Security :: Logout From Session And Redirect To Login Page
Jan 26, 2010
I have an option in my website to logout from session and redirect to login page. So I get redirected and if I try to login again it seems like it tries to redirect me to login page over and over, until I click some page in menu and login and it does works. so, doesn't the login control always redirect to same DestinationPageUrl? here the logout code:
I am Creating a Webapplication. In that i kept Login options where users can login. Some users access the data without login. I want when user want to access without login it should redirect to login page.
I have written custom code for login and logout...When use clicks on logout button the current session is closed and user is redirected to a login.aspx page...The problem is that when a user click a back button on internet explorer it the previous page he was navigating is shown to him...(altough he cant perform any operation as session is null and their is condition in page load that if session is null user should be redirected to login page)May i have to clear cache of client ??
In logout link's click event i have written Session.Abandon() that will destroy the Session state.I am also handling Session_End event that is fired afterward (written in Global.asax). But one more thing i want is that after Session ends, login page should be redirected (opened).
For that i wrote:
This is working fine on the surface, but after applying debugging i saw that there were unexpected number of calls to Session_Start and Session_End events for two times, then login page was opened.
Why Session_Start and Session_End was called two times ? If i left this process as it is working then may i get some serious error in future ?
usually in mvc there is thing [authorize]...which will allow users only after authetication...but this works on in bulit logins in asp..
now am creating my own login...with user name and password...afteri logout...when user tries to access the home of my it should redirect to login page...and the cache should be cleared
I am browsing the page (, then i click the Logout button in this page, it will be logout successful but it will not redirect to the page (, it will show (
If at any time i m login in that time if i want to logout from this page then i'll used response.redirect() but that time how i'll expire the session means no used after logout form a page without login...
Need the code for the login /logout in my sample project and how to attin logout in the all pages. dont mistake me as i am learning (fresher) the 2005
I have created custom a MembershipProvider, SessionIDManager, and SessionStateStore since I need to use custom legacy sessions and logins.. When the Application is ran, it runs the GetSessionID in the SessionIDManager(which is correct) The problem then is if there is no session meaning the GetSessionID method returns null, it tries to create a new session using CreateSessionID.. I want it to redirect to the login application(another application). We only create and store session information for logged in users and the "session id numbers" come from a file that is pre-populated with "session id numbers"(I didnt design this and its out of my control).. So its not feasable to give everyone who visits the site one of the "session id" numbers. I also need for users with an "invalid" session(when checked through Validate()) to be redirected to the login page.
When user logout, we redirect him to the login page. I show a message "You have successfully logged out." on login page using query string. But when user refresh the login page the message still appears. How can I make sure during subsequent refresh, the login page should not show logout message. Here is the code:
I need to create an application with Forms Authentication and/or Windows Authentication. If the application is set to use mixed authentication (Forms + Windows Auth) and the user don't have a Windows user account, the login will fail and he must be redirected to a forms login page. How can I do this?
Are there any different way to provide mixed authentication?
I am wondering how I can implement so that later login session logout former login session to avoid concurrent login. I know how to check whether the user is online (by Membership.IsOnline()) and logout the current user (by FormsAuthentication.SignOut()). But I don't know how to logout the previous login session.
I have 1 master page and Home.aspx page. Home.aspx page is using the master page.. In master page i have two textbox and and menu control and button. Textbox are used for login and password. by default Home.aspx opens.....Now when user login then i check the user exist of not in my master page codebehind and then redirect to Home.aspx but this time i want the textbox and button not to be visible. In master page i used session to store the login is true or not and the usertype and then redirect to Home.aspx. but i am not able to use the session.
I have made a web page in which there is login screen when user login it goes next page but my problem is if i directly enter the url of that page it open. I want it should not open unless the user log in...
I am having problem in session time out in with Ajax Call.Once the session times out,when a control calls asynchrous this is notredirecting to login page.(I am using forms Authentication)In the same page if i try to redirect(in Preinit) to login page if session expired..the login page appears with the previous page(because of the ajax call).Please let me know the way to redirect to the login page when the session time out and when a ajax call is made.
I have one website in which there is one page along with one ascx as registered into it. In the ascx where user can add some order details and click on "Make Payment" button, then there are following 2 cases...Case I: If user was not logged in, then a modal popup will open which has login ascx with 2 buttons Register & Login. In this case user either Login or Register and continue with "Make Payment".