Security :: Cannot Access Subfolder Files In Secured Folder
Mar 7, 2011
My restricted files are all stored in ~/Secured folder on the root. Authorized users have no trouble accessing aspx files in that folder. Recently I added a part of an application whose files I wanted to keep separate and created a ~/Secured/HR folder. I am getting a "resource not found" error trying to use any aspx file in HR folder even after user successfully logs in, as if the file does not exist at all. Here is my web.config security settings:
Do I need to configure security for that folder separately?
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Following the first site, it had worked but when I´ve moved the pages and files to other folders and set the web.config file on this folder, now it won´t work at all!!!
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on the web.config new folder and on the web.config website´s root.
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If url.Contains("/admin") Then
'If authentication ticket incorrect then
End If
And not, I cannot use my web.config for this particular issue.
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the word document).
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My code seems works fine locally. However, after loading it to GoDaddy it only works on a non-secured (not subject to ASP Membership), but when trying to use it in a secured folder the page clocks and eventually closes out.
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try to provide solution.I am developing one web application using 3.5 and my application i have to read files(Flat files stored in folder) in remote server which is located at another to do i can read &retrieve from local area.
i have that server host address,UID and Passwrd also how to access that files from remote server.
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Jul 6, 2010
How can i decide wich images can be viewed and witch cannot?
Is it possible to keep all the files in one folder but programaticaly decide wich ones can be seen?
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Jan 4, 2010
I am building an ASP.NET 3.5 Web Application and I am NOT using the membership provider for security. In the application I have a role named Admin and all the files for this role are inside the Security folder in the project. Currently for all the pages inside the security folder I am checking to see if the logged in user's role is an Admin or not. This to me seems very redundant, can do something like "If the user is requesting a page inside the security folder then check his role".
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Sep 16, 2010
I have secured some files on my webserver by putting them into the App_Data folder in the root (I do not have the option to secure folders using the ASAPI filter)The user gets access to these files by requesting them through a handler, fx. by requesting ~/Handler.ashx?file=App_Data/MySubFolder/MyFile.jpgNow, I want to make all the content in a specific folder called "Members" (a single subdirectory of the App_Data folder) available only by passing a specific password. That is by requesting ~/Handler.ashx?file=App_Data/MySubFolder/MyFile.jpg&password=xxxxIn my Handler.ashx I have written some logic seeking if InStr(context.Request.QueryString("file"), "Members") = 0 before sending the file.If inStr <> 0 a password is required.Is this a good way to secure a folder in and its content? Is there a way of getting access anyway, like using some kind of "sub-directory" line in the path (the same way as you can request parent directory by using "../../Myfile.jpg)? I know there will be a problem if someone fx. legitimately tries to access the file App_Data/Members.jpg
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Apr 15, 2010
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or, this works fine, too: [URL]
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Jun 24, 2010
I am using URL routing in application (not MVC) . I have Admin folder in my aaplication which has admin related aspx pages with seperate web.config. I have seperate login form for admin users which is placed in admin folder itself. My issue is whenever I hit [URL] (which I want to go to login form for admin)- it tries to authenticate and goes to login url mentioned in web.config of root folder.
Note: Admin folder has anonymous access in root config file. Also I have set default document in config of Admin folder. I have added following line in global.asax so that routing doesnt work for files in admin folder;
I am really confused what is the issue? What I am missing?
View 6 Replies
Nov 28, 2010
I am trying to access a shared folder which is located on a different server rather than on the server.
I configured windows authentication and set impersonation to true. Also try with enable/disable basic authentication.
I have tried the following:
with a mapped driveshared folder access (\sharedfolder)virtual directory pointing to shared folder with pass through configuration. However none of the above works. I am getting "Access Denied" error when trying with shared folder and virtual directory. In the case of mapped drive getting "Not Found" error.
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Jan 23, 2010
Trying to restrict access to folder but can't?
View 6 Replies
Jan 28, 2010
I have a folder that cannot be accessed by anyone except the management role of my web site. But, I added a folder to this and it can be accessed by anyone.
Of course, I can explcitly set the access to only a specific role(s) but I would like to know if I can tell set it so that even folders nested inside a restricted folder can take on the same permissions settings as the folder in which it is nested.
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May 3, 2010
how can we set grant or dynie access or permissions to folder by programming c# in
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Jun 18, 2010
At first I got an error that the user did not have permission to read the config file (web.config).
So I gave NETWORK SERVICE and IIS_IUSRS read on the website folders.
But now vistors can not access images and other static content from the Content folder without logging in. Aspx and .ashx content works however static content is redirected to the login page.
View 6 Replies
May 27, 2010
I wrote a web service sometime back, and uploaded to one of our network Server's IIS. The webservice needs to access a network folder, which was working perfectly fine till a month ago. Now, when we use the webservice in our .Net application, it fails with the exception message "Access to the path '\<networkMachine ><Folder >' was denied" (may be some group policies changed). But when I run the webservice from my local machine's Visual Studio debugger, it can access that folder. What could be different on the server's IIS w.r.t. my service? Why was it able to access the network folder before but not now? Please note that I can manually access that shared network folder from my machine, and also when I remote desktop to that <networkMachine> from windows explorer.
I saw in the task manager on the server that the IIS process w3wp.exe is running under 'NETWORK SERVICE' account. Though the network folder is not shared specifically with this account, but that has given read & execute access to 'Everyone'. Then what is the problem that it cannot access the folder. By accessing I mean creating a 'DirectoryInfo' object of the path '\<networkMachine ><Folder >' and reading all the subfolders -
just read.
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Mar 8, 2011
I've read the tutorials about Forms authentication and one question still remains:
How to declare a page as one which needs authorization for viewing it ?
I can think of two methods -
1. Checking in that page itself and then redirecting to login.aspx
2. Declaring it in web.config somehow
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