SQL Reporting :: Need BIDS Or Report Builder For Sql Server 2005?

Aug 11, 2010

I want to develop reporting service application in asp.net 2.0 with SQL server 2005.

I install sql server 2005 in my remote machine with BIDS. I need to develop reporting service application in my machine i have vs 2005 and sql server express edition.

How to download/install BIDS or Report Builder for vs 2005 in my machine.

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SQL Reporting :: Report Builder In Visual Studio Developer 2010?

Dec 11, 2010

I would like to create my reports by drawing out the data from the database.After creating my template (what would be in my report) and saving it as the .rdlc format, what should i do next do preview the actual data, or to present it in my asp.net pages.

I like the way how report builder works as it can export to pdf/excel, however its a standalone. Is there any way to make it similar in microsoft visual studio 2010 professional?

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SQL Reporting :: Create A Multiple Optional Parameter In Report Builder?

Feb 24, 2011

I'm creating a reports with the following filter criteria:

ID - textbox Created Date - range between start and end date Syste Name - dropdown Users may filter the report based on the ID or System Name or all the criteria mentioned.

The search Field for ID, by default has a Null checkbox beside on it while other filter doesn't. how can I enable the checkbox for the other filters?

So I came across this article which should my issue. Apparently, I'm receiving a formula error "The arguments to the following functions are not valid:FIND" with this formula OR(FIND(Creation Date, Parameter: Creation Date)<>0, Parameter : Creation Date = Empty). see this link for the screenshot. I don't know what I'm missing. I'm using Reporting Services 2005

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Oct 18, 2010

I am using a datasource in the report server where all the reports use that shared datasource while calling the reports from asp.net pages.

Now, as asp.net pages uses the connection string for the databases which is assigned in the web.config file, i want the reports also use the same connection string because you don't need to change on both places( web.config and report server datasource).

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SQL Reporting :: Authentication In Opening Report With Visual Studio 2005

Jul 16, 2010

I am developing a intranet for our company and right now have a problem on loading my report. I developed my report with Visual Studio 2005 and try to load it with Visual Web Developer. I downloaded ReportViewer as well. My database connection is Windows Authentication also. Here is my code in Visual Web Developer:

Imports Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Security.Principal
Partial Public Class ShowReport
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportServerCredentials = New MyReportServerCredentials()
End Sub

Private Sub form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles form1.Load
Dim strReportURL As Uri
strReportURL = New Uri("http://SERVERNAME/reportserver")...........................

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SSRS Working Fine In Report Builder And Manager But Not In Report Viewer?

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SQL Reporting :: Username And Password Of Http://localhost/Reports To Access SQL SERVER 2005 Reporting Service?

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SQL Reporting :: To Call A  reporting Services Report In Report View?

Apr 16, 2010

I have asp.net page
it has a gridview..


I am trying to call a reporting services report in Report view if I click ID For example, if I click ID 1001 ..it will pass the parameter 1001 And run a reporting services report in Report viewer on new web page..

How can I do this? Is there a example I can take a look?

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SQL Reporting :: Service Configured To Access Report Server Db On Other Server

Mar 23, 2010

I have one application in that there are two server

1. Application Server
2. Database Server.

I have install MSSqlserver 2008 on DB server , but i dont want to give report server URL as business dont want to expose IP of DB server. Hence i install Reporting services component on Web server. I configure Successfully to Database reportserver Database.

but when i clicked on report services URL it gives error: The report server installation is not initialized. (rsReportServerNotActivated) what extra needs to configure report server?? what are the steps to configure report server ?

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Is It Possible To Browse To One Of The .rdl Reports In The Sql Server Reporting Services On The Report Server

Feb 11, 2010

How is it possible to browse to one of the .rdl reports in the sql server reporting services on the report server?At present I can succesfully browse to the report by:http://servername/reportsthen I see a folder called "ReportFiles" which holds the reports (.rdl files)then I click on one of the .rdl files in there to see the report.Do you in asp.net know how I can go to one of the reports?

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Sql Report Server 2005 Export Time To Xls Is Incorrect?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a report running on sql report server 2005. When export the time field to xls using report server 2005 export, xls shows the time field in a huge negative number.

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SQL Reporting :: Web Application - Can't View Via Report Server

Feb 4, 2011

I have a asp.net C# web application which is trying to connect to a report server. I cannot seem to view any reports. The URL for the report server is - [URL] using this URL I can access the report server directory. This directory contains a folder called MHS.Enforcement.Reports and that contains a report called DashboardReport. The URL which the application is trying to access is - [URL] The user is authenticated and the paramaters all exist, it falls over on the reportViewer.ServerReport.SetParameters(reportParameters);' line. The code calling the report looks like this -


Does anyone know what I am doing wrong here? I didnt build this and dont know much about report server, so I have pretty much hit a dead end.

