How To Log On To Server ( Put Username And Password In My Code ) For Uploading
Jan 16, 2010
i am trying to upload file to a server (,
my code is in below,
my web application works succeffully when i run it from my code, ofcourse i log on to that server ( with username and password, before running the web application.
but when i pulish my program an error is occured and that is because of user name and password, ofcourse it is right , because i did not set username and password in my code.
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(The usename and password are stored in controlpanel->administartivetools->computermanagement->localusersandgroups->users
userid is Test and password is PWD
Now I addea a folder in college
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public FilePathResult GetFileFromDisk(int id){ var file = dbSample.FileStores.Where(f => f.FileID == id).FirstOrDefault(); string path = Server.MapPath(@"~Images"); string fileName = file.FileUrl;.....
return File(path + fileName, file.MimeType, file.FileName);}hey I have this code for getting file from my server.In some downloader like IDM we have a SiteLogin,we can input usernameand password in your downloader,how can i retrieve from this to check this Username is exists from my database.
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and here is the page code
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how to do in ?
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Jul 5, 2010
I have an intranet run with IIS, with basic authentication config. See more in this screenshot:
Of course, then, when user login, this screen will appear:
After successfully login, is there any method to get UserName (very easy to get) and also Password (don't know yet) from coding (run at server)
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Jan 29, 2011
I am trying to implement a small site which requires users to login using Forms based authentication. I have followed the tutorials found on various sites on the net and in particular the one at [URL]
This enabled me to get a sample environment in place but it seems as though I am having a problem authenticating a user for which I know the username and password are correct.
I have a ASP.Net 3.5 site with my login.aspx form in a folder named login, my default.aspx in the root of the site and my protected content in a folder called main.
I am authenticating against a SQL Server Express database, so I have ran the aspnet_regsql.exe command to populate my database.
I have added the following authentication/authorization lines to my web.config
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/login/Default.aspx"
I believe that my connection string and my database are ok because if i use the ASP.NET Configuration from within Visual Studio I can create and manage my users and I can also see them in the tables in the SQL Server. Also if I do enter any incorect credentials in my login page the page tells me that the password is incorrect.
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Mar 10, 2010
I got a username and password field which made by myself and a User database which is all manually made
So now I wish to know how to authenticate user using the username and password data enter by the user and match with the database data to verify user is a member and login?
For what i know, the code should be something like this
SELECT UserName, Password FROM dbo.User WHERE UserName - @UserName
@UserName = ?
How do i assign the value from my username text field to @UserName?
View 3 Replies
Jan 17, 2010
I am trying to login usng form authentication from my web.config but it does not work. In the web.config i have the following: (i am going to make the password secure but just need to work with the basics
<location path="~/Admin">
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name="authCK" loginUrl="~/admin/adminlogin.aspx" protection="All" timeout="30">
<credentials passwordFormat="Clear">
<user name="admin" password="1" />
<deny users="?" />
my asp code is
what it could be ive tried all sorts but it keeps saying incorrect username or password which is the failuretext above.
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