Security :: Single Login Control With Different Destination Pages By Role
Feb 16, 2011
I am using visual stuido 2010 and vb. I am trying to direct users to one of three different pages upon sign in, depending on their role. Basically I have three roles: administrators, dealers, and customers And three respective destination page urls: admin/default.aspx, dealer/default.aspx, and customers/default.aspx. Everything I can find in the forums is in C. So far I have nothing, so I guess I'm asking someone to write the whole sub for me. I wish I was more proficient, but I'm working on it.
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Oct 28, 2010
I am currently working in an ASP.Net application where i need to implement ASP.Net Membership and Roles. I have used Login controls in my pages. Also I am using a menu in the master page, which is getting data bindings from database. For data bindings I am using XMLDatasource and a transform file (.xslt file). I need to bind the data to the Menu based on the user roles.
My issue is that the generated Menu is not behaving consistently. Sometimes it will show the correct menu for a particular role and some times it will show previously loaded data.Providing my code here:
private void LoadMenuItems() {
System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal User;
User = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User;[code]....
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Jun 21, 2010
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I have display the SignOut link by using LoginStatus but I dun want to put the Login Status in each and every Roles Group. Can anybody tell me how to create a generic view which will display the Signout link when any user is logged-in. But I dun want to show the SignIn link when the user is not logged-in.
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May 7, 2010
Followed the code sample of Chapter 10 (Logging in) of the Book, Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0, I created an ASP.NET 3.5 website with Forms Authentication. The sample code used Website Administration Tool (WAT) to manage the users, roles, and authorization.When running in the ASP.NET Development server environment, I can first login, then click to open the links for each for the 3 roles.
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Jul 15, 2010
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Jan 30, 2010
I have two .NET applications X and Y
a. I want to have User A as a common user for both application X and Y.
b. User A can have different roles on X and Y. Eg. Read permission on Y and Write Permission on Y.
How do i configure ASP.NET membership to achieve about functionality.
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Nov 5, 2010
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And now 1 of it project near complete, and now I want to move to next module
But in my scenario, I want my single login.aspx to access all of modules
Let say like this
The question is, is that correct of scenario (4 project for 4 module)? How was the correct best practice if there is? What if I create all of the module in 1 project in VWD? future maintenance handy and performance wise (and security of course).. and maybe for easier in development also :)
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Jan 15, 2010
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May 18, 2010
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What I need to do is to allow each user to access his page only and deny access to others , except for the admin who can access all pages.
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Nov 11, 2010
I'm using the following code which autheticates a user and redirect him to a members webpage. This works however if I access the protected page directly I bypass the security. Do I need a check in the OnLOAD for each page? My second question is how to say hello username on the members page. What variable can I reference to display the username?
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Mar 17, 2010
I didn't really know where to post this so thought i'd postit where hopefully people understood the page cycle and what's going on when people perform logins.So I don't know if people have noticed before but Facebook uses an unencrypted page for login, albeit the page redirects to an encrypted page but that very first POST is clearly visible to everyone- I've looked using Tamper Data in Firefox.How is it they can get away with this, or am I missing something here? Have they decided that if people don't look after their own security then it's not their fault? I do't understand as eBay, Amazon etc all make you go to an SSL page to login, obviously because all request and post data is encrypted... Why can Facebook do away with this security measure? I don't understand.Just looking for some insight in being able to have login controls placed on unencrypted pages and then redirecting people to secure pages.. it still doesn't work out in my head though?
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Oct 18, 2010
I want to create a website that a user can logon and view their data. They should also be able to logout. I'm wondering how to achieve this WITHOUT using the Membership provider api provided by Microsoft. This is what I think should happen.
1. user enters name and password and clicks button.
2.If username and password are correct the user is redirected to a webpage with their details.
3.A session is created.
4.The user logouts and the session is deleted.
View 10 Replies
Jun 24, 2010
I developed our feature rich web page which is constantly changing. I'm not much of a programmer but I know HTML and CSS pretty well. I have a need to create a couple of login page for prospects and end users to get to secured content. I put together a page that works perfectly in Microsoft Visual Web developer Express 2010. This includes a login page. Ironically, after learning how to do all this from a book, there is a web page that perfectly chronicles what I am trying to accomplish and the steps to do it. It's here: [URL]
I don't expect you to watch it, but there is a simple aspx page created for login and then users are created and the content is displayed after successful login. It works fine in m development environment, but when I post, nothing. Furthermore, twice in the last two days, after downloading my current site to my hard drive, and then posting back after adding this functionality, my FrontPage forms stopped working. I had to have my website restored from backup. The whole thing makes no sense and I can't find any precedence posted on any user forums. So any testing I do seems to wipe out my navigation structure.
I'm going to establish the site on a different server tonight and see if its configuration. If that works, I'm not sure where to g next. I'd appreciate any thoughts. The worst part is I can't post a test page or my Fropage contact forms stop working.
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Jun 29, 2010
My client wants 2 separate login pages for an ASP.Net app, one for regular users, one for support staff. I am using the standard FormAuthentication component for authentication. Is it possible to redirect a regular user to one login page after a timeout, and also to redirect an admin user to a different page after a timeout? The loginUrl attribute of <forms> in web.config is read-only, and cannot be edited at runtime.
Regular User -> Timeout -> Login.aspx
Support User ->Timeout -> SupportLogin.aspx
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Mar 31, 2010
I have a website statistics program that creates .htm pages for viewing. Im trying to keep them in their own folder on the root - "Statistics"After reading many posts I have tried many iterations of:
Problem is, an .aspx pages in there won't get served with login, but all the .htm pages will.
View 24 Replies
Mar 10, 2011
I have read the many posts of people trying to use two different login pages: one for users and one for admins. My question is very different. I have a Site.master page with a LoginView and LoginControl. I then have three root level pages Default.aspx, About.aspx, and Contact.aspx that derive from the Site.master. All three pages are set in the web.config to be allowed to all users. I then have a MemberPage in a Member folder which is only accessible to authenticated users. What I want to have happen is to be able to login from either the Default, About, or Contact pages and then be directed to the MemberPage.
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Nov 13, 2010
Usually in sub-folder we will limit the access right to some roles and this feature requires pre-defined database schema.
However, if i still want to use this role feature of, but I do not like the pre-define database schema, I want to extract role information from my own database table and bind it to the role.
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Oct 12, 2010
how to make login control allow users to login by either username or email address
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Mar 24, 2011
I am doing a simple secured site using the login control. I would like users to be redirected to their dashboard page once they log in, but after that if they choose to browse I do NOT want them redirected based on their login status. I am using the generic template provided in VWD with the basic login setup in the template including the tabbed ASP menu control - nothing fancy, nothing custom. This is intended to be something very simple and quick. Here is the code I am using for the page load...
So if I do this code WITHOUT the "IsPostBack", logged in users are always redirected to their dashboard and cannot see the hompage. However with that IsPostBack test, the redirect after initial login doesn't work.
I know this is extremely basic and simple, but I am restarting with this stuff after a year away, and I need a nudge.
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Feb 7, 2011
I have built a login form that does not use the 'login' control.
in my code behind i have this:
but this does not seem to maintain my user loged in... as soon as the user navigates to the next page he is loged out again...
View 3 Replies
May 13, 2010
the page on submit will try to check the credentials on database instead of my web.config like i need. How to achieve that.
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