Web Forms :: Accessing Data In A Dynamic Form Control?
Sep 4, 2010
I have a page that will generate upto 10 copies of some web controlls, depending on how many the user wants, but I am not sure on how to access the data the user enters into it. The code I have is:
As you can see I want to access the vale to add to the list but not sure. I tried tbGameNamei.Vaue but VS has a kanipshat about it.
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Aug 4, 2010
I am using a from view for data entry. I need to verify that a check box is true or false after editing a record.
I have been accessing label text using the following|
CType(FormView1.FindControl("RespDeptLabel"), Label).Text
How can I access the state of a checkbox in the form view to determine if it is true or false
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Oct 12, 2010
i friends i am having two forms say form a and formb and having two panels in formb and i want to show this panels from forma based on some condition and the code which i am using is
Dim capfrmobj As New CaptureForm
capfrmobj.panelvf.Visible = True
capfrmobj.pnlc.Visible = False
capfrmobj.pnlnc.Visible = False
then also i am not getting the output
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Sep 29, 2012
I have a master page, sub master page and content page. The master page has a form control which both masters can access by name alone:
<form id="form1" runat="server">
The content page contains a contact form, with the form tags removed as they conflict with the form tags on the master.
What I want to do now is access form1 on the content page so I can change its properties for use in the contact form. I'm not sure if this is how its done in ASP? Anyway, here's how I've tried to:
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim f As Control = CType(Master.FindControl("form1"), Control)
f.Action = Request.Url.ToString()
f.Name = "contactForm"
f.Method = IsPostBack
End Sub
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Mar 11, 2010
I have a Custom WebControl. Inside this control I add a button and I want it to access an EventHandler that is on the WebForm where the control is included. The handler handles with controls from the WebForm, so it has to be there. I could probably manage to take the button out of the control, but it would be better to keep it on the control, for organization sake.
public class LanguageSelection : WebControl
private List<Language> _Languages;
private CSSImageButton btnOk = new CSSImageButton();
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Sep 15, 2010
I am using a form view control which has two binded textbox. Now at this level it works fine and the textboxes show the values from database. But when i insert a panel inside the form view and move these two textboxes inside the panel, they dont show any values. What could be the reason for this?
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Feb 7, 2011
I am building an windows application using visual studio 2005. I want to retreive data from excel workbook and i want to display the retreived data in a drop down menu.
I have few question regarding this process.
1. How do we connect to excel using ADODB.Connection.
let me know following code snippet works or not.
Dim cn as ADODB.Connection
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
With cn
.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.ConnectionString = "Data Source=C:MyFolderMyWorkbook.xls;" & _
"Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"
End With
2:How do we access and manupilate individual column from excel worksheet?
Since i am new to .Net environment i need detailed explanation about whole process.
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Jul 17, 2010
I want to use directly form authentication by editing the web.config like this:
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="Authenticate.aspx" protection="All">
<deny users="*"/>
<allow users="abc"/>
Then I add a Login control in Authenticate.aspx, after click Login button there is an error like this:
An error occurred during the execution of the SQL file 'InstallCommon.sql'. The SQL error number is 1802 and the SqlException message is: CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors.Is there anyone know what the problem that Form authentication cannot directly apply to Dynamic Data site as usual?
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Jul 4, 2010
i am try to access control Label in header template of forview i have tried following code but it doesnot worked.
Label l =(Label) frmuserDetail.HeaderRow.FindControl("lblUserName");
Label l=(Label)frmuserDetail.FindControl("lblUserName");
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May 24, 2010
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This is the aspx page
//this is aspx code.
<asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server" >
<placeholder runat="server" id="itemplaceholder">
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Feb 16, 2011
i search google for re-write in asp.net 3.5 web form and found many sample. my requirement is bit different. suppose i have textbox and user will write whatever in the textbox then that text will pass to a specific page like www.mysite.com/product.aspx?data=textbox.text but i want to rewite the url like www.mysite.com/product/textboxdata.aspx.suppose user write sony camera in textbox so then my rewite url will be www.mysite.com/product/sony-camera.aspx.so please tell me someone with code snippet how could i re-write url dynamically
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Aug 20, 2012
I had a issue with accessing dynamic controls in destination.aspx, which i had created during runtime while populating them in a panel in source.aspx.
In source.aspx, i generate controls and fill them up in a panel, after that, this page was posted to destination.aspx. however, i am unable to retrieve my controls at the destination page.
Following are some of the ways i had tried.
this does not work at all, i can't cast a control using a request, it only returns me a string.
