Security :: PIN Encryption Into 4 Byte Binary
Mar 30, 2010
how to encrypt a PIN in to 4 byte binary. The MD5 and other hashes I have known give the result as 8 or 16 byte. I need only 4 bytes because it is alloted only varchar(4) in the database.
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byte BlockNo = 0;
byte[] BlockData = new byte[16];
byte ReturnCode = 0;
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Mar 19, 2010
I inherited a ASP.Net website. Some changes need to be implemented. The login for the application is encrypted using the md5cryptoserviceprovider class. After upgrading to 2.0, the password is no longer encrypted the same as when it was 1.1.
I left the 1.1 virtual directory and it's still working. On the same box, I loaded the 2.0 code and setup a new virtual directory (which isn't encrypting the same as 1.1).
I copied the section below from the 1.1 machine.config section into the web.config and the 2.0 machine.config.
<machineKey validationKey="AutoGenerate,IsolateApps" decryptionKey="AutoGenerate,IsolateApps" validation="SHA1"/>
Here is the code that is generating the hash.
MD5CryptoServiceProvider encryptionServiceProvider = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
var bytes = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(inputString);
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You can see that they are close...
PHP: HLp51qoFW0rimOTafCVTVQ==
C# : HLp51qoFW0ojU8eGEGkk4w==
But something is going wrong somewhere, I suspect it's a difference between (PHP) pack("H*", '0F26EF560F26EF56') and (C#) StringToBytes.ConvertHex("0F26EF560F26EF56") but I'm really struggling to spot it.
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my code:
I have a stored encryption: "dkljas84u238jidasjidoia"When I get in this instance decryption "11111111111111111"show how the combobox "****************** 1111 "Something like: SELECT RIGHT ('11111111111111111 ', 4)
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Sep 18, 2010
My website has to connect to a hosted SQL Server database. The connectiostring, incluing username and password, is stored in the web config file.I have two questions.The first is that everything I read says this must be encrypted so that it cannot be read and used by others. Well, how would that happen. My understanding of is that all the work is carried out on the hosted server and the rendered page is then delivered to the user. How would a user be able to view my connectionstring.Secondly, I have used some msdn code to encrypt the connection string in the web config file. Following on from the first question, how can I confirm that the encryption is intact on the published web.config file.
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Jan 4, 2010
I am creating an application that will save financial data.I am in the process of creating an architecture for this application.I am stuck deciding wether to do encryption on the application side or SQL Server side. I am planning to use AESManaged algorithm for this.My requirement is such that the ecnryption key is unique for each user (based on user's password).I am of the opinion that it should be on the application server side as it becomes easily scalable. Another attractive thing that I find is that if my frontend is Silverlight then I can pass on the actual encryption load onto the client system.
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Jan 26, 2010
I am trying to use both .NET Cryptography as well as SQL Symmetric Encryption with Triple DES, if it's possible. I was able to set up a test database with encryption on a single field like so:
I am using this because of SQL Reportas that are being ran and I don't have access to C# development within them. Now to insert the encrypted key what do I use? I found the following code on another post
How do I modify OR what code do I use to Encrypt/Decrypt the SQL Encryption, does the SQL Encryption method need to change..Is it even possible?
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Mar 16, 2011
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for example by machine key in web config..
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Feb 3, 2010
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Jun 9, 2010
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Mar 13, 2010
This is meant to be easy ive been told, but still cant get it to work!I have a sql database hosted on a shared server which requires the use of sql authentication.As a result I require to encrypt my sensitive data in the config (connection strings etc).I understand that you can do this using aspnet_regiis etc, but ive been told that as I have no direct acccess to the server, I may need to program the encryption.
I have seen a few examples, but as a novice I have been banging away at this, looking at an errors screen most of the time!
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Feb 8, 2011
I need to get message integrity by encrypting the data while dataflow between Service <-> client (by directional). Below are the details.
Development Environment: .net framework 4.0; Windows 7, IIS7, VS2010.
Production Environment: .net framework 4.0; Windows 2008, IIS7.
Business Requirement:
I have an WCF Service hosted in IIS7. There are multiple Windows Forms Application as clients to my service. Services will be consumed via internet.User, Role information are stored in SQL Server 2008 database. Need to Authenticate and Authorize requests agains the SQL Server database. Dataflow is bi-directional. Clients will write data to service. And also Service will serve data to clients Data transfered in wires must be encrypted, in both directions. My approch to solution:
Below is the configuration setting in Service web.config file.
<system.serviceModel> <bindings> <wsHttpBinding> <binding name="POCWsHttpBinding"> <security mode="Message"> <message clientCredentialType="UserName" negotiateServiceCredential="true" /> </security> </binding> </wsHttpBinding> </bindings> <services> <service behaviorConfiguration="POCServiceBehaviour" name="SecurityPOC.SecuredService"> <endpoint address="" binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="POCWsHttpBinding" name="POCwsHttpBindingEndPoint" contract="SecurityPOC.ISecuredService" /> </service> </services> <behaviors> <serviceBehaviors> <behavior name="POCServiceBehaviour"> <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" /> <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="false" /> <serviceCredentials> <serviceCertificate findValue="CN=WCFServer" storeLocation="LocalMachine" storeName="My" x509FindType="FindBySubjectDistinguishedName" /><userNameAuthentication userNamePasswordValidationMode="Custom" customUserNamePasswordValidatorType="Common.MyCustomUsernamePasswordValidator, Common" /> </serviceCredentials> </behavior> </serviceBehaviors> </behaviors> <serviceHostingEnvironment multipleSiteBindingsEnabled="true" /> </system.serviceModel>
Questions & Assumptions:
My assumption is that, client certificate is used for authentication. I am not using Certificates at Client side, becuase my client authentication will be done using UserNameValitions against the Database.
Am I write? Using only Server side Certificate, with negotiateServiceCredential="true".
Is it required is install Server certificate on client machines in this case?
I am assuming Server Certificate details will be downloaded to client site during the first call..
<security mode="Message">,
Assuming this setting takes care about the message security/encryption using the Server certificate, in both directions. As per my requirement, message must encryped on wire while tranfer between Server to client and while Client to Server.
Am I write?
My Last question...How to ensure that messages are being encripted on both directions, from Testing point-of-view. I need to take test evidences out of it.
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