Security :: Block Access To Folder (directory) With Authentication Mode = None?

Aug 14, 2010

I have a problem in my asp application. In my application I have an own authentication mechanism so in the web.config file I have <authentication mode="None"/>

Inside the application users can upload files to the folder I've created (App_Files). I would like to give access to the folder only once they are logged in (Session["Login"] is no null).

I dont want not logged in users to be able to access the files over a url address in the browser (like http://<server>/App_Files/Filename.pdf)

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Security :: Forms Authentication - Deny Access To Folder / Files?

Jan 29, 2010

I have a web app, which contains a folder Uploads, to which users (authenticated) upload their files (for some reason it has to be a folder in the root of the web app).I want to deny access to this folder and files to all non-authenticated users.

In my web.config I have:


and everything seems to work in development, but on a staging server it redirects non-authenticated users to login page ONLY from aspx pages, but not when entering the url to the file in Uploads folder.

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Security :: Forms Authentication In Web.config / Access To Folder Be Made Via Login Form?

May 28, 2010

i have a problem with forms authentication. i have a website and want to restrict access to an especific folder. i want the access to this folder be made via the login form this is what i have in the web.config

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name="Compra" loginUrl="wfLogin.aspx" path="/" protection="All" timeout="30" />
<allow users="*"/>

Then this to restrict folder

<location path="Admin">
<deny users="*"/>

the problem is that when the user login with valid information the website return to the login form.

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Security :: Folder Security / How To Block Anonymous Users

Jan 12, 2010

I have a web page where I am denying anonymous users from accessing. In the web site I have a folder called FileManager. In the web app the usres have the ability to uploaded files and when they do a folder gets created under the filmanger and the files are saved. I have created a web.config in this folder that denies anonymous users. The problem is if the user knows the directory structure they can type in the url of the site add /FilManager/x/x/NameOfFile, where x are the sub directories. If the file is an image it shows the image in ie, if it is a .xls or .doc or what ever they get the prompt to either download or save the file. What am I doing wrong. Will the web.config file not stop an anonymous user from access files? I put a webpage in the folder and it is blocked and the user gets sent to the login screen, but files seem to be unsecured.

How do I block anonymous users from being able to access the files in this folder?

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Security :: To Set EnvironmentPermission/ Block User To Access Web.config?

May 7, 2010

I know a user can use the following code to access the content of web.config
string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnect"].ConnectionString;

If I set EnvironmentPermission, can I block user to access the content of web.config?

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Security :: Directory.GetDirectories Access Error / How To Access With The Method System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories()

Mar 29, 2011

I have a shared folder with directories on a remote server that I am trying to access with the method System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(). This folder is based off of the credentials gotten from windows authentication. My problem is that everything works fun when I debug the Web Application in the built in IIS in VS, but when I set it up in IIS V5.1, it tells me that I have an invalid username and password. I am using Visual Studio 2005 on a Microsoft XP SP2 machine.

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Active Directory/LDAP :: To Provide Authentication Based On A Active Directory Security Group for A Webpage

Apr 21, 2010

How to provide authentication based on a Active directory security group for a webpage. I am using c# laungauge and .Net framework2.

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Security :: How To Do Mixed Mode Authentication

Jan 13, 2011

I have a question about mixed mode authentication. I've been doing some research into this, but I haven't found the answer yet, so I figured I'd just ask:

I have an internal application that requires login. Right now it's using forms-based authentication. We'd like to make it so that, if you're internal and authenticated against Active Directory, you don't need to login to the application. However, if you're coming in from the outside (or don't have an AD account), it would then require them to login via the forms-based Login.aspx page.

From my research, it seems that the only way to do this is to enable forms based auth as the default membership provider, then on the back-end do a check at Page_Load to pull their login name, match it against the .NET membership and then authenticate them automatically - am I wrong on this?

The documents I've found all seem to point to the user having to login anyway, just the login being stored in AD - instead of having the user just login once to their machine in the morning and using that to verify them and their roles in subsequent applications.

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Security :: Authentication Mode On Webconfig?

Oct 19, 2010

I have an website running with the authentication mode on the web.config file is Windows. The webpages at the root do not need to have login & password form.

Now I created a subfolder called 'reports' and would like to implement a few web pages with the login & password authentication form.

Question, do I need to create another web.config file in the 'reports' folder and update the authentication mode="Forms"?

View 2 Replies

Web Forms :: Restrict Access To Folder Or Directory Through Web Config

Aug 19, 2013

I am upload the Pdf Files And Save in Folder But any one easily open this folder 

http://localhost:8748/Lib/Admin/Files/ like that

And see all the uploaded pdf and click any pdf open this pdf 

like that


So this URL cannot be open what I can restrict this URL .....

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Security :: Mixed Mode Authentication With IIS7?

Jan 20, 2011

I'm having a tough time implementing mixed-mode authentication (windows & forms based) for my application using IIS 7. Doing it in IIS6 is easy, but the process doesn't translate to 7/7.5 - and my research has led to me to conflicting answers, none of which.

I have redirect page called WindowsLogin.aspx, and a forms-based one called Login.aspx. I'm having difficulty enabling Windows authentication for just WindowsLogin.aspx.

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Security :: Authentication Method - Enable Anoymous Access And Basic Authentication?

Jul 14, 2010

This could be very straight forward for some of you, but I got caught up. I am doing very simple test - browsing from IIS Manager to see the default page or "under Construction", however I am being challenged to provide my login credential . When I provide my login credential, I am able to see the default page. I wanted to see the default page without providing my credential since Enable anoymous access + basic authentication I am simply wanted to see the default page asit is working on other servers except this one. I have included screen print to make sure may question is clear.

