State Management :: How To Get Unique Session Id That Generated Same For All Browser Tabs

May 19, 2010

How to get unique session id that generated same for all browser tabs and different and always unique when we close and open new browser in code.

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Similar Messages:

State Management :: Session Variables And Tabs / Is There A Way To Reset The Session Variable

Nov 11, 2010

I have some code in my page load event where I just want to fire once when the user opens the Browser. The only issue is if you open a new tab with the same website the session variable does not reset. Is there a way to reset the session variable when you open a new tab or do you have to take the whole web browser down for it to clear the session variable.

In Global Page:


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State Management :: Session State Is Shared Between The Tabs?

Aug 6, 2010

We have a common problem with tabbed browsing in Internet Explorer is that the session state is shared between the tabs.

Due to this our user can face many issues like

1) Suppose user has opened a .aspx page for (clientId=1) and editing it in one tab and at the same time user is editing another client(ClientID=2). And both are using same in session.

Due to the session sharing when page will auto refresh the first tab with (clientId=1) will see the data of clientId=2.

Its clear that the session is shared between the tabs.

I have also implemented the ASP.NET 2.0 offered solution by way of the following config setting
<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="UseUri"></sessionState>

But still our users are facing this issue. I am looking for solution to disabled the Tab programaticaly and also i wanted to know how to clear the cache programatically.

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State Management :: Creating Each Session Key As A Unique Identifier?

Jun 28, 2010

First of all here is my code chunk.


Right now I am creating this session with the session key "PhonePart" which is also the name of object I am passing in as a parameter in first method. In subsequent methods, I use the the same name to retreive and clear session value. My problem is, this approach works fine If I instantiate a single object of the class where these methods are defined and using that object call the methods, but when I create another instance of the same class and calls for instance method AddToSession and pass that instance, it overwrites the session value stored by the first instance of the class as the session key is the same that is "PhonePart".

Considering this scenario, is it possible that I somehow grab the name of the object as string in the calling method say "AddToSession" and create a session with that name? If Yes, then I can do the same in subsequent methods and retreive session value and also clear the session specific to that instance name without affecting the other session values stored by other instances.

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State Management :: Logging Out Users When User Opens Website In Two Browsers Or Two Tabs Of Same Browser?

Sep 20, 2010

We use windows authentication. User opens our website in tab1 and does some action but with out clicking on save he opens a new tab tab2 and opens the same website again. Now, if the user session in tab1 is active i need to warn users that the he is already logged on to application in some other browser and go to some log out page. But if the user session in tab1 is timed out then he must be able to continue with the website in tab2 as usual, but if he tries to do anything in tab1 he should go to session expired page.
I tried implementing it in following way.

I have a hidden field in each page which will be set to unique Id using GUID.NewID().
when user requests for a page the following code is executed.


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State Management :: Same SessionID Is Generated After Session.Abandon

Mar 30, 2010

How to get rid of Session.sessionID when abandoning the session?

Scenario : I abandon a session and create a new session again. This time the sessionID generated remains the same as earlier.

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State Management :: SQL Session State Lost After Close Browser?

May 3, 2010

I'm not sure if this is an error or is the right work mode for sql sessions.

I'm working now with Windows 2008 R2 Web Ed. and SQL Server 2008 Web Ed.

When I close my browse and open again a new browser window I need to login again in application and a new session is created in the sessions table in sql server.

It's this normal? I remember that with Windows 2003 and SQL 2005 this doesn't happend. When I closed my browser and open inmediately a new browser window my session was retained and I could continue working without relogin.

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State Management :: Session - User Closes Browser, The Session Does Not Get Killed?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a website live in

now if user closes browser. the session does not get killed.

I spoke with friend and he said that cannot be done as sessions are on server.

but i see banking website who kills session when browser is closed.

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State Management :: Session Variable Persisting Even After Abandoning A Session - Closing Browser Windows

Aug 5, 2010

I have been spending a better part of a week trying to track down why I am not able to clear all session variables in a web app (vs 2010, What I have tracked it down to is that when I remove or abandon sessions that my html pages or codebehind access, it works, but for some reason in any of my class files where I use "Public Shared strConnection as String = HttpContext.Current.Session("strConnection").ToString" to access a session variable, it finds the old one and not the current one. I have to wait for it to time out, go in again, and it will find the new one.

I do not use Linq, and there is only one place in the whole web app that I place the connection string in a variable whcih is when a person logs in. It points them to the correct database. The sqlconnection is set for all of my listviews in Page_Init to make sure that they aren't using any session variable that they create on their own. Interestingly enough that if I use debug to go in each time, exit debug, enter debug again trying to access a different database, it works correct each time. I assume that debug is correctly killing the session variable for the classes for me.

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State Management :: Launch A New Browser Session From Url?

Mar 4, 2011

Physican is accessing data for patient #1 using ASP.NET Web site with backend SQL Server database. Session state is used to persist some patient information. At the same time, he checks his email and clicks a link in the email that launches the same Web site to check on a communication concerning patient #2. In IE8 these two instances of the application share the same session id. If physican responds to communication concerning patient #2 and returns to patient #1, he will now be accessing data for patient #2.

