JQuery :: Save Data In Database And Display In Grid?
Dec 3, 2010
i want to make a twitter like registration form using jquery and save data in database and display it in a grid after submitting data.this is what i got on net
I am trying to develop a web page on which a user can paste data that he cut from excel sheet. Most probably it would be a grid control. But I am not sure how it will take shape. Need something that can do Cut and Paste and later I will have to run tests to make sure that the data looks good, its clean and in correct format, to be uploaded to database.
am using asp.net mvc.. i have db2 database with one table..... i have a stroed procedure with input parmater as useridi need to pass userid to get all the results from table to display in jquery grid on UIplease
one button i use to save form entity.and other is to navigate to next pagwhen i click on save button i use jquery to save form entity in database. and form remains as it is
Let's say I have a db table like so:Then I have a product edit form that has 3 textboxes in which the user can save up to 3 different notes for a specific product. What is the best way to handle populating and then saving the data? If I use the code below to display it, how do I save it, as the textbox doesn't know the id of the note is.
I have string i get it the chracters and copare it in my table with productvalue and also comapreing productgroup g 1 to 10 thats is the lenth of the string.but it doesnot show any data in data grid.
I have two repeaters where i'am moving rows from one to another by jquery drag and drop.
My question is, I want to achieve the first and second columns (they are the parameters) of each repeater (table) so that could call a webservice to make the update on database. So, how I achieve this and how can i call a webservice passing to the method the parameters for each change on both tables.
I want to add gridview row data into to data base I am doing it perfectly.My problem is that want all gridview row data save and then web method should be called but in my cause one gridview data save in array then call webmethod,then other row data save in array then call webmethod called this process should be so on.But I want it webmethod should be called when all gridview row save in array.
Follwing code
Jquery <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $("[id*=btnSubmit]").bind("click", function () { var Customer = {};
How to display/show data from Database table in a ASP.NET MVC Web Application page?I want to display data from Sql Server Database table in Asp.Net MVC Web Application page. I am using Entity Framework.Just like we display data from database inside Gridview for Web Forms, likewise which control is used to display data from Database in ASP.NET MVC Web Applications??
How to display data from textarea the way it is been typed as ineg. hiiihello what are u doing I want to display the data typed in textarea shown above inside the panel the way it is typed.
I have data in mydatabase. My AnswerText in the database is test1,test2,test3 While retrieving it is displaying as test3,test1,test2. I am using the below code to display the data.
Dictionary<string, string> dicKeyValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(); for (int i = 0; i < cnstsData.Answer.Count; i++) { dicKeyValues.Add(AnswerText, AnswerImage); } DataList.DataSource = dicKeyValues; DataList.DataBind();
I want to display the AnswetText as test1,test2,test3. Basically i want the same order which i added to the database while retrieving also.
If in one form upload image form we enter ID in textbox againts ID label and upload an image file using fileuploadcontrol when we click on upload button image save in DB and in next form view image when we enter ID in textbox againts label enter ID. Images show in GRIDVIEW having columns (ID,images) ...
I am trying to build a site that will display a word ("Synset" in my code) from a "function call", (ultimately the word will come from another database but I'm ignoring that part for now). The user will click one of 4 radio buttons deciding if the word is "positive", "negative", "neutral", or "can not be determined". Then the user clicks "Save" the word is saved a MS SQL database, the function is called displaying a new word and the process is repeated.
So far I have been able to get this to mostly work by using the code below. The problem is that the function is called and the correct word displayed when the page loads the first time, when I click a radio button and then the "Submit" button, the word and value from the radio button are saved to the database but then no new word is displayed. The text just disappears. The new word is created, as I can see that new words are saved to the database when i click submit.
I'm thinking the issue might be because I'm binding the text attribute of the label I'm using to display the word to the sqldatasource, because it's probably trying to display the text from the database?
I've tried putting the code that gets and displays the new word in FormView1_PageIndexChanging() and submitButton_Click() and neither work.
I've tried to just call Response.Redirect("Default.aspx") in submitButton_Click() and this displays the word but nothing is saved to the database.
I would like to display totals row for my jQuery Grid without grouping and I'm using summaryType: 'sum' for each column.let me know what else does it require to be done??
My goal here is to store a list of dates selected in a calandar to a database. The problem with most calendar controls that exist, for asp.net, is I can't get the date that was unselected with multiselect enabled. I can get a list but that is really it. I have decided not to use these because of this.
If I wanted to create my own event using the jQuery calendar below how would I go about doing this? The event would capture the day clicked, if it was unselected or selected, etc. I would use this to add/remove the dates from a collection. It is almost like how the other calendars work except for the remove part. The dates removed would be in it's own list so I know what dates to remove from the database once 'save' is clicked. I hope this is enough information.