State Management :: Page To Automatically Redirect To A "registrationClosed.aspx" Page On A Specific Date?
Jan 24, 2011
I have a page that allows visitors to register for an account, but I want this page to automatically redirect to a "registrationClosed.aspx" page on a specific date...
What is the easy/safe way to get all HttpContext.Current data (like querystring, etc) in the previous page, after response.redirect or server.transfer to another page?
In logout link's click event i have written Session.Abandon() that will destroy the Session state.I am also handling Session_End event that is fired afterward (written in Global.asax). But one more thing i want is that after Session ends, login page should be redirected (opened).
For that i wrote:
This is working fine on the surface, but after applying debugging i saw that there were unexpected number of calls to Session_Start and Session_End events for two times, then login page was opened.
Why Session_Start and Session_End was called two times ? If i left this process as it is working then may i get some serious error in future ?
I'm using sessions to track user name. I assign Session["userName"] in my login procedure. The sessionn gets timeout in about 15 minutes. What I need to do is, if the session timeouts I need to redirect the page to the Default.aspx page.
How can I do this? Any code example would be great.
The Silverlight app has a link to a different group of reports. This *was* working fine but no more. In the following code you can see the 'Reports' part that it calls another page [URL] namely right here: WHat is happening is when the reports page is called, it goes into 'Session timeout ' right away.
I have one website in which there is one page along with one ascx as registered into it. In the ascx where user can add some order details and click on "Make Payment" button, then there are following 2 cases...Case I: If user was not logged in, then a modal popup will open which has login ascx with 2 buttons Register & Login. In this case user either Login or Register and continue with "Make Payment".
Ive created an object and placed it in the session, then in my .ashx handler I want to get that object from the session. The problem is that its always null !
heres how ive placed the object into the session from an aspx page
Here is my scenario.In default.aspx page user selects the country, state, city from drop down list, and store them in cache for further use. but when other user open the web site from other computer it shows the same country, state, and city selected by user 1. Is there any problem related to cache? I have stored data as following.
cache["ctryID"] = ctryID;
cache["stateID"]= stateID;
cache["cityID"]= cityID;
I want to show default country, state , city at page load of default.aspx
I am trying to use the Application_Error to redirect the user to a custom error page. I know I could use the web.config to do this, but let's assume for now that this is not a desirable path to take.
Initially, I tried to do a Response.Redirect to perform this, however, there seem to be occasions where the current http context does not define the response object. So, I attempted to perform a check to make sure that the response object is not null prior to attempting the redirection, and if it is not defined, perform a Server.Transfer instead.
What happens is that in most cases, the Redirect causes the browser to some generic "friendlyish" error page rather than the requested error page.
So then I tried using Server.Transfer exclusively, and this worked well for most cases, however, sometimes the transfer didn't seem to take in the browser. Changing it back to a redirect in these cases solved that problem, but reintroduced the issue where the errors previously being captured and transferred now were being redirected.
What I surmised from this is that in certain contexts where the Application_Error method is trapped, it is necessary to use Server.Transfer in redirection, whereas in others, it is necessary to use Response.Redirect. The question then became twofold: (a) When is one necessary and when is the other? and (b) What available information can I poll to tell me when a given condition exists.
After much searching, I cannot find a reasonable answer to this question. So I began to trap errors and examine the HttpContext object for some indicator. One thing that I was looking for is the reason why if even with a defined Response in the current context does a redirect fail. The only thing that stood out is that even though a Response object may exist, the Session data could be absent. I added the case to check whether the Session data was null and perform a Transfer in this case and it seems to be handling it properly.
I emphasize "seems to be handling it properly" because no documentation I've been able to find confirms either the problem I am having or whether this is an appropriate strategy for solving it.
I guess the question is, am I on the right track here or is the null Session object just a red herring, indicative of nothing relevant. Here's the check I have set up for reference.
I have created a matser page with a two radio buttons, text box and a button. Whenever user sets some values to these control and clicks the button, i will navigating him from one content page to another based on the data he has entered. The problem is after the content page load, the values selected/given in the controls(radio button, text box) are getting cleared.
after filling the form show message to user that account has been created which is not a big deal and after that show him a message that you will be redirected in 5 second... now redirection i need to be done using javascript...not META TAG..