I know about framemerging etc. but how can I launch a new browser session from the hyperlink in the email without closing or stepping on the http session for patient #1 and without having to resort to cookieless sessions?

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State Management :: Creating A New Session ID On Opening A New Tab Or Browser?

Apr 9, 2010

How to solve Cross browser session Problem???When i login to my site and open a new tab,the session is shared.I want a new session for each tab.It is possible without using cookieless = 'true',but i cant use this.

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State Management :: Managing Session In Multiple Tab In The Same Browser?

May 26, 2010

I am sorry if this is been discussed earlier. I am having a problem maintaining the session when someone uses the same browser with multiple tab, the results gets messed up. A perfect example would be, [URL] if you open IE (or any other browser) and open two tabs and search for two different air travel itinerary and the results will completely overlapped (real mess). I know the cause for this problem (both tabs uses the same session). I would appreciate if somebody have any solution for this. I am using ASP.NET 3.5/VS 2008/VB.NETI will not be able to use Viewstate since I use a master page and pre-init event where view state is not available.

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State Management :: How To Keep The Session Variables Even After Closing The Browser

Mar 30, 2010

How to keep the session variables even after closing the browser?

Everytime I close the browser, I lose all the session variables.

Is there any way to keep them?

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State Management :: Browser Multiple Tab Over Written Session Object

May 3, 2010

While working with mutliple tabs of same browser, session varibles/object gets over written with latest one.

Scenario in my application:

I have to create new employee on first tab(tab #1), and updating existing employee details on second tab(tab #2).I stored employee other details in Session["dtInfo"], use it on saving the record.Now Session["dtInfo"] having details of latest tab created, i.e. tab #2. I tried to save record on tab #1, facing the problem of session gets over written.I had to check some vaules on OnInit and OnInitComplete event. But I get here wrong values in session.

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State Management :: Error: Your Session Has Expired. Please Refresh Your Browser?

Feb 24, 2011

I receive the error message "Error: Your session has expired. Please refresh your browser." When I export a table in ASP to Excel. I know for a fact that the correct data to export exists. Everything works fine except for this error message. I don't see how the session on a browser could run out in a matter of the one second it takes for the Excel file to pop up

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State Management :: Clearing Session Variables On Browser Close?

Nov 10, 2010

Session variables are on server side. I need to clear out the server side session variables on browser close on client side. I have used a WebService and ajax call but still i am not getting the session cleared.

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State Management :: How To Abandon The Session When The User Closes The Browser Window

Jan 7, 2011

How do I abandon the session when the user closes the browser window instead of pressing the logout button in ASP.Net 3.5 application.

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State Management :: Save Session Variables Through Browser Refresh / Reload?

Mar 30, 2010

Is there a good way to keep the session after a user clicked reload/refresh? My boss wants this functionality, and I don't really/really don't want to use a query string...

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State Management :: Handle Session End Event For Web Application When User Closes His Browser?

Oct 20, 2010

I need to handle "session end" event for my web application when user closes his browser. Session is stored in Sql.

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State Management :: How To Link The Objects Between Browser Session And Session Objects

May 10, 2010

Lets say I am doing a shoping cart. I authenticate the user with a session variable.For example:

// Here I want to add to the shoping cart.
// Can I do the following
Session["Cart"] = "Washing Machine";
Now will this Session["Cart"] value which is washing machine here be unique to diff customers?

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Web Forms :: How To Open Browser With 2 Session Tabs From C#

Sep 30, 2010

I have a button control where I retreive 2 strings with 2 URL like in the code below.

What I wonder how it is possible to do, is how to open up 1 browser window with 2 Session Tabs where 1 Tab is [URL]

How can this be possible to do from code behind (C#)?


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Web Forms :: Prevent Multiple Browser Windows Or Tabs From Sharing Same Session

Mar 6, 2013

Preventing user to open duplicate web application,while it is running .....

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State Management :: Create A Unique Order Number

Dec 11, 2010

i am trying to create a Unique order number so i tried to use the code above but every time i enter the quite the page the number get rest.

If (ViewState("counter") Is Nothing) Then
ViewState("counter") = 1
ViewState("counter") = ViewState("counter") + 1
End If
OrderNum.Text = ViewState("counter")
If (ViewState("counter") Is Nothing) Then

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State Management :: Passing A Unique ID To The Next Load Page?

Jul 7, 2010

I am using a FormView and on insert I want it to be redirected to another page and take the ID of the FormView which I have just inserted so I can have page b load with the date from page a that I have just inserted

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State Management :: Error :Session State Has Created A Session Id, But Cannot Save It?

Nov 18, 2010

I read the solutioin for this error, at the following link : I am still not clear what exactly causes the error. I have two doubts :1. Can anyone please elaborate a bit on this issue, with any example ????2. Is there any drawback of this approach ?

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