Web Forms :: How To Find All The Web Services And Windows Services Running On A Server
Feb 4, 2011
How to Find All the Web Services and Windows Services Running on a Server in ASP.Net. I have the server details with me and want to find all the Web services running on it.
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Similar Messages:
Jan 14, 2010
We have a cient we are stting up that has 2 separate physical servers, one that is the web server the other the database server. Using impersonation we have been able to get the website to connect and retrieve data from the sql server so that part is not an issue. The problem is I have a windows service application that must be installed on the web server (as it process files downloaded to an ftp site) and it must be able to connect and write to the sql server as well.We tried adding a system.web block with the impersonation stuff to the app.config file which of course did not work. Can anyone tell me what/how we need to configure this properly?
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Feb 8, 2010
1)My Windows services application folder is MyWInservice
2)Executable .exe i.e. “myServices .exe“ file located under MyWInservice \myServicesinDebug
3)I have RUN bat file
C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727InstallUtil.exe /u "myServices.exe"
C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727InstallUtil.exe "myServices.exe"
4)After running InstallUtil, myServices.InstallLog and myServices.InstallStategenerated under .. binDebug folder.
5)Upon pressing F5, I still get the same error.
Error is:
Windows Service Start Failure,Cannot start service from the command line or a debugger. A Windows Service must first be installed (using installutil.exe) and then started with the ServerExplorer, Windows Services Administrative tool or the NET START command.
View 6 Replies
Apr 5, 2010
We have created an ASP.NET web app that upload files to WSS Doc Libary. The files get added under 'SYSTEM ACCOUNT' in the library. The FullTextSqlQuery class is used to search the document libary items. But it only searches files that has been uploaded by a windows user account like 'Administrator' and ignores the ones uploaded by 'SYSTEM ACCOUNT'. As a result the search results are empty even though we have the necessary data in the document library. What could be the reason for this?
The code is given below:
public static List GetListItemsFromFTSQuery(string searchText)
string docLibUrl = "http://localhost:6666/Articles%20Library/Forms/AllItems.aspx";
List items = new List();
DataTable retResults = new DataTable();
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(docLibUrl))
SPWeb CRsite = site.OpenWeb();
SPList ContRep = CRsite.GetListFromUrl(docLibUrl);
FullTextSqlQuery fts = new FullTextSqlQuery(site);
fts.QueryText =
"SELECT Title,ContentType,Path FROM portal..scope() WHERE freetext('" +
searchText +
"') AND (CONTAINS(Path,'"" +
ContRep.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl + ""'))";
fts.ResultTypes = ResultType.RelevantResults;
fts.RowLimit = 300;
if (SPSecurity.AuthenticationMode != System.Web.Configuration.AuthenticationMode.Windows)
fts.AuthenticationType = QueryAuthenticationType.PluggableAuthenticatedQuery;
fts.AuthenticationType = QueryAuthenticationType.NtAuthenticatedQuery;
ResultTableCollection rtc = fts.Execute();
if (rtc.Count > 0)
using (
ResultTable relevantResults =
retResults.Load(relevantResults, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges);
foreach (DataRow row in retResults.Rows)
if (!row["Path"].ToString().EndsWith(".aspx"))
//if (row["ContentType"].ToString() == "Item")
using (
SPSite lookupSite =
new SPSite(row["Path"].ToString()))
using (SPWeb web = lookupSite.OpenWeb())
SPFile file = web.GetFile(row["Path"].ToString());
} //using ends here
return items;
View 1 Replies
Aug 26, 2010
Recently I had a weird problem while trying to install SQL Server Reporting Service in my local PC. I am using Windows Vista Home Premium and I wanted to configure SSRS in my PC. During the installation, the setup wizard listed all the services that we want to install and I found that only Reporting Server checkbox option was disabled and I wondered why??? I thought it may be becuase of some installation problem and tried again and its useless... I googled lot of sites for 3 days and finally found that due to some IIS issues, it is not possible to install Reporting Server in Vista Home Premium version. Reporting Server needs some specific IIS features to be installed in the machine.
But unfortunately those features are not available for Home Premium users which in term restricts users not to install reporting server in our PCs... Also, Microsoft has accepted it as an issue and its not possible to get it install in Home Premium...just wanted to share and might be useful for someone like me.
Reference: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/920201/en-us
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Feb 28, 2010
how to maintain session id in windows services in c#.net ,please help me regarding this issue.
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Apr 3, 2010
I am using Visual Studio 2010 Release candidate1. I have to deploy my web application which consists of a website, certain window services, certain WCF services and Sql Server 2005 database.I read Vishal Joshi's blog(http://vishaljoshi.blogspot.com/2009/09/overview-post-for-web-deployment-in-vs.html) detaing Web Package in VS2010. I want to know how to deploy window services and WCF services using Web Package. Also, I want to create a web setup (.msi) for deployment instead of Web Package so that the .msi takes care of all the application and database deployment like the web package does.
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Jul 20, 2010
I installed vs2010 in my machine and opened solution (of same version copied from other machine).
But getting stateservices error message..Moreover i am unable to find asp.net services in the list of services under serives.msc.
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Jan 12, 2011
I have an ASP .NET 2.0 (4.0 is an option) page that I've embedded the Windows Media Player to using OBJECT tags.
The player is connecting to a Windows Media Services publishing point on the Web server. This is on a 2008 server.
Everything works great, see it here: [URL]
If I understand correctly, the information the player is showing in its status bar comes from the ID3 tags of the current track. Continuing on this line of thought, the ID3 information must be coming to the player from the media server. Correct?
