as Service but here as you see in row with id=2 there isn't any data in service2 and service3 columns and just in service1 is data(ser4) so it show in lblservice data like below ser4, , , ...
but I want if in one of column doesn't be data it doesn't show (,) that come after data I mean I want if in 1 columns be data in show:
I have this code in the page load...For some reason the dropdown binds to the db, but the gridview that I want to bind is not displayed. What could be the reason for this? C#:
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString()); conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT CompanyName, CompanyID FROM Company ORDER BY CompanyName", new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString())); SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand("SELECT p.ProjectName AS ProjectName, p.Status FROM Project p, Company c WHERE c.CompanyID = p.CompanyID AND c.CompanyID = 3", new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString())); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds); conn.Close(); company_list.DataSource = ds; company_list.DataTextField = "CompanyName"; company_list.DataValueField = "CompanyID"; company_list.DataBind(); company_list.Items.Insert(0, "-- Please Select Company --"); cmd2.Connection.Open(); SqlDataAdapter sqlAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd2); DataSet ds2 = new DataSet(); sqlAdapter.Fill(ds2); Gridview1.DataSource = ds2; Gridview1.DataBind(); cmd2.Connection.Close(); cmd2.Connection.Dispose();
I have a custom page (Page 1) in SharePoint where I have a repeater control. From Page1 I open Page2. This is where I generate a collection of object which i use to bind repeater control in Page1. For the first time everythings work fine. If I have 5 objects to bind, repeater control shows 5 elements.
Now assume, I have 5 elements in page 1. When I open page two It carried over same 5 elements. I delete 1 element and send 4 element as collection to Page 1. In page 1 after I databind the repeater control, it doesn't display correctly. It deletes the wrong element.
I debug my code. The collection which i am binding to repeater shows the correct elements. But while displaying i is not showing correctly.
i need bind data from gridview to database.. i dont know how to do it.. i doing student attenance detail mini project.. gridview show total class student name , roll no, and department.. check box for attenance .. if i tick in check box bind data "student present" not tick bind data student absent.
I am using Visual Web Developer (VWD)and I dragged in i.e created a Gridview. In the codebehind of the page, I will like to declare an sqldatasource and get data from a database using the sqldatasource and then bind the sqldatasource to the Gridview. PS: I know how to drag-in an sqldatasource and attach it to the gridview using VWD but this time, I want to do this declaratively in the codebehind.
I have a view table to bind XML. But I don't know how to bind it to XML in code behind (C#). It requires to Flash Photo gallery getting some Nodes (id, name, size etc.), so I want all the content bring dynamically.
I am using a FormView control. The allows me to update records in the database. However, when a database field is null I can not update the field on the form. It works fine when the field is not a null value. I am not using any code behind (C#) to bind the data or manipulate the data.
I have read that when there is a null value in the database thatthere is no record in the "dataset". Can anyone show me how to bind a value in the form when there is a null value previously.
I have created an customizable gridview where user will be able to add and delete data. Now I face some proplem with this gridview. now I want to add a dropdown list (which is dynamically bind with database) inside the grid. I created code and it bind well. when the page is post back previous selected dropdown list value lose and set to selectedIndex=0; For this reason I used if(!page.Ispostback) and put the dropdown binding code inside this. Here I faced a problem. The problem is when I want to add data inside grid the dropdownlist missin bind. How can I overcome this problem? For your kind observation I given entire code below:
I'm using SqlDataSource and at the point of adding a record, I've called SqlDataSource_UploadNewsLetter_Inserting. In here, I'm testing a value, and if it's true, I need to stop the insert from taking place. But how can I stop the database insert at this point?
So I followed Scot Mitchell's tutorial from on adding a checkbox column to be able to select multiple entries and delete them with the click of a button. When I make my selection and click the button it works on the database end, as the desired entries are deleted. However, the entries remain on the page after it reloads. if I refresh the page it's updated properly but I'd like it to automatically update after the button is clicked.
Also, I tried his method for adding check/uncheck all buttons to the top of the gridview and they don't seem to be working either.
untill now every thing is ok and when I select Item from ddlzoneE ,DdlDistrict's Item change but when I add below code in Page_load Event it didn't worked