Web Forms :: How To Use VB To Disable The Anchor Link Tag
Dec 14, 2010
I noticed that the "disabled" property that appears in Intellisense for a link control doesn't work (when set to either True or False)..how can I programmatically accomplish the contextual disabling of a hyperlink via Visual Basic?
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Apr 29, 2012
I have image button in my page i want when user click on image button it go to the bottom of the page
i know this code
1. The link which when clicked will goto bottom
<a href = "#bottom">Goto bottom</a>
2. The link to be placed at bottom of page
<a name = "bottom"></a>
but i have an imagebutton i want for imagebutton do that.
how i can do it?
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Dec 27, 2010
i want to add event to anchor link in marquee and definite this event in other page.
i tell better,
i have a method in DAL class that read top news of database and add to marquee,so
i call this method in newspage.aspx and when i click this anchor link of marquee then display the news.
i want to increase the view count of news in database,but when i click the anchor,i can not add Method with named "IncreaseViewCount" in anchor click event.
how i can add this method('IncreaseViewCount') in click event of anchor lik in the marquee.
for summary, i want increase the view count of news when display the news in newspage.aspx.
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Jun 28, 2010
I have a document with many links with inner images such as
<a href="blablabla" bla="bla"><img src="" /></a>
i want to user regex to find only the INNER HTML of the link (in this case, <img src="" />)
I want to transform a whole document by this filter
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Mar 2, 2011
I have an ASP.NET Menu which generates many anchor tags when rendered.
My requirements were
to prevent postback if href or an anchor tag is "" or "#". to make the cursor not to show the hand First I checked the markup of one of the generated anchor tags
When I hovered on the empty link, the cursor is showing the default one instead of hand, that means my anchor is recognized. But when I clicked the anchor, postback occurred!
Tried replacing anchor.unbind('click'); with anchor.kill('click');
Tried replacing e.preventDefault(); by appending e.stopPropogation and even return false;
Tried replacing anchor.bind('click', function(e){ with anchor.click(function(e) {
Nothing seems to work. What could be wrong with my code?
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Mar 19, 2010
I would like to ask how can i make an html anchor (a element) or even any object to do a postback or to execute an server side method?I want to create a custom button (a wrapped with some divs to do some custom them) and i want to implement OnClick to be look like the ASP.NET LinkButton?Like<a href="#" onclick="RunServerSideMethod()">Just a simple link button</a>
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Mar 3, 2010
There is a tutorial by Steve Anderson from his book (PRO MVC ASP.NET) about a step form wizard that uses buttons to navigate from one page view to another (Here is a sample link from that chapter that uses such tutorial [URL]
How to use anchor link instead of the buttons he uses?
View 1 Replies
Apr 7, 2010
I am trying to render a simple hyperlink that links to a named anchor within the page, for example:
<a href="#namedAnchor">scroll to down</a>
<a name="namedAnchor">down</a>
The problem is that when I use an ASP.NET control like asp:HyperLink or HtmlAnchor, the href="#namedAnchor" is rendered as href="controls/#namedAnchor" (where controls is the subdirectory where the user control containing the anchor is). Here is the code for the control, using two types of anchor controls, which both have the same problem:
I am using the HtmlAnchor or HyperLink class because I want to make changes to other attributes in the code behind. I do not want to introduce a custom web control for this requirement, as the requirement I'm pursuing is not that important enough to justify abandoning the traditional ASP.NET link controls. It seems like I should be able to use the ASP.NET link controls to generate the desired link.
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Feb 8, 2011
When Iam tring to disable a Link button, It is working fine in IE8.
But when I check for compatability the button is still enabled.
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Nov 8, 2012
In my project I have the requirement as follows.sending a mail to registered users with sign in link details.After a certain period of time elapses, the signin link should not work when user clicks on it.
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Dec 30, 2010
How can one disable a Link Button in gridview. In gridview, I had defined linkbutton as :
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkbtndownload" runat="server" CssClass="Links" CommandName="DownloadPdf" CommandArgument='<%#Eval("Client_ID")%>'>Download</asp:LinkButton></td>
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Dec 13, 2010
Is there a way based on the current user that when the page loads that the Delete option on the gridview is disabled?
