Forms Data Controls :: Refreshing Gridview After Updating?
Jan 20, 2010
i wanted to refresh the gridview once user enters values and clicks update button. But its not updating. If i change my selection to pop up gridview, then it is showing the updated values. I dont know where i am doing wrong. can any one suggest changes in my code?
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May 14, 2010
I have a very strange problem here I am using a GridView which shows nothing the the page loads for the first time. But when user selects something from the dropdown above, it DataBind()s against whatever is returned by the stored procedure.
If ran the code in debug mode, it showed that gvMyGrid.Datasource had data in the list returned by SP.Then I did gvMyGrid.DataBind(), it keeps the same empty view.I tried one more thing, I bound the grid when the page loads for the first time to one of the default values returned. It showed the data but when I changed the dropdown selection, it kept the same data.
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Oct 2, 2010
I am trying to update my count value in gridview once i have click on my link my count value is updated, i am already do this using javascript and also i hv do this change in database and get the proper responce of that.
But i want to do that without refreshing page or gird my count value is increase which is i had.
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Jun 26, 2010
I'm working on a project where I have to create a page that displays the "health" of a system. I run a query and display the results in a gridview with a red or green icon next to it. This works fine when the page is first loaded. My problem is that I have a thread that runs a query every 30 minutes and rebinds the gridview but the gridview never refreshes even though the data has changed. How do I get the gridview to display the new results? The databound event never fires a second time even though I can clearly see that I have received new data. I assume I am missing something simple but I just don't know what. What am I doing wrong?
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Nov 13, 2010
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Nov 27, 2010
I am using a Gridview inside an UpdatePanel. I am using the RowCommand method to call my code to delete the record. The gridview is bound to a <list> collection. I am unable to get the Gridview to postback / refresh after the users deletes a record; however, if I refresh the page in the browser and the page loads, it obviously is gone. I have searched quite a bit on this where others are having problems but nothing they did work for me, so I was hoping someone could review my code and let me know what I am doing wrong.
Here is my ASPX:
Here is my C#
When I step through the code, the postback happens and then my delete code is called, so once the delete code happens, the page is already finished loading, which seems to be my problem.
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Mar 4, 2011
I am new to development and I have a employee Web form that is part of a larger wesite. The webform uses a Gridview control which receives data via SQL Server tables so the web form has a SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" defined. When the page loads, the connection string automatically populates the rows of the gridview (which is a all employees).
I am attempting to create a customized sub search wherein the user can reduce the search to one person by providing either firstname or lastname, department etc within a textbox and then selecting the same from a dropdown list. Finally the user clicks the submit button (which is onclick in codebehind).
When I try to do the above I get "System.InvalidOperationException: Both DataSource and DataSourceID are defined on 'GridView1'. Remove one definition." It seems that once I define the DataSource and DataSourceID in the form, it is illegal for me to do it again in the codebehind. Is there a way to refresh the Gridview that I already have with code from a button_click. I have code attached.
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Mar 7, 2010
I have two gridviews tied to a SQL backend both being displayed within an update panel. Both the gridviews have a linkbutton connected to a rowcommand. When clicking on one of the rowcommand link buttons, the database is updated and the update panel is refreshed (moving the record to be displayed in the other gridview in the panel). However, when the rowcommand from the other gridview is clicked, the code is run and the database is updated, but the update panel is NOT refreshed.I have debugged it and have found that the code is running as expected. It fires off the function and updates the database. If I click away from the page and then go back, it does show the data in the proper gridviews, so I know that the code is working.
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Nov 21, 2010
On my aspx page I use a popupmodalextender to show (and edit) some data that is contained in a gridview (gridview is on the same page). Popup works OK and also the editing of the data, but when I close the popup (from code behind) the data in the gridview is not refreshed.
Code behind:
Why doesn't databind() work until I refresh the page?
View 16 Replies
Jan 3, 2011
I am trying to implement a GridView. This GridView needs to allow users to read and update data from a single table. The data in the GridView is the population for a city/state. Please note the use of the DISTINCT as some cities in a state have multiple postal codes. Regardless, to edit this information, I'm trying to use the following GridView:
The information is displayed as I would expect. My problem is with editing. When I click the "edit" link, a TextBox associated with the population is displayed as expected. When I click "update" though, my change fails to persist. I fired up SQL Profiler and found that the data in the Grid is being refreshed before the UPDATE statement is being sent. Because of this, the original value is being sent. what am I doing wrong? I just need to update the Population value of the cities with the value entered by a user.
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Mar 23, 2011
I am not sure why this is happening, but when I drop a GridView on the page and set up the SqlDataSource to point to a stored procedure - when I go to refresh the schema and add my session variable, I get an "Invalid object name #temp_table_Name" I have the appropriate read permissions on the tempdb. The user and password info are correct. The temp table is created in the stored procedure before executing the query.
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Sep 13, 2010
I have a Gridview that shows my data, I allowed it to have Editing and Sorting. I have achieved refreshing my GV with <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="15">. however, when I Edit and it hits the time to refresh, I loose the Edit mode and starts at the beginning of the grid (I need to find the data again.) Is it possible to still have the refresh (15secs) then when Iam in EditMode, the Refresh stops, then after I have clicked UPDATE. the refresh time starts to count again. (i use VB)
View 7 Replies
Jul 11, 2010
I am working on a Webbased project, where we have a Master page with some child page. In the child page there is GridView control, Footer of this Gridview control have some TextBox control to get the input value from user and insert into database. Once the data is inserted into database. We are reloading the inserted data into the same Gridview control, But Gridview control is hot Binding/showing up the recently added record.
