Social Networking :: Display Markers From CSV File In Google Maps

Apr 10, 2014

Maps using only in Client side validation (Not using Asp.Net)

1) It must get the longitude and latitude from CSV file and it must be a fileupload and loads dynamically using Jquery.

2) Multiple markers showing different location.

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Social Networking :: Google Maps API Display Markers - Find Shortest Path Using TSP

Jul 25, 2013

i want to include google maps API into my ASP.NET page and allows users to input the locations(few places) they are going to visit. When the user inserts the location, the google maps API will mark these locations. It means in the maps it will mark the places. some red bubble to indicated the places is marked.

for example,i list a few checkboxes beside the check boxes will have a places'name. when the checkbox is checked, Google maps will make markers on these location. How to do this?

IF after the places is marked in google maps, i want to get some information from google maps (such as the coordinates of the all the marked place). Then,  use google maps to run some code behind to find the shortest path using Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) algorithm.

After that,generate the proper sequences of the places ( which place to go first, and which place to go last). is it possible to be done?

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Social Networking :: Search Locations In Database And Display Markers In Google Maps

Oct 21, 2015

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" Runat="Server">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var markers = [
<asp:Repeater ID="rptMarkers" runat="server">


My DB Schema - 

My DB Sample Data -

How do i display a particular marker on the map based on my search based on the koid or city field?

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Social Networking :: Display Numbers Or Letters Or Alphabets In Markers Google Maps V3

May 7, 2015


I saw this code it is good but,I have to insert letters inside the markers?

If the marker is yellow color we have to insert 'y' inside that yellow color markers,if it is blue 'b' have to insert.

How would I?

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Social Networking :: Google Maps Display Colored Markers For Particular Type Of Location

May 7, 2015

private DataTable GetData(string query) {
string conString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query);
using (MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(conString)) {
using (MySqlDataAdapter sda = new MySqlDataAdapter())

[Code] ....

In above C# code, I want to change the color of DataTable row "Upstream" based on If condition from code behind. I tried below code, but its not working:

decimal res = Convert.ToDecimal(Upstream);
if (res <= 0 && res >= 2) {
Color col = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#0000FF");
Upstream = Color.Blue;
} else {
Color col = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFFFF");
Upstream = Color.Red;

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Social Networking :: Add Markers To Google Maps Using Address

May 7, 2015

I am looking for multi marker google map from sql server database, I have following code with me which is working perfectly fine but instead of fetching data from sql server it is fetching from xml. How can bind it from sql server to show multi marker.

xml data

<marker address="630 LAS GALLINAS, San Rafael CA"/>
<marker address="2ND ST, Novato CA"/>
<marker address="2402 SIR FRANCIS DRAKE BLVD, fairfax CA"/>

<marker address="255 CANAL ST, San Rafael CA"/>


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Social Networking :: Drag And Drop Markers In Google Maps V3

May 7, 2015

i have to display google map with movable pushins(marker).if we will drag these on anoother location and click the submit button than new lattitude nad longitude will be save in the database and updat also....

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Social Networking :: How To Delete (clear) Markers When Clicked On Google Maps V3

May 7, 2015

I want to delete the previous markers when i select new marker below my code.

var map;
var myCenter=new google.maps.LatLng(51.508742,-0.120850);

[Code] .....

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Social Networking :: Populate Colored Markers In Google Maps From Database

Dec 9, 2013

I want to display data from database in GeoMap. My database table is:

Station Name Danger Levels
St-01 Normal(blue)
St-02 Danger(red)
St-06 Warning(yellow)
St-10 Danger(red)
St-11 Warning(yellow)

Now in GeoMap, For Particular state(of Malaysia), I need to show the different stations and danger level(using colors defined in above table) related to each stations (from above database table). Need to understand the code as per my requirement: URL...

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Social Networking :: How To Show Multiple Markers On Google Maps From Database

Feb 28, 2013

I've a scenario in my website where there is a search page.

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Social Networking :: Populate Google Maps Markers Without Latitude And Longitude?

Jun 16, 2015

i'm trying to display location dynamically using google map.

The location will be passed as a parameter as follows.

country, city, address and block number.

How can i implement that?

