Web Forms :: How To Open Save File Dialog Box

Feb 5, 2012

How to open save file dialog box using asp.net.Can i use filestream objext for that it must be open on imagebutton click.

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Web Forms :: Open PDF File Directly In Browser Without Open Save Dialog?

Feb 22, 2013

I have created a pdf file using aspose and need to open it without saving the pdf.Is it possible.

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Web Forms :: Writing Text To File With Open Or Save Dialog Box?

Mar 29, 2010

i trying to write some text to a file in browser system......for this i'm using stream writer as like this

StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("c:/Billing report.doc");

but wat i need is browser should open a dialog box and ask open or save.

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Web Forms :: Showing Videos? / Shows A Open Save File Dialog

Jun 23, 2010

i am trying to show videos oon the asp.net page here is the code that i am using but it shows me a open save file dialog and i don't want that i want a player on my website it should show that video data from database i am using sql server and datatype in varbinary(max) & using linq to sql to store data

ELearnDataContext eld = new ELearnDataContext();
var x = (from a in eld.Videos
where a.VideoID== 1
select a).First();
Response.Charset = "GB2312";
Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
Response.ContentType = "application/OCTET-STREAM";
Response.ContentType = "video/x-ms-wmv";
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + x.FileName);

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How To Open / Save Dialog In Browser When Download A Pdf File In C#

Aug 4, 2010

I have a mail list where i can select many mails and download (with/without opening the mail). During the download process i update the mail status(download/open) and show the content in pdf. In normal browser dialog opens where user can save open or cancel options exits. But if the user cancel then the update process done on the mail should not happen. so i think about doing the update process if the user clicks open or save but how can i identity that client control (i think it depend on the browser)

The issue is present if i download and unopened mail and click cancel button in the dialog box the pdf creation code i have done is in this link


which i used to open that dialog in browser to save pdf

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Save String To Client With Open/Save Dialog?

Aug 8, 2010

I am using the following code to write the contents of a string (converted to a byte array) to the client in ASP.NET/C#

byte[] data = StrToByteArray(strData);
Response.AppendHeader("content-length", data.Length.ToString());
Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
Response.AppendHeader("content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + fileName);

fileName is the name of the file ending with the file extension (.pgn). However, the file is saved as a .txt file, ignoring the extension that I am giving it. Would this have to do with the Response.Contenttype = "text/plain"? How can I get the Open/Save dialog to display and save the correct (.pgn) filename?

Also, if filename is a string separated by dashes or spaces, when the Open/Save dialog comes up, the filename is not displayed in its entirety but it is truncated where the first dash (-) or space (or comma) is encountered. How can this be remedied?

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Open Word Document Without Save/Open Dialog Box?

Feb 11, 2011

I want to open word file in internal window without Dialog box.I use below code.Its is working fine on local machine but when i upload this code on ftp server its is not working and giving me error of Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error: 80070005.


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Web Forms :: Download And Save PDF File Without Save Cancel View Dialog Box?

Feb 16, 2013

can we save pdf document without save,view,cancel dialogue box in asp.net..

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Web Forms :: Error When Trying To Open A Csv File From The Open File Dialog Box , IE 7?

Mar 3, 2011

When i try to open a csv file from my asp.net 3.5 app by clicking on the link provided, a file download dialog box appears.When i click on the open button from there , i get this eror

C:Documents and settingsUserNameLocal SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5X9TXTM06myfilename.csv could not be found .Check the spelling of the file name and verify that the file locationis correct?

Wjy am i getting this error? I am trying to open a file and it complains about file not found in the Temporary Internet Folder.I tried deleting the temp intrnet files.Dint work.I have IE 7 on xp professional sp3. Also i am streaming the file from the application. This happens only to some files and the rest of the files , i can open .

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C# - Unable To Open Download Save Dialog

Dec 23, 2010

Using the below code I am unable to show the open/save as file dialog:


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How To Save A XML String Into A File And Pop Up A SAVE AS... Dialog Box For The User

Dec 15, 2010

My Asp.Net calls a SQL sproc and returns a XML file as a string. This is what I need to do:

- save that string into memory (as a file);
- pop up a dialog box asking the user which path he would like to save the file;

Any samples out there...how do I achieve this task in Asp.Net C#?

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Unlock UI With JQuery BlockUI Plugin After The Open / Save As Dialog Box Appears?

Aug 5, 2010

I'm using jQuery BlockUI Plugin to show busy message when a click event is fired.

In the scenario below, it's working fine. The busy message shows and locks UI on click event, and dissapears when postback's done.