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Jan 28, 2010
I have a gridview with edit, update and delete functioanlity.
I do also have a checkbox boolean field.
If checkbox1 is checked then I want to hide or disabled the delete button.
checkbox is in item template and Delete is not in item template, if i have to make the field of delete templeted then I will.
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Nov 29, 2010
I have a DetailsView control with DefaultMode = ReadOnly in my page. When the page loads, it shows the edit link. I would like to programmatically hide the edit link when the user is an administrator on page load. By default, I have set ShowEditButton="True". How do i reference the edit link when it is automatically genereated from the CommandField.
Here is my code:
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Sep 9, 2010
I have a grid view with each row as a link button. When I click on the row, some data parsing process takes place (about a 15 sec process). The grid refreshes itself at a regular interval. I want to disable the link when it is clicked once, so that the user gets to know that row has been processed already and does not click it again, until the grid refreshes itself and the row disappears. I am copying my gridview code below. how to disable the link button on that row as soon as it is clicked.
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Aug 13, 2010
How to disable the asp.net Link buttons and asp.net radio buttons.I have used
to enable
$("#sLbtnFirst").attr("disabled", "");
to disable
$("#sLbtnFirst").attr("disabled", "disabled");
but i'm able to click the buttons they are just greying
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Feb 7, 2011
build a shopping site. i have in my menu a link to upload products.i need to disable this link,for thos are not login to the tite. that members only can use this link.the visitors will see or not see the link its dosnt metter to me. but wont be able to click him?
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Oct 18, 2010
I have one grid view that contains some template columns. In this, the first column contains check boxes named as Read, fourth and fifth column contains asp:link button. If the user clicks on the read check box, both link buttons should be enabled (Initially it is in disabled mode). I used this JavaScript code for disabling.
function EnablePermissoin(chkB, cellNumber1, cellNumber2) {
var IsChecked = chkB.checked;
if (IsChecked) { [code]....
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Jan 24, 2011
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Aug 10, 2012
I have Link Button to Export to excel in Master page. Since I have placed it in master page I can see Export link button in every page. I need to disable link button where gridview is not present in a page.
I thing using Enabled property we can do. How to proceed. Is there any other way to do it.
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButtonExport" Text="Export to Excel" runat="server" OnClick="LinkButtonExport_Click" />
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Feb 17, 2011
i need 2 disable a link button click.. when i give btn.Attributes["OnClick"] = "return false;"; it will work but when i take the mouse over the button its style is maintained as tat of the link, but the link wont work. ijust want to make it apperar as a label.
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Oct 6, 2010
<a href="#testingPara">
<input type="button">
this code works
<a href="#testingPara">
<asp:Button ID="btnSearch" runat="server" Text="Search" OnClick="btnSearch_Click" />
this doesn't workCan any one tell me the reason??
<a id="testingPara">
<p>Testing the anchor tags</p>
View 3 Replies
Jan 23, 2010
my requirement is like this:
i have two data tables. one data table i am binding to Datalist. based on one column value in the first datatable i have to get values from another datatable and need to bind to the Datalist as hyperlink(or anchor tag).
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Jul 7, 2010
I am working on asp.net 3.5.
Is there any server side event for anchor tag( href tag)?, I tried with onclick event but it's not working(gives me error)
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Jan 26, 2010
so I'm trying to get this dropdown thing to work but it's not working... I want the page to jump to the state on the SAME page once the USER releases on the desired state within the dropdownlist box.
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddltest" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem value="AL"> Alabama </asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem value="AK"> Alaska </asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem value="AZ"> Arizona </asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem value="AR"> Arkansas </asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem value="CA"> California </asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem value="CO"> Colorado </asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem value="CT"> Connecticut </asp:ListItem>
<!-- New State -->
<a name="WY" id="WY"></a>
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
ddltest.Attributes.Add("onchange", "window.location.href = path.options[path.selectedIndex].value;");
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