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Social Networking :: Populate Markers In Google Maps Using Longitude And Latitude

Apr 6, 2013

Reverse Geocoding (Address Lookup)

How can i retrieve map for location after save latitude , longitude in the database....

I used code for saving latitude , longitude [URL] .....

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Social Networking :: Filter And Display Google Map Markers From DB Based On DropDownList Selection

May 7, 2015

in our project we need to show the markers on Google map from the database. we have already got the code in which all the markers are displayed for the the places stored in database. But our aim is somewhat different.We need marker on one place that is selected from the elaborate,if we select an area from the dropdownlist that contains names of areas stored in database,then "only" marker on that place must be displayed.Further,selecting the subarea from dropdownlist2 should zoom the map and display a marker on that how do we do that? what are the changes required to be made in this code?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;


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Social Networking :: Display Google Maps V3 Marker On Button Click

Jan 22, 2014

I have a repeater to show the data and has another repeater for google map.My map will show 10 markers .Now i need to highlight the first marker when hovering the first result in the repeater and so on Here is my code...

<div id="dvMap">
<script type="text/javascript">


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Social Networking :: Search For Location Using Address And Display In Google Maps

Feb 12, 2014

I'm making a site that has a map in it and can search places and will locate the place.

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Social Networking :: Display Google Maps From Database On Button Click

May 7, 2015

I have a problem with displaying maps in page load the map is displayed, but when I want to execute the code on a button click the map is not displayed

Function javascript
function AfficherMap() {
// alert("ssss");
var mapOptions = {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(markers[0].lat, markers[0].lng),
zoom: 10,

[Code] .....

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The page is not redirecting to another tab...the address is opening in the current tab itself but i want the address of google map to be redirected in another code is

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string address;


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Social Networking :: Google Maps V3 - Display Color InfoWindow On Marker Click

May 5, 2013

i have map and iwant to add multiple markers to map from sql database,and each marker has colorful infowindow that has few details and has link when it cklicked the infowindow will be large and contains tabs every tabs binding to sqlserver and in one tab we add image gallary.

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Social Networking :: Display (Load) Google Maps Inside Boostrap Tabs

Sep 20, 2015

I am using simple google map. When first time click on tab "showmap" when perfect load map.

Like show in image 1:

Now "showmap" tab hide other tab show and then again open tab "showmap" then not perfect open map.

Like show in image 2:

The code is:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function show()
var map;

[Code] .....

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Social Networking :: How To Drop Google Markers One By One After Specific Interval Of Time

Apr 30, 2013

I have written the following code to display multiple markers in google map and i succeeded in it.Now i want to have a drop animation applied to markers and want to drop marker after a specific interval of time.I know i want to call setTimeout method ,but don't know where to call this method to achieve the result

<script type="text/javascript">
var mapOptions={
center:new google.maps.LatLng(markers[0].lat,markers[0].lng),

[Code] ....

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Apr 14, 2013

Show google map with markers and list the address in listview.I have created 20  images of google marker numbered from 1 to 20(Example marker-1.jpg,marker-2.jpg....marker-20.jpg).If i want to display 20 locations in google map  with makerimages numbered from 1-20,how can i set the url of the icon in the marker options?Here's the code i have written.

var markers = [
<asp:Repeater ID="rptMarkers" runat="server">
"title": '<%# Eval("Name") %>',
"lat": '<%# Eval("Latitude") %>',
"lng": '<%# Eval("Longitude") %>',
"description": '<%# Eval("Description") %>'


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Social Networking :: Show Google Map With Markers And List Address In ListView

Apr 11, 2013

I have a scenario where, when user searches for a particular program a list of possible programs should be  displayed from database and show  it on google map with google markers depicting those addresses. I have achieved it successful with your answer ASP.Net: Populate Google Maps V3 with Multiple Markers using Address Latitude and Longitude values stored in database

Now my question is how can we display those markers with numbers and show the address corresponding to that number in listview.

For Reference [URL] ...

Type basketball in the field QuickSearch and click the search button ...

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Oct 6, 2013

I want to use google map , which show the location, address

How to do this....?

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Jul 6, 2013

How to create Google Site Map in

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Social Networking :: How To Get Zip Code Of Address Using Google Maps API

May 7, 2015

how to find out zip code searching from address?

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