I debugged the code and seen the Dataset which is getting the data fron database have the updated row but after binding to Gridview control. The Gridview control not refreshing the data. This is happening while we have Master page and child page.
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Dec 15, 2010
I have a page with lots of panels on it. Some of the panels are user controls and some are just on the page. I have a form on the page where you can add users and a gridview which is a user control showing a list of users.When a new user is added on the form I want to do gridview.databind() for the gridview in the user control. Does anyone know how to do this?
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Dec 14, 2010
I have a parent gridview which has a child gridview in the itemsTemplate. Both are binded to different SqlDataSources. I can successfully update and delete rows in the child gridview. After updating in the child gridview, some related data in the parent gridview are not updated automatically. So i have placed ParentGridview.Databind() in the rowupdated event of child gridview. But it doesnt look working.
How can i accomplish this?
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Jan 27, 2010
View 1 Replies
Feb 20, 2011
I have a GridView with 5 fields. Only two of the fields are edittable (the others are READONLY).
I have an UpdateCommand as follows
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:NHLPOOL %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [PlayerID], [Firstname], [lastname], [Goals], [Assists], [Goals]+[Assists] as Points, [AsOfDate] FROM [PlayerStats], [Player] where [PlayerStats].[PlayerID] =[Player].[ID] ORDER BY Points DESC"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE PlayerStats SET Goals =@GOALS, Assists =@ASSISTS, AsofDate=GETDATE() WHERE PLAYERID = @PLAYERID">
The issue is I want the PLAYERID GV column to be READONLY but I get a runtime error when updating if the PLAYERID is READONLY.
I get the error "
Must declare the scalar variable "@PLAYERID"."
View 1 Replies
Jan 28, 2010
I am using LINQ to SQL and on my DetailsView it updates fine but with my gridview it is not. Both I used template fields so I am not sure what the issue is?
I have been doing a lot of reading and searching and I cannot figure out why this is not working for me.
View 7 Replies
Feb 23, 2010
I was used TextBox in the GridView Then I Replace this textBox with Dropdownlist
and i fetched all the data from the database using DataSource in Editing Mode
But The problem is when i choose item from the dropdownlist to update it,it returns to Empty
(with No values) in the DropDownList??whats the problem?
View 5 Replies
Sep 7, 2010
I have a gridview and I want to update a cell with a session variable username. In the Gridview1_RowEditing event I have this code :
GridView1.Rows(e.NewEditIndex).Cells(5).Text = Session("username")
It does not give me any errors and seems to work but the grid view cell do not take this session. When I'm clicking on the edit hyperlink this event is triggered.
View 5 Replies
Jun 6, 2010
I am trying to update gridview record, i am not getting any error but its not updating the record either.
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Jul 30, 2010
Having a bit of difficulty working this gridview update problem out - I have managed to get edit/update function working but instead of only updating the current gridview row it is updating the whole table I believe this is due to a missing where statement on my Update statement - to single out the row index of my grid row.When I configure my sql datasource I am using custom statements Here is my update statement
UPDATE SimpData SET store_nbr = @store_nbr, date = @date, data_type = @data_type, acct_1 = @acct_1, amt_1 = @amt_1, acct_2 = @acct_2, amt_2 = @amt_2, acct_3 = @acct_3, amt_3 = @amt_3, cheque_nbr = @cheque_nbr, cheque_amt = @cheque_amt, gst_hst = @gst_hst, qst = @qst, comments = @comments, uploaded = @uploaded
Here is my gridview
HeaderText="Select item to delete"
HeaderText="Select item to upload"
HeaderText="Store Number"
View 2 Replies
Oct 15, 2010
I have a gridview that holds 4 columns. in the fourth column there is a DropDownlist that holds three items.
I want my users to select one of the values and when they do the auto post back (which is set to true) should execute a method that updates the database selected row. But do i use the selectedindexchanged of the DDL or the Gridview? My head is totally thrashed so i imagine its really simple and im just over thinking it.
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May 14, 2010
I'm using a GridView to retrieve data from a stored procedure using a SQLDataSource (db is SQL Server 2008). When I compile my application and go to my website, all the data is loaded and shown fine. If I was to add a new entry to the table however (a seperate page on my website has a Wizard control to facilitate this) and then return to the page with the GridView, the new entry doesn't show up.
Looking from SQL Server, the data has been added, but the GridView isn't updating to show it. If I were to recompile the project with F6 and refresh the page, the new data will show up. I tried calling DataBind() on the GridView in the Page Load event, however the issue still remains.
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Sep 20, 2010
where I have gone wrong? changing from VS2003 DataGrid to VS2010 GridView; still on SQL Server 2000 so the wizards for autogenerating the code are not compatible.
Delete works, RowUpdating does not. I get an ArgumentOutOfRangeException on "rowToUpdate("QuoteDQty")
= Me.dgQuoteList.Rows(e.NewValues.Item(1).ToString)"
Sub dgQuoteList_RowUpdating(ByVal sender
As Object,
ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewUpdateEventArgs)
Handles dgQuoteList.RowUpdating
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