How To Select More Than One Checkbox In Gridview And Show The Details In Another Gridview
Mar 15, 2011
In my project i have a need to select some check boxes in a GridView and show the details in another gridview. I use an arraylist to keep all the values of the checkbox using the foreach loop, but i can't able to display the records in another Grid view.
I have on a page a gridview that can be filtered with one text box. I set up the gridview to show select and wanted to then connect a details view so that when you selected a row the entire details would show up. When I run it I get this error. Data keys must be specified on GridView 'GridView1' before the selected data keys can be retrieved. Use the DataKeyNames property to specify data keys.
I want to select all checkBox in Gridview when click to header checkBox.I have created design such that CheckBox is not available to header of Gridview.It is in other table. Below is design of gridview.
I hv used datagridview control to show specific details about users health infomation. what i want to achieve is that when a user logs in he should be displayed only dat information which he had added in data grid view.... bt as in nw whenever i login i m able to display all the info. present in the db.... m using vb and sql server 2008.
i have chkactive(checkbox) and chkselect (checkbox) in two templetefields in gridview.I want to select only one checkbox on chksleect , it should not effect the chkactive .
I have a gridview with my inventory showing. Is it possible to add a checkbox to the gridview and when the user selects that row or multiple rows, this information can go to an order webpage. I'm a bit of a newbie so any examples in VB you can offer would be great. Seems simple I just don't know the process
I have a Gridview in my form(c#) and used Textbox to Bind values to gridview cells.i need to Show One of the coloumn value which is in textbox in Popup.while click the cell the popup should show the cell value.
I get a message saying 'Error Creating Control -SqlDataSource3'. . . .does not match anyroperties within a 'System.web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSource'. This was working just fine until a couple daysago and I don't know what changed to cause this to no work any longer. Can anyone tell me what is causing thiserror?
SelectCommand="SELECT ID, Pub, Street, Neighborhood, City, State, RelativeAddress, Crawl FROM ListofPubs WHERE (Neighborhood = @Neighborhood1) OR (Neighborhood = @Neighborhood2) OR (Neighborhood = @Neighborhood3) _ [code]...
Today client has asked a option of select all members in Database so that to send sms to all users at one go,I am having a GridView with 20 rows in one page(all Rows 200+) and having a CheckBox if we select that only current page rows are selected but I need to select all rows which are present in Data Set.
I request to give me solution as soon as possible,
i want to make a gridview with selectable row(s) on click OR checkbox checked in row header, ORit should be the Same as functional GridView or ListView (asp3.5) as Windows live hotmail INBOX GridVie
I am referring below url , there is one column which has some large data i dont want to show in grid, but on clicking show detail i want to show detail in Modal Popup, right now it shows blank data, is there any solution for it. URL..
I am using a GridView and a TemplateColumn in GridView, Now on selction of checkBox (header Template) I need to run server side function. When I am trying using chkSelectAll_CheckedChanged thenit is not executing also I am calling client side code on click of checkBox (header Template), which is used to select all checkbox in item template.Code Part of GridView (.aspx)
I have a gridview that includes a checkbox colum (Item Tempate).I need to be able to select row but when mouse is over checkbox column it should not be clickable. Is this possible?Think of it as an Inbox type gridview where checkbox is used for deleteing messages but when you click on subject or name it will show the message. I need the same functionality.
I have a gridview which display when person start n stop the project if same person do muliple projects it save n retrives eaisly i want to do that when i press select in gridview it give me the all about the person means if ali is working on 2 projects so it give me details like ali firsrt project is this time n date this , second project is this how can i do this ?
i m facing a issue in my code i m calling a user control which is in master page, and in row databound i m calling it and it is working fine but on select index change of checkbox it is not working
almost typical master-detail scenario except the 'detail' data I want to display below the gridview will be coming from both the table that is bound to the gridview (master) and a related table.
simplified example: tableMain with field1, field2, field3 bound to master gridview. I need to select a row from the master gridview and have a form display below with field4 and field5 from tableMain, as well as all fields of tableDetail where field1 of tableMain equals field1 of tableDetail.
Is this what a 'formview' control is for? or do I just arrange my own controls to accommodate the data? Would a formview work considering my source will be partially from both the main table and the detail table? This is one of the scenarios were I know I could come up with something using none of the databound controls (except the master gridview), but I want to use the controls provided when it makes sense to do so, and utilize their benefits etc...