No file creation involved, which invokes browser Open/Save As dialog box


$(function() { // when document has loaded
($.unblockUI); //unlock UI
//Show busy message on click event and disable UI
$('#btnDemo').click(function() {


I want to get rid of the busy message and unlock the UI when Open/Save As dialog box appears.

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Web Forms :: How To Open File Dialog Box

Nov 29, 2013

I am developing a web application for the for the first time using asp.net. I have a requirement where in the user can open a text document from his system directory. In the windows form we can use the open dialogue box but how do i do it when it comes to a web application.

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Web Forms :: Filter The Xml File  Alone While Open File Dialog?

Oct 25, 2010

I want to filter the Xml file alone while open file dialog ..How to i filter the Condition in File upload Browser time..I have an idea abt windows application Open dailog i want in web application.

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Web Forms :: How To Open A Popup With Save Button To Save Txt File

Feb 3, 2011

i have place some .txt files in my web application root directory. now i want to open a popup on button click with save button so that client can save this file on his/her PC. also can we auto set the path??? mean client jst press save button and file automatically stored his "D:\Foldersample.txt".

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Web Forms :: Downloading A File With Save As Dialog Box?

Aug 10, 2010

i have designed an c#.net application in which i am uploading the files and saving them into a directory.

now i want to download them.

i had wrote a code to download files,its neither giving any result nor error.

the code is as :


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Web Forms :: How To Show A Save Dialog Box When A Link With .swf File Is Clicked

May 26, 2010

I am trying to use below code to show a save dialog box when a link with .swf file is clicked, But the problem is that its not working.

Can anyone share the code to show a save dialoge box when a link is clicked with .swf file extention. Please see the below code, I am calling it on htmlanchor click event. Let me know if there are any other soltions..


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Web Forms :: FileUploading - Set A Regular Button To Open The Choose File Dialog Box?

May 18, 2010

I got several questions about file upload:

- Can I set a regular button to open the Choose File Dialog Box?

if not, Can I change it design? show it without the TextBox near the Browse button?

- How to allow selection of multiple files inside the Choose File Dialog Box?

- How to implement an event that will be activate after selecting a file and pressing on the Open button inside the Choose File Dialog Box? [I looked at the event I got, none of them deals with it...]

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VS 2005 - HTML Input Control To Open File Dialog Window Where User Can Select A File

Jun 24, 2011

I am using HTML Input control that will open a file dialog window where user can select a file.

Is there a way to set a path from where to open the window. Right now it looks like the default folder is "My Documents".

I need it to point to something like "ftpexternalftp$Data"

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C# - Prompt Save File Dialog From Streamwriter?

Jul 29, 2010

Currently I have the text file going to desktop, in ASP how can I prompt a file save dialog for the user? The result is string from the streamreader as "result" as follows:

StreamWriter FileWriter = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "file.txt"));

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Create File Using Open File Dialog?

May 28, 2010

Just wondering if there is a way to create a file using open filedialogue. I actually need a functioanlity a little bit different from Save Dialog. I have to use OpenFile dialogue because I want user to select file. In addition to this, if the file is not available and user just write a name of the file then it should pop-up like "File not found, would you like to create one?

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C# - How To Detect Which Button Was Clicked On "save/open/cancel" Dialog

Oct 14, 2010

I got a webpage where members can download different kind of files on. I wan't to get information about which files and how many times each member have downloaded. when the user want to download a file he get browser pop-up where he gets 3 choises: "Open", "save" and "Cancel (file dialog box in browser). i want to update the download status only if open/save button is clicked

Is there a way to detect which button was clicked on "save/open/cancel" dialog?

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Jquery - How To Return Json Causes Save File Dialog In Mvc

May 26, 2010

I'm integrating jquery fullcalendar into my application.
Here is the code i'm using:

in index.aspx:


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MVC :: Jquery Fullcalendar In Invokes Save File Dialog

May 28, 2010

I'm integrating jquery fullcalendar into my mvc application. basically i'm following the instructions on: [URL] My code is as follows: in Index.aspx:


Here is the code for Scheduler/CalendarData:


I also have the following code inside head tag in site.master:


When navigating to /scheduler/calendardata I get a prompt for saving the json data which contents are exactly what I created in the CalendarData function. Navigating to /scheduler/index/ I get the following runtime error in VS: Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expect. VS Highlights the $(document).ready(function()...) code in the script tag.

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How To Handle Save File Dialog Of Firefox In Selenium Using C#

Sep 29, 2010

i am using selenium for testing website which has functionality for downloading online video.i am using asp.net as language in selenium,each time i press download button save file dialog appears which cant be handle by selenium,how can i handle save file dialog(without using autoIt exe file).is there a way to call autoit script from selenium?or any other method to handle save file dialog???

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