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SQL Reporting :: Unable To Connect To The Report Server?

Jan 17, 2011

I just have installed SQLSERVER 2008R2 on Windows7..wen i am trying to configure REPORTING SERVICES, in the REPORTING SERVICES CONFIGURATION CONNECTION window, i gave SERVER NAME comp(Name of my computer), it is saying "Unable to connect to the report server comp" .

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SQL Reporting :: IE Error When Report Runs On Server?

Apr 5, 2010

I have made one report when i m opening this report in BI studio and run in debugging mode in BI it its displaying the report corretly, but when i have deployed the reports and run it through url, after selection of parameter and when i it runs then after some time its give me the error of INternet explorer send error report with the option of debug, when i select its open Visual studion debugging error screen to slect debugging engine.

when i select parameter for shorter time period, then the report is opening in url.

But if i give 1 yr time period, then its give me error, but the same duration im not getting error in BI Studio?

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Installing Reporting Services On Another Machine Than The One Hosting The SQL Server 2005?

Feb 9, 2010

I am trying to install just Reporting Services one a different server than the one that hosts the SQL Server 2005 database. Can someone point me to any type of documentation or a step by step instruction that can help. One more thing, none of the two machines is part of a domain.

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SQL Reporting :: Deploy The Reports Into Report Server With Out Using Web Services From .Net?

Jan 8, 2010

how can we deploy the reports into report server with out using web services from .Net. Is it possible.I need to set the reportserver url at runtime(using an XML file eg: http://localhost/reportserver). Can we do this in your solution?

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SQL Reporting :: Accessing Report Server From Client Machine?

Nov 11, 2010

We've deployed some reports from a server machine which can be accessed without any problems if you are logged onto the server itself by going to the URL of http://servername/ReportServer. However if we try and access the reports from a client machine (even if we use the same administrator Windows account) we get the Windows security window appear asking for a Username and Password to be entered in order to connect to the server. We've tried entering this but we then just get a blank screen after being re prompted a few times to enter the details.

Now I'm not sure whether this will be a Reporting Services or a Windows issue. Could it be a setting within IIS? It can't really be a user thing as the same user works on the server but not on the Client machine so it's more of a machine problem. It's as if there are some authentication settings somewhere that need to be set.

We are using SQL Server 2008 on Windows 7.

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Sql Server - Using Report (Reporting Services) Parameter Values In Page

Apr 30, 2010

I have a report (Reporting Services) integrated into an ASP.NET that shows dropdownlists to select report parameter values. The dropdownlists are populated using direct database selects, though I see the report RDL files do contain the paramter values and datasets as defined in the report designer.Is it possible to obtain the report parameters "available values" in ASP.NET to populate the dropdownlists? This would avoid some code duplication.

Update.If the parameter doesn't use a query for available values, the following works:

foreach (ValidValue value in this.ReportViewerControl.ServerReport.GetParameters()["myParameter"].ValidValues) {
this.DropDownListControl.Items.Add(new ListItem(value.Label, value.Value));

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SQL Reporting :: The Attempt To Connect To The Report Server Failed Error?

May 27, 2010

I'm having a problem in setting up my reportviewer's ReportServerUrl and ReportPath(Server Report's Properties).

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SQL Reporting :: Dynamic Pass Sql Select Statement From Web To Report Server

Jan 11, 2010

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SQL Reporting :: Disable Export Options On ReportViewer Using A Server Report

Nov 19, 2010

Is it possible to disable export options on a server report in the ReportViewer control without changing the reportserver.config file?

I have the code to change a Local Report but not a Server Report. We have a group of reports we only want to be able to export to PDF and TIFF while the other server reports should be exportable in all formats.

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SQL Reporting :: Firefox Exception When Running Sql Server Report Manager?

Feb 24, 2011

when trying to run sql server report manager on Internet explorer its ok ,but when i try to run it in firefox i get thie exception?Server Error in '/Reports' Application.Access is denied. Description:An error occurred while accessing the resources required to serve this request. You might not have permission to view the requested resources.Error message 401.3: You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied (access denied due to Access Control Lists). Ask the Web server's administrator to give you access to 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSRS10.MSSQLSERVERReporting ServicesReportManagerhome.aspx'.Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.4955

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