Insert Records Into Database

Feb 6, 2011

currently I am doing an online store project using an example from one of your tutorials. In the grid view is populated with data and at the below of the grid view, there is a row of empty fields populated below. After user have enter all the necessary info and clicks on the Add New link, the data will be inserted into the database and it will also be displayed in the grid view itself. The software that I am using is called: MS VS 2008 C# The database that I am using is called: MS SQL Server 2008 This is the database.cs for inserting records into the database:


public bool Insert_ItemsRecords(string id, string itemName, string itemDesc)
SqlCommand cmd_ItemsList = new SqlCommand();
cmd_ItemsList.CommandText = "[VRM].[INSERT_ItemsRecords]";
cmd_ItemsList.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlParameter sqlParaID = new SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.VarChar, 10);
sqlParaID.Value = id;
SqlParameter sqlParaItemName = new SqlParameter("@itemName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100);
sqlParaItemName.Value = itemName;
SqlParameter sqlParaItemDesc = new SqlParameter("@itemDesc", SqlDbType.VarChar, 1000);
sqlParaItemDesc.Value = itemDesc;
return executeNotQuery(cmd_ItemsList);
This is the stored procedure:


@id varchar(10),
@itemName varchar(100),
@itemDesc varchar(1000) .................

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ADO.NET :: Insert New Records In Tables From Dataset To Database?

Aug 27, 2010

I have 2 tables in SqlServer 2008.

Table1: T1id, SomeData

Table2: T2id, T1id, SomeData

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Forms Data Controls :: Insert Records Into Database?

Feb 2, 2011

currently I am doing a web application project using 3-tier formating to do out the project. In the grid view is displayed with data retrieved from the database and at the footer there is a row of empty fields for the user to insert records into database and when user clicks on Add New, a new row of empty fields will be populated below.

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This is the stored procedure code:


I am not sure of how to code out for the business logic?

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Feb 6, 2011

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Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

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osdb.Insert_ItemsRecords(txtID.Text, txtItemName.Text, txtItemDesc.Text);

How do i set set the osdb to a valid instance?

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000012|vasanth|Sofware Engineer|Chennai|


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this is my code behind


this is my bal code


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Mar 31, 2010

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Feb 2, 2010

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Sep 3, 2010

Question Details:-I have 2 databases. DB1 and DB2

DB1 contains a table having colums.

1. TF

2. OD

3. SD

4. FD

5. ES

6. EF



DB2 table TB1 has the same fields but diff column names

1. TotalFloat

2. OriginalDuration

3. StartDate

4. FinishDate

5. EearlyStart

6. EearlyFinish

7. strComments

DB1 table has arround 7000 rows. What my requirement is: Copy all the rows from DB1.TB1 into DB2.tblTarget .What I am doing is?Looping all the records from the db1 table and by using InsertCommand adding all thoses records to a dataset.Now using Adapter.Update method,,,, all the records are fethecd to target database table.but when Adater.Update() method executes, it paused there for 3-5 minutes.Can I acheieve this in a quick manner? Please help me out of this, as this ia very critical task.I would like to achieve this via coding.

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Jan 26, 2010

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HTML - Can Use The Grid View To Insert New Records

Jun 19, 2010

Using the ASP.NET grid view. It displays 3 columns with 1 row for each, displaying an integer saved in the database. I would like to have a text input one for each column, so the user can add a new row of integers to the database. (The table only displays the last row updated, that part seems to be working OK)

Here is the code I have that displays data but without the input option I would like.

What is the way this is done in ASP.NET (3.5)? Are there more options in the control or do I need to manually bring in text input controls and give each one manual code to update the database?

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I have code for inserting a record into the db, it works fine from the admin part of my website but when i put it on the customer side duplicate records are inserted into the db, any ideas? I cant for the life of me see why. I have just also noticed that when i add the claim the first time it adds the duplicate entry, if i press the button again it only adds the entry once, if i refresh the page add the info again, 2 entries, click add again 1 entry?


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Insert Records In My Webapp Into A Simple Sql-db-table.?

Dec 28, 2010

I need to insert records in my webapp into a simple sql-db-table. The thing is, that the user chooses the position of every new record to insert. If I take an integer index, and the user want to insert an object between the 3rd and the 4th object, it is not possible, because 3.5 is no integer-value. An index of real could be the solution. Probably a litte complicated, as soon as a new object needs to be inserted between 3.45 and 3.89 (example).

If you know an easier approach for inserting records at any position by having the ability to sort by the initially choosen order (index?)

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Web Forms :: SqlBulkCopy - Insert If Records Does Not Exist

Jun 16, 2015

I do not want to insert duplicate values in sql serve if values is exists in DB and excel value be skip.

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