SQL Reporting :: Bind Rdlc Dynamically To Reportviewer Using Stored Procedure

May 14, 2010

I am using asp .net 4.0 report viewer...how is bind rdlc dynamically using stored procedure..send me some useful links r some example using stored procedure.in asp .net4.0 .

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Similar Messages:

SQL Reporting :: Bind The Dataset And Report Rdlc In The Reportviewer?

Aug 19, 2010

i create a dataset on the form load which contain the reportviewer, i'm doing like this but it did not work : ....

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SQL Reporting :: How To Display Stored Procedure Result Set Rows As Columns In RDLC Report

Jan 12, 2011

Below is the result set when I execute my stored procedure. Based on condition no.of rows will change. I am using typed dataset to store result set.


264.95 31248
273.23 34044
230.96 22232
711.93 81992
427.23 50345
297.90 36961
495.37 43079
648.48 52428
622.06 46364
407.02 46461
605.45 73439
224.81 28121
308.12 33356
328.22 35605
372.41 34107

I have to show above result in RDLC file Like below.

APR/07 MAY/07 JUN/07................JUN/08
264.95 273.23 230.96.................372.41
31248 34044 22232 ...............34107

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SQL Reporting :: How To Bind Rdlc Report To Typed Dataset Dynamically

Mar 1, 2011

i create typed dataset and i create my report using this dataset in another page i create report viewer when i set the report source for the report viewer using wizard automatically the reportviewer generate 3 ReportDataSource one for each table it is working correctly but when i try to set the report using code the report dislplayed successfully but it is empty? here is my code to bind to dataset


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SQL Reporting :: How To Add Stored Procedure Result Set Columns To Typed Dataset And Dataset To RDLC File

Jan 9, 2011

Till now I used to design RDLC file before and assigned typed dataset table columns.Report processing mode is local. But now my stored procedure returns different columns based on condition i.e columns are not fixed every time. Now I need to add that columns to typed dataset and dataset is assigned to RDLC file. So dataset and RDLC files are create dynamically based on stored procedure result set columns.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Bind Grid Then Send To Stored Procedure?

Jan 11, 2011

I am looking to have 1 Gridview/Datagrid (which ever is now more appropriate) on my code in front,

the columns will need to be dynamically generated, with a "Always present" checkbox control with the default being checked

Each column will be a Label type - so not editable

The Idea is the user will tick or until each item that they wish to submit to the database.

I am able to dynamically populate the control - using new bouncontol, but I have been unable to then obtain the selected data.

My codebehind is below



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SQL Reporting :: Multiple Rdlc Report In One Reportviewer

Sep 8, 2010

I have multiple reports that take the same parameters. Need to create a master report with all the reports merged together. I dont want to copy paste the rdlc files into one large file. found a control by Telerik called ReportBook but it costs money!! [URL] anyone knows something similar? or am i missing something very obvious? using visual studio 2005... will subreports solve my problem? not sure how these work. so say i have a report that lists employers and i create a subreport that lists all employees for a particular empoyer. is it then possible on one rdlc to have the list of employers and a bunch of subreports for each employer's employees?

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SQL Reporting :: PDF Or Print A .rdlc Report Without A Reportviewer

May 6, 2010

I hope that I am posting this in the correct forum and its not a duplicate...

I have the following code that from a click of a button will create a PDF of a .rdlc report. It works great but I have to have a reportviewer setup on the page in order for it to work.

Is there anyway via VB code to PDF the report without having to incorporate a reportviewer on the screen? What happens if I have a report with more than 1 tableadapter configured in it?

Also, how can the code be set to Print the report without a reportviewer?


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SQL Reporting :: Why Does ReportViewer Auto-shrink .rdlc Table And Fields

Aug 10, 2010

I am having trouble with .rdlc field sizing. Regardless of the table/field size settings in my .rdlc report, the reportviewer always shrinks the fields and table. I have tested everything I can think of, and searched the web for a solution to this problem, but no luck yet.

I have also tried just about every size setting there is and even looked in the output html, but nothing seems to be decreasing the width. I have attached two images. in the first image, I have added a black border around my table, and a red border around one of the fields to demonstrate the auto-shrink issue. the second image shows my vs report settings.