Every time I create a new aspx page and add some new photos and text, after I finish, I have to update page title, Web.sitemap, Sitemap.xml to feed search engines, static sitemap.aspx page, add photos to proper folders, update database to display feeds etc, and I have to remember to upload all new files including links to any new pdfs....This routine eats my time and drives me crazy.
I was wondering if there is such interface, where you need to create only 1 aspx page, for example "Articles" which can populate Texts, photos etc into pre-defined sections, but at the same time it displays with different URL's, so there is a permanent link to it. After you finish it creates a title automatically, based on article title, populates Web.sitemap - does all the dirty work. Similar to how blog engines, Joomla and Drupal work.
Building asp.C# shopping app that is using a hosted payment page to process payments (using posting of data to a hosted payment page). SSL certificate is signed and installed.
Prelim) (HTTPS) Users authenticate using asp Login control
1) Users add items to cart.
2) (HTTPS)Users go to checkout page.
3) Users finalize their order, then click pay now after agreeing to T&C.
4) Server gets cart data (from MSSQL2005) and sets a transaction cookie (expiry set to 20 mins).
5) (HTTPS) Server Response.Redirects to an html page (in the same folder as the login protected pages).
6) Html page reads transaction cookie data and generates form fields.
7) (HTTPS) Html page posts data to hosted payment page (php).
8) User enters payment info and clicks pay now.
9) (HTTPS) hosted payment page posts info back to a .aspx page that checks if payment OK.
10a) If payment !OK, redirects to a declined page.
10b) (HTTPS) If payment OK, sets a verification cookie (expiry set to 20 mins). Then redirects to another html page.
11) Html page reads cookie data and generates form fields.
12) (HTTPS) Html page posts data to hosted verification page (php).
13) Verification page verifies (of course), if transaction ok.
14) (HTTPS) verification page posts data to a .aspx page that checks if verification OK.
15) If verification OK, process orders and do receipt stuff.
This control flow was tested on an unsigned dev environment. SSL was being enforced, if needed on the unsigned SSL certificate. So we'd get prompts that certificate may be bad, but the control flow worked seamlessly.
However, now live with a signed SSL certificate, going from step 5 to 6, we are encountering a situation where some users (not duplicated every time, but verified that it does occur) when they click pay now and are redirected to the html page, they are forced back to the ~/login.aspx page (as if they were logged out).
Things to note:
a) The session did not time out.
b) The browsers have cookies and javascript enabled.
c) I can process the entire flow seamlessly on the same machine with other accounts, and occasionally, the same account.
So, basically, I'm stumped... Is this a viewstate error? A login control bug that won't let me redirect to an html page because it is now using a real SSL? Anyone have any experience with this kind of deal? I'm at a loss for solutions at this point.
I want to show my data in next page with well formated in table.I all ready write code for session which show data in next page.but i want to show it in table format and i also want to comapre in database for a price and show too. this is my code for next page:
this code show me data but as i say iwant it in table format and want to comapare session varibles in database i want to show price accoding that particular product. The Pervious page code:
I have created a demo application to read data from the CSV and after read the data from the csv file there is a button to save all the CSV loaded data in the database. When i load the large CSV (2MB) file . after load all the data from the file i will save all the data in datatable and store in view state.
when i click on another Link the page doesn't work and page become expires. Where is the problem.
Its simple doing read CSV file .. file stream closed. store all the csv data in view state. and click on the another link save into the database. but click save database button page expire.
I have a startup page as Menu.aspx I want to redirect this page to login.xaml so that whenver user type Menu.aspx it should open login.xaml then this .aspx page.
I am using Forms Authentication and have stored the credentials in the Web.config since there are only two credentials. Currently I have a login page that on authentication would redirect to the default.aspx page or the return url. I want to redirect to a different page i.e. form1.aspx or form2.aspx based upon the credentials.
Currently using
if (FormsAuthentication.Authenticate(txtUser.Text, txtPassword.Text)) { FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(txtUser.Text, false); }