Security :: Sitemap Control User Rights Enable And Disable?
Aug 27, 2010
iam using masterpage and sitemap in my project, what i want to is that if user login is did, based on the user previlage in need to show the sitemap menu page if user i have the previlage to see the page then i should enable that page otherwise i need disable that page
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Apr 20, 2010
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I have another table called LOGIN with fields(id,DOB,password) example values(1001,24101989,madhukumar)
What i want is , if i login using the LOGIN table ,it check the id and permission in the ROLE table , if the permission is 'hr' it enable to access the menu , or if the permission is any other it just print the error message ("no permission")
Note: menu is placed in master page , but login is not in the master page ...
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Feb 24, 2011
I'm trying to allow logged user who are in department XYZ to perform some task for my third party App. I have two SQL tables named Users & UserList. The third party app (GoldMine) graps the USERNAME from the Users table and store it as UserID which I then referecnce SessionID. The UserList table has two columns (GM_UserName & Department) which I'm interested in. When a user login into the 3rd party app (GoldMine), i then compare the USERNAME (from Users table) to GM_UserName (from UserList table) and see whether GM_UserName is in = 'Dept XYZ'. Take a look at the SQL query below.
sqlDept = "SELECT USERNAME FROM Users LEFT JOIN UserList ON UserList.GM_UserName=Users.UserName WHERE UserList.Department ='Dept XYZ'"
I'm able to do this.
If Session("Userid") = "TestUser1" Or Session("UserID") = "TestUser2" Then Do this Else Do that End If
BUT unable to do this...
If user's Department = 'Department XYZ' Then
Do This
Do that
End IF
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SO same controls i have to show multiple times...but based on member /accompanying person i am hiding id field..but required field validator showing when the id is hidden..since this id is inside datalist and id textbox will be different how to hide this required field validator
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Mar 19, 2010
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Dec 12, 2010
if I have this code:
How can I run the cmd using and admin rights? Is it possible to run the command using an admin name and password?
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