ReportViewer settings:


View 4 Replies

SQL Reporting :: Error While Creating And Binding Rdlc Report With Reportviewer And Dataset.xsd

Jan 13, 2011

I have tried with the same code as per the link


Attaching dataset (data) to the reportviewer (report) dynamically at run time:


View 1 Replies

SQL Reporting :: Microsoft ReportViewer Embedded Rdlc Reports Won't Print To Printer?

Jan 28, 2011

In VS2008 C# web applications when using Microsoft Reportviewer to create an embedded rdlc report you can generate a report on the screen but when you try to send that same report to the printer by clicking the printer icon on the toolbar you get an error stating:

"unable to load client print control"

How do you get the report to print on the printer?

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SQL Reporting :: Bind Data To Reportviewer?

Jul 25, 2010

i am able to bind ds to GridView. So can i also bind ds to reportViewer???I have search online and mostly require to add new DataSet(right-click project ->add new item->DataSet ) and Report(right-click project ->add new item->Report) to bulid the report.Is there a way for me to bind ds to reportViewer like i bind ds to GridView??


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SQL Reporting :: Bind List To ReportViewer?

Jun 30, 2010

The following results in this error msg "A data soruce instance has not been supplie d for the data source 'StockStatusRow'


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SQL Reporting :: Not Able To Bind Dataset With Reportviewer

Jan 5, 2011

i am using asp.net 2.00(visual studio 2005 std edition) i have designed a report in reportviewer which runs fine on localhost server but when deployed on server it shows no data from other computers , after searching net i found that dynamic binding of dataset and reportviewer is required , so i entered following codes (dtgraph is data table name and graph.axd is data set name ) the code gives error that dtgraph is not declared , where i should declare it / any solution

ReportViewer1.Visible =
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender
As Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles Me.LoadTrue
ReportViewer1.ProcessingMode = Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ProcessingMode.Local
rep.ReportPath =
Dim rep As Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.LocalReport = ReportViewer1.LocalReportDim
rds As Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportDataSource =
New Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportDataSource()"graph.rdlc"
rds.Name =
rds.Value = dtgraph.tables[0]
End Sub

View 2 Replies

Web Forms :: Binding Stored Procedure To RDLC Report Via Dataset?

Jun 6, 2012

i cretaed a dataset from storedprocedure & binding to .rdlc report when i preview the data in dataset i get the output but i am not getting the field names by which i can make the report

i am not able ot bind the columns on report i cretaed a dataset from stored procedure but i am not getting the firld names for adding it to the rprot

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SQL Reporting :: ReportViewer - Bind At Runtime In Local Mode To A List

May 17, 2010

I am trying to run a report in local mode and bind it at runtime to a simple List<string>; I have searched for a sample with no success so far, so could anyone give some hints? I know that a ReportDataSource can be a type that implements IEnumerable but I cannot figure out what field name should be used in the rdlc file? Suppose I bind the datasource at runtme (something like ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources(Add new ReportDataSource("dsname", new List<string> { "John Smith", "Jane Smith" }))

can I still define my report definition file at design time, and bind a text box control to something like Fields[0] or the like? And on a different note, I also defined a static method without parameters that returns a generic list of some type; Yet if a go to Report - Data Sources menu option, I cannot see the method in the list of Project Data Sources.

View 4 Replies

How To Display Stored Procedure Result Set Rows As Columns In RDLC Report

Jan 12, 2011

Below is the result set when I execute my stored procedure. Based on condition no.of rows will change. I am using typed dataset to store result set.


264.95 31248 APR/07
273.23 34044 MAY/07
230.96 22232 JUN/07
711.93 81992 JUL/07
427.23 50345 AUG/07
297.90 36961 SEP/07
495.37 43079 OCT/07
648.48 52428 NOV/07
622.06 46364 DEC/07
407.02 46461 JAN/08
605.45 73439 FEB/08
224.81 28121 MAR/08
308.12 33356 APR/08
328.22 35605 MAY/08
372.41 34107 JUN/08

I have to show above result in RDLC file Like below.