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Oct 25, 2010
I have a LoginView control that contains a PasswordRecovery control. Upon page_load I don't want this to be visible. When the user clicks a hyperlink button ("forgot password?" type of button), then it'll be made visible.
But I'm having a hard time making the password recovery control invisible at runtime. Here is my page_load function:
It is the only password recovery control in the LoginView control, so I don't understand why this isn't working. The password recovery control is still visible when the page loads in my browser.
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May 3, 2010
I have a User Control with a multiple number of link buttons.
What I want to achieve is to change the Background colour of one of the link button control in the page load event of one of the pages. I am finding it difficult to access the link button in user control .
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Mar 21, 2010
Im binding an image to a repeater and giving the image id a unquie value based on the id from the database. The problem im having is trying to find the control within the repeater as i dont know the exact id of the control as its generated at runtime.
What im trying to do is count how many items are bound then after the first one assign a new css class to the rest.
How am i able to find the controls id on itemDataBound ?
The code is provide below:
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Jan 28, 2010
I have a two buttons ( button1 and button2 ), a panel ( panel1 ), a label ( labe1 ) on my Web page ( coded with asp.net and c# ). I want to create 2 textboxs on my page when I click on button1 ( button1_click ).
After that, when I click button2 ( button2_click ), I want to get data of textbox (added on runtime) and write them on label1.
This application is part of my master application. This is very important for me...
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Feb 10, 2010
I'm kinda new to vb.net web forms and I'm trying to figure out the best way to create a dynamic employment history block on a web form. You know, the block where you list who you worked for, salary, dates etc.
On the form now I have three employment history blocks inside a table. If the person filling out the form has more employment history, I'd like to have a "add history" button that when clicked adds another employment block to the table. The user can click it as many times as they want to add more employment history blocks. I'd rather not reinvent the wheel here, so if someone has a sample of this and would be willing to share, or can point me to vb.net sample on the web that does this, I would appreciate it much.
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Jan 28, 2010
I am writing a survey generating system in asp.net. i asked an ealier question about the best way to create controls that can be passed about as variables. This was problematic with user controls so i was advised to use custom controls and a quick way to do this was to inherit from the panel control and just add a bunch of standard controls the the controls collection by overriding the CreateChildControls method. This way i could create my "survey" controls,which are basically Questions in the survey. THe question controls are then dynamically added to the page. This all works well but know i have come to the point that i want to try and retrieve the values from these controls and i seem to be lost in a nether world of of viewstates and page lifecycles. I can ensure that the dynamically added text boxes have a known ID, however even if i add the parent control in the page init handler the CreateChildControls method does not run until after until after the viewstate is loaded. I cannot work out how to retreive the values from these text boxes.
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Feb 16, 2011
I know in standard VB.Net development, you can access any form field from within a module class but I'm not sure how to do it using Web Forms.Here is my scenario:I have a Module.vb where I am putting all my Database Functionality. In each of my functions, I'm using a Try Catch construct.
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Jun 28, 2010
I have created a formview with 4 dynamic controls fields that LINQ to a database.
There's an event handle for each of the first three fields whenever a text change with following codes:
' extract textbox from both SubTotal and the modified field
tboxSubtotal = FormViewAssistance2.FindControl("totalTextBoxEdit")
tboxModifier = FormViewAssistance2.FindControl("foodTextBoxEdit")
'extract string from those textboxes
txtSubtotal = tboxSubtotal.Text
txtModifier = tboxModifier.Text
'convert text to double and add them together
Double.TryParse(txtModifier, dblModifier)
Double.TryParse(txtSubtotal, dblSubtotal)
dblSubtotal = dblSubtotal + dblModifier
'post the changes back to SubTotalTextBoxEdit
'EditorPart.ReferenceEquals("totalTextBoxEdit", dblSubtotal)
'PostBackTrigger.ReferenceEquals("SUBTOTRECTextBoxEdit", dblSubtotal)
'EditorZone.ReferenceEquals("SUBTOTRECTextBoxEdit", dblSubtotal)
I'm stuck on how to post/update totalTextBoxEdit to reflex changes in first three fields without having user clicking Update button to save the information into database. I've tried above 3 statements but none of them is working.
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Dec 16, 2010
I have a gridview where I in codebehind add a templatefield
In my update command when i try to find the "Result" textbox I get a null object
In the gridview there is another templatefield "Name" that consist of two boundfields("Firstname" and "Lastname") This column is added in the design phase and not in the codebehind.I don't have any trouble finding these controls using the ID added in the markup
[Code]....My issue is with the result column that I add in codebehind.
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