraft inspection at mil sites. The discrepancy report for any one tail number can be many pages long. The description of the discrepancy in a gridview cell can be several lines. Therefore when the gridview hits the bottom of the physical page, the print spooler frequently splits the gridview row leaving part on one page and the rest at the top of the following page. I have done my due-diligence in research before posting but maybe I'm using the wrong words. I found something on CodeProject but it is too complicated for me. Does anyone have a simple solution? I use C# and am not very sharp with Java script.
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Jan 27, 2011
I've currently got a feedback form where the details are sent to my emila address. I've got the following text boxes:Name.text, Users.text & body.text. What I'm looking to do is get this all to appear in the body of the email. I can do this to appear all in one line, but I'd ideally like each text box to appear on a different line. And am therefore wondering if there is a way to create a line break in my code.This is what currently works. mm.Body = "Sent By: " + (Name.Text) + "Email: " + (UsersEmail.Text) + " Message: " + (Body.Text)
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Jul 15, 2010
I have some data with delimited by "~" character. Now I want to display this data in multline textbox and replace "~" with line break, Let me know How can I do this?
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Aug 8, 2010
Is there something fairly simple, even with javascript, to replace a line break in a text area with a <br /> when it gets submitted to a database? Right now I have a button that just will add in the tag to do it, but I'd much rather have it be automated to make the user less hassled to put that in themsevles. That, and it would make things just that much faster.
Even if there was something to put each section in a <p> tag, but that's not entirely necessary, the <br /> seems like it would be the easier method.
I'm using MS SQL server and c# if that makes a difference.
View 3 Replies
May 7, 2015
I have multiline textbox and my user type like
Monday 14 pm
Tuesday 15 pm
Wednesday 16 pm
I want on save button these will go into loop into database like it should not go into one row of sql server database instead it will into 3 rows.
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May 26, 2010
when i m writing a long sentence in label without line break then it does wrap automatically. i m putting that label in tag. how can i wrap that long sentence.
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Dec 22, 2010
I have a gridview. In that i am displaying links. See belw code
View 3 Replies
Jan 12, 2010
I am trying to add line Break in Multiline textbox when i am displaying data.
This is how i m doing but its not showing line break. I have tried using "/r/n" as well.
txtlog.Text = txtlog.Text & " Creating Objects...<br/>"
txtlog.Text = txtlog.Text & " Objects Created Successfully...<br/>"
I want the output should be like below :
Creating Objects...
Objects Created Successfully...
But it showing like without line break.
View 4 Replies
Oct 11, 2010
i ve a string like
var Ans="a<br>b<br>c";
wen i assigned input using document.getElementById(id).value = Ans;
it display input as it is
i wanna show input lyk
i am tryin to replace <br>wit " " but it is not working... it is showing
a<br>b<br>c or
View 3 Replies
Feb 28, 2011
I might be just blind (very possible!) but i can't find any information on here/Google anywhere that me out at all :( First up, below is the code i'm using to send the email message:
MailMessage newMM = new MailMessage();
newMM.To.Add(new MailAddress(userEmail));
newMM.From = new MailAddress(getFrom, getFromName);
newMM.IsBodyHtml = true;
newMM.Subject = userSubject;
newMM.Body = userHTML;
if (chkEncoding.Checked)
newMM.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
newMM.SubjectEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
NetworkCredential basicAuthenticationInfo = new NetworkCredential(mUsername, mPassword);
SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(mServer);
smtp.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
smtp.Credentials = basicAuthenticationInfo;
Which sends fine, and does UTF8 fine when enabled etc... however in the resulting email i get this (UTF8 or not):
MIME-Version: 1.0
From: "The name i want"
And this is from checking the files in MSSMTP Queue folder, so it seems to me its .NET adding the line break in or MSSMTP doing it when it receives the email.
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Sep 3, 2010
I have a scenario in my application, by saving a text of length 20000 chars without line break in between.When i retrieve the same to an textbox control my UI is stretching to the length of these 2000 chars in a single line . I have to wrap the text automatically inside text box.
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Jan 22, 2010
I am trying to create a menu with the following code. But I cannot figure out how to get each LinkButton to appear on seperate lines.
foreach (FormList f in forms)
if (f.IsActive == "y")
FormUserControl fc = (FormUserControl)LoadControl(f.StartControl);
LinkButton lb = new LinkButton();
lb.Text = fc.Title;
// I want some sort of line break here
View 3 Replies
Apr 1, 2010
i have tried to just type carriage return and nothing else into a html editor of the toolkit , its content property has nothing.
How can i save single carriage return from the edior?
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May 11, 2010
When i dynamically set the HTMLEditor content (Me.HTMLEditor1.Content = myText), it duplicates all the break lines.
For example, if the value on the data base is:
It becomes:
View 3 Replies
Feb 1, 2010
I have a dropdownlist that I already have manually databinding. I currently get the data, loop through each item, and depending on values in the item, change the css for the individual ListItem.
For example:
foreach (Site mySite in myList)
ListItem li = new ListItem(mySite.FullAddress, mySite.Id.ToString());
if (mySite.DisabledFlg)
li.Attributes.Add("style", "color:#999");
I'm trying to force the text in the listitem to break at certain points. The string that I retrieve from the datasource currently has a " " everywhere where there should be a line break. This works fine for display in a normal textbox, but it doesn't work on the listitem. I've tried replacing the " " with a "<br>" but when I do that, it just displays <br> in the listem along with the rest of the text. I've tried wrapping the listitem contents in a "div" with a width attribute, but it also just display the "div" tag literally in the ListItem text. I've also tried adding the following to the ListItem attributes at bind:
li.Attributes.Add("width", "100px");
But that hasn't resulted in any change either.
I've seen custom drop down list controls that have multiline listitems in them.
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Dec 21, 2010
If I have an web page with placeholders,what is the simplest way to wrap a line break into a control that I can pass to the Add function of the placeholder?
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