APR/07 MAY/07 JUN/07................JUN/08
264.95 273.23 230.96.................372.41
31248 34044 22232 ...............34107

RDLC report? If I use table control,

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SQL Reporting :: Set Textbox Size Dynamically In RDLC

Sep 1, 2010

how to set the size and location of the text box in RDLC dynamically. I cannot access it code, i cannot use parameters or expressions to set this.

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SQL Reporting :: Dynamically Setting Reportviewer Datasource

Aug 2, 2010

I have a vb.net web site. Currently it is generating reports via ReportViewer. The datasouce for the all reports is set at the deploying of the report.

ReportViewer is configured in the aspx page
<rsweb:ReportViewer ID="myReportViewer" runat="server" ShowParameterPrompts="true"
ZoomMode="Percent" Height="1100px" Width="1000px" BorderWidth="1">

I am setting up the ReportViewer using the following code.

Dim _cred As New ReportServerCredentials(Session("_ApplUser"), Session("_ApplPswd"), Session("_ApplDom"))
'Set the processing mode for the ReportViewer to Remote
myReportViewer.ZoomPercent = 100
myReportViewer.Width = Unit.Percentage(100)
myReportViewer.Height = Unit.Percentage(100)
myReportViewer.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Remote
Dim _SrvRpt As ServerReport
_SrvRpt = myReportViewer.ServerReport
_SrvRpt.ReportServerCredentials = _cred
'Set the report server URL and report path
_SrvRpt.ReportServerUrl = New Uri(Session("_RSConn"))
_SrvRpt.ReportPath = Session("_RSFold") + _rr.Report_Path
lblTitle.Text = _rr.Report_Title
myReportViewer.Visible = True

What I want to do is dynamically set the datasource for a report at runtime. That is, I have 2 datasources already configured in my Report Manager. I want to have the vb.net pick which datasource based on a enviornment variable. So, if Env 1, then use Datasource 1 in the Report Manager. Of Env 2 then use Datasource 2 in the Report Manager. I have seen what looks like software for doing this Locally but no for Remote.

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SQL Reporting :: Dynamically Changing The Path / Data Source For A Reportviewer?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a reportViewer control and I dynamically setting the report path and dataset in the page load event if it is not a post back. This first report displays without issue. However, when I attempt to change the report path / dataset via the onChange event from a dropdown list I get the following error:

A data source instance has not been supplied for the data source "Summary_DataTable1".

This code works fine and the summary report is displayed the first time the page is loaded.


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SQL Reporting :: How To Create Stored Procedure

Nov 22, 2010

I need to create stored procedure to use it for multi value parameter.. I createdd new data set and changed the type to stored procedure but how can I write my select statement in it?

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MVC :: How To Bind Dropdownlist Using Stored Procedure In Mvc2

Feb 24, 2010

i have a stored Procedure , it gets all units(column) values from database. so i need to bind dropdownlist with units , i called Sp like this


is it right way or is any other way instead of dataset? if i use dataset how can i bind dropdownlist

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Data Controls :: Bind GridView Using Stored Procedure?

Mar 31, 2013

How to create stored procedure(with input and output parameter) in sql server and use in asp.net like binding the result in grid view.

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Data Controls :: Bind Gridview Using Stored Procedure

Oct 12, 2012

<table class="adminContent">
<KMMatrimony:AMIZGridView ID="gvEventMemberEntry" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false"
Visible="true" Width="100%" AllowPaging="true" ShowHeaderWhenEmpty="true" EnablePersistedSelection="true"
DataKeyNames="Regno,ProcessFlag,Caste,Subsect" PageSize="20" EmptyDataText="No Records Found!">
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="RegNo" ItemStyle-Width="8%">


how can i bind my gridview using stored procedur asp dot net 4.0 C# ....

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Bind To Label From Stored Procedure

Aug 4, 2010

I have gone through all of the forums and couldn't find an answer to my problem, which is:: I need to bind a result from a stored procedure to a label. What I have done so far is to try to use <%# Bind(SP_Result_FIeld_Name)#> and that does nothing. I also tried to assign the results to a string in the code behind, all that did was put the words "TTLCount" in my label. Part of the problem might be that it is pulling from a temp table and the field I'm pulling has an assigned name ( Count(*) as TTLCount)... The rest of my SP is returning to a gridview which works fine. I just need to display the total number returned and the total number of returned that have email addresses. Here is what I have so far::


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