What I want to do is collect and use the information about the track that's current being played. I'd like to be able to create a custom display for the current track information. I'd also like to put a custom value in the track information to look up additional information about the artist/track from a database.
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Mar 4, 2010
I am using HTML controls while using Ajax in my .net project. Now I want to make my text box to be autocomplete. I am fetching a data using a query for the respective typed text but i am not sure how to bind that data to text box and show it the way it is being displayed in google and other famous sites. I would also love to know the way using web services. Which way is more efficient?
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Jul 1, 2010
i have an asp.net application in that application i need to restart windows service when i try to do i get Access Denied Error i fixed that by check windows integrated windows authentication check boxbut i want i need to do it without check windows integrated windows authentication anyone know how to??
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Mar 21, 2010
I have a fairly complex business application written in ASP.NET that is deployed on a hosted server. The site uses Forms Authentication, and there are about a dozen different roles defined. Employees and customers are both users of the application.
Now I have the requirement to develop a Windows Mobile client for the application that allows a very specialized set of tasks to be performed from a device, as opposed to a browser on a laptop. The client wants to increase productivity with this measure. Only employees will use this application.
I feel that it would make sense to re-use the security infrastructure that is already in place. The client does not need offline capability.
My thought is to deploy a set of web services to a folder of the existing site that only the new role "web service" has access to, and to use Forms Authentication (from a Windows Mobile 5/.Net 3.5 client).
I did see this question and I am aware of the limitations that Forms Authentication poses. Since security is not my primary motivator (I use SSL and can restrict access by IP address), but rather using existing user accounts and roles, my decision tree is somewhat different as well.
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Mar 1, 2011
how to start or stop windows services present in a remote system using Servicecontroller in c#.net.
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Feb 10, 2011
how to start or stop the windows services of a remote system.
now what i need to know is, is there any possibility such that the windows services can be start or stop by using webservices.
suppose i have created a webservice in remote system which will keep on monitering the status of windows services present in that machine. now i will create a client service which will sends the service(windows service) name and action to be performed(that is starting or stopping the service).so is it possible to do in such a manner.
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Mar 1, 2010
I created a page for display my own windows services installed in the system. That page displays the service display name and status in the grid view and also showed one button to start ot stop the service according to the statusAll working nicely. But when i click start button i got the error as follows{"Cannot open Service1 service on computer '.'."}and the inner exception is "{"Access is denied"} .
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May 7, 2010
Actually i dont know whther this is the correct forum or not? but i didnt found any other section to post a question like this.Actually i am in . I need to document the service i developed so when my absence or something the other developer can understand my way and code.The aim is to specify the module descriptions, needs and business logic i used to implement. So the next developer can understandCan anyone tell me the name of this document. Developer Document ? Please tell the correct name of this and any link to download any template to undertand. Please dont take it as simple question
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Jan 3, 2010
When adding a new web reference, one of the options that visual studio gives you is to search for web services on the local machine (The exact option name is "Web services on the local machine").
My question is, how does Visual Studio find the web services on the local machine? The local website that contains the service doesn't contain a .disco file.
I tried to use fiddler but got nothing (visual studio didn't make any requests to the local web server). Does visual studio scan the default website for files with the extension .asmx?
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Jul 12, 2010
Makes it sense to use ASP.NET applications together with WCF RIA Services or WCF Data Services (to encapsulate the data access layer) ? Or are these technolgies only useful for Silverlight applications.
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Feb 17, 2011
Can someone explain me about SQL Server Reporting Service and using it in ASP.net?Typically I design my reports by Crystal Report, assign the data source to crystal report an produce my report.What is the benefits of using SQL Server Reporting Service and how to use it?
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Mar 10, 2010
Currently we are running an application build in VB6,ASP,Commerce Server2000 and Sql Server 2000. This application is running in Windows 2000 server.Now we are planning to migrate Windows server 2000 to Windows 2008.Will this application run in Windows 2008 or do we need to upgrade this application to dotnet and Sql 2008?
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Jun 16, 2010
It seems the Print Icon in Reporting Services is now throwing up a Windows Authentication box. Even when entering my domainusername and password, nothing happens. It just keeps popping up?
Our reporting service URL is a http://IP Address/........
Not sure if that has anything to do with it. We did add the I.P. in the Local Intranet Zones but still nothing works.
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Dec 27, 2010
i have created simple hello world WCF services it is working fine in local machine but when i try to uploaded to the server and then run that service it not at al start like http://localhost:8080/wcf/helloservice.svc
i am trying to modified the webconfig file <endpoint> address i have changed to my servername.com/wcf/helloservice.svc again it shows error can give usefull link to creation and deployment to the server
View 1 Replies
Sep 10, 2010
i want to update table using web service file, i am retriving value like this :
public DataSet getinfo()
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=WEBTECHNO1WEBTECHNO;Initial Catalog=blogsite;Integrated Security=True");[code].....
how can i update table using this web service , what should return type in update and all these things...
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Feb 11, 2010
How is it possible to browse to one of the .rdl reports in the sql server reporting services on the report server?At present I can succesfully browse to the report by:http://servername/reportsthen I see a folder called "ReportFiles" which holds the reports (.rdl files)then I click on one of the .rdl files in there to see the report.Do you in asp.net know how I can go to one of the reports?
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Aug 9, 2010
How can I do if I want there is a server certificate between web application IIS and web services??
Do I need to go to the Public CA??
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