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Security :: Mixed Mode Authentication Fails In Multiple IIS Websites

Jan 26, 2010

I created a mixed mode authentication mechanism based on a few of the articles that I have read on this topic. It's similar to something like this: [URL]

Basically, there are two web applications. One accepts the Windows Auth and one accepts Forms Auth. The Windows Auth then creates a forms auth ticket and passes control to the Forms auth application. This solution works fine when both applications are housed within the same IIS web site.

Now, order to control the security of this solution we set up multiple IIS web sites on the same machine. Web Site 1 serves external traffic (forms auth) and Web Site 2 serves internal traffic (windows auth).

So the design is that an internal user can hit the site using Windows auth via a internal name (myserver) while the external users use Forms Auth hitting [URL].

All that said, the solution works when the two applications are in the same site. Doesn't work when they are in different sites.

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Security :: Authentication With A UNC Virtual Directory?

Sep 4, 2010

I'm using IIS7.5 and Windows Authentication through an ISA server. I'm trying to migrate a classic ASP application to

We have an internal file server with our department folders on and I'm trying to provide web based access to these. Previously I created a UNC virtual directory to the \serverdepartments share, and because ASP classic ran in the context of the authenticated user they could only browse folders they had permission to.

What security settings should I now be using for the Application Pool and what settings should I use on the Virtual Directory credentials to ensure security? I'd like the page to run in the context of the logged in user, and when the code tries to display a sub-folder they don't have access to it should 'bomb out' as before.

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Security :: Website Windows Authentication Fails When Enabling SQL Mixed Mode?

Oct 18, 2010

Just to describe the scenario. I have a website. This lives on a webserver. On that webserver is an SQL server. The website connects to this database using windows authentication. I have written a windows form application that connects to the SQL Server on the webserver. This application is being run from a location on out intranet. The Winform application use SQL authentication to connect to the database. The SQL Server didn't have mix mode authentication enabled. So I enabled it. The winform application could now connect to the SQL Server.

This is where it starts getting a little strange.

The Website that was already connecting find using integrated authentication starts failing with:


When you are enabling mixed mode authentication, you are adding another authentication method, why would the original Windows authentication fail?

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Security :: Windows Authentication On Sub Folder?

Feb 5, 2010

I'm trying to get a website that has anonymous authentication for most of the site, but windows authentication for a sub folder.I've turned off anonymous access in IISEnables basic or Integrated authentication (tried both)Used this in web config to give all users access to main site

<authentication mode="Windows" />
<allow users="*" />

Then this to restrict a location to authentication

<location path="thefolder">


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Security :: Forms Authentication With Active Directory?

Aug 6, 2010

I am trying to set up an intranet application with Forms Authentication configured for AD. (Don't ask why, it's for the boss). Anyways, I got it configured to where everybody on the domain can log in but I need to restrict it to a security group that IT has set up for me.

The problem I am having is that users in the SG can not log in to the site. I tried just adding


without a role manager but it didn't work. Then I tried adding the role manager below (among others...).

Here is my web.config


Also, how should the user defined in connectionUsername and connectionPassword be set up? Must it be the same as the user I am running the application as?

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Security :: Forms Authentication With Active Directory

Jan 18, 2010

I want to authenticate against the Active Directory by using Forms authentication and Visual Studio ASP.NET/C#.Do you know any great tutorials/howto:s for implementing this?

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Security :: Authentication With Active Directory AD Getting Properties

Aug 19, 2010

Authentication With Active Directory AD Getting propertie


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Security :: MVC Forms Authentication With Active Directory

Sep 1, 2010

I am just getting started with MVC and I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction for help with forms authentication using active directory? I have the sample site up but the results I have found on google have not been very helpful in answering this question. This site is going to be an intranet page that we want users to be able to access without logging in when they access it from our network while they must login when trying to access it from home.

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Security :: Folder Level Forms Authentication

Feb 15, 2010

I am trying to implement forms authentication in my application. It has a folder named
User and an .aspx Page named Welcome.aspx. I am trying to restrict Access to this page by directly typing address in the browser. For this I have done following setting in web.config:

<location path="User">

It works fine for the first time and redirects to Login page when I type the URL directly in browser. But when I press back button in browser and again try to redirect, this time it redirects to Welcome.aspx. How can I avoid such a situation (Don;t want to disable back button). Also If i try to Set Location Path="User", it gices error i.e. I am not able to set folder level security

View 11 Replies

Security :: Add Form Authentication On Nested Folder?

Feb 7, 2011

I have simple structure:



I would like to add form authentication only on Admin folder.

when I add this into Admin/web.config


I'm getting this error:

It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.

How to add form authentication on nested folder?

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Security :: Login Using Authentication Against Windows Active Directory?

Jul 30, 2010

I am using Visual web Developer 2010 Express.

I want to create a small intranet web site with a login page that will authenticate against groiups of users in Active Directory. So for example if someone in Group A logs in they can get to web page X and if someone from Group B logs on they can get to web page Y. Is it possible to do this with the login controls without writing code? I thought it would be a fairly standard thing to do.

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C# - Setting Up IIS / Active Directory For Forms Authentication Security?

Mar 10, 2011

What's the easiest way to make Forms Authentication functional? Do I need to setup IIS/Active Directory? If so, how would you code that?

I was looking at this tutorial but it is a bit long, hard, and confusing: [URL]

Here's my web.config info:


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Active Directory/LDAP :: Authentication Using A AD Security Group

May 5, 2010

I am trying to restrict access to the webpage using a security group. find the code in the web.config file:

<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="AspNetWindowsTokenRoleProvider" />
<allow roles="enterprisenet.orgNMR Helpdesk Supt" />

Code in the code behind file of the aspx file i am trying to access:

if (User.IsInRole(@"enterprisenet.orgNMR Helpdesk Supt"))

Group is located in Helpdesk Supt . Its not working as expected.

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