Web Forms :: How To Change The Title Of The Page
Apr 27, 2010
<% @
title="ViewCompanyData" %>
how to change the title="viewcompanydata" into multilanguage
as when i click arabic button the data inside the title=" " shuld appear in arabic and viseversa,so can one let me know how to do it,as i have done globalization for my whole project,just this part is remaning.
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CodeFile="contactus.aspx.cs" Inherits="contactus" meta:resourcekey="PageResource1" Culture="auto" UICulture="auto" %>
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.ajax__calendar .ajax__calendar_hover .ajax__calendar_title {
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Feb 23, 2010
BookmarkA.Title = Me.head.Page.Title.ToString()
I tried the above one in order to get the page title but I failed ! What I need to do ?
Me.head.Page.Title.ToString() did't get the value !
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Mar 24, 2010
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Jan 27, 2010
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in product.aspx
HtmlHead head1 = (HtmlHead)Master.FindControl("head1");
HtmlTitle title = new HtmlTitle();
title.Text = "buy online"
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Feb 12, 2010
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I set the page title on the first page load with this.title = "Whatever";
That part works fine
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I've used this.Title, generic html object, title/header with runat server. Tried adding javascript dynamically. They all word... but only on the first page_load, never after that. I've ran in debug mode to confirm that the code gets hit on every page load and nothing seems to change the totle even if the code runs.
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Sep 23, 2010
I have a news list and when I click on every each news, it navigates to another page where I can see news details. What I need is I want to request every news title in news details page and show it in <title> section in <head> as the pages title. It means the <title> tag in news-details page must be dynamic and will change depending on every news articles title. But I don't know how to do this because the only parameter that will be sending from news-list page to news-details page is news-id and not news title.
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Apr 10, 2014
I want to load title tag from server side but the code
page.header.title="omega"; or page.title="omega";
doesn't work....
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