Web Forms :: Implement Simple Spell Checking Class In C#?
Feb 22, 2011
I am using a rich textbox in my website, i need to check the spelling in the content of richtextbox. That i need to implement the spell checking class to check the spelling. give me the idea or sample code to achieve this.
<script type="text/javascript"> // check the spelling on a textarea $("#check-textarea").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(".loading").show(); $("#text-content") .spellChecker({ lang: "en", engine: "google", suggestBoxPosition: "above" }) .spellChecker('check', function (result) { // spell checker has finished checking words $(".loading").hide(); // if result is true then there are no badly spelt words if (result) { alert('There are no incorrectly spelt words.'); } }); }); </script>
I am getting Error Message Object Does not support this property or method..
I have a class called 'Tutorial'. At the top of my page I declare the object as below: [Code]....
The last thing I have is an Add and Save button and what I would like to achieve is add/update the record based on if it exists or not. To do this I would like to check the state of the tutorial object to see if it has been loaded and use its id without needing to put it on the page for reference later.
Will the tutorial object still contain values after postback and how can I check if its been declared?
i want to implement a simple client and server using asp.net.
Requirments: The client side will be a web application using asp.net where user can go on any common web browser (Firefox, IE...) and be able to use it without having to install any plug-ins or .NET. It will have a "Connect" button, once press it will connect to the server.
On the server side, which will just be a windows form or console application, once it detects a connection comin from the client, it accepts it, and send "Connected" back to the client side. The client side then respond back with "Hello world" to the server and display on the screen.
Should be able to work on LAN and over the internet WAN.
*Im trying to avoid tcp/sockets because it uses non-standard ports and usally it will be block by firewalls.
I have a very basic need in regards to membership and role management. I am having success with the membership and being able to use the [Authorize] filter, but the IsInRole() and all that goes along with it is failing. I am hoping someone can point out where I am going wrong.
1) Login action is called on the controller:
If I add a check to the site.master to show/hide a menu item based on role there are no roles listed for the user anymore. I have tried both Page.User.IsInRole("Role1") and HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole("Role1") neither of which is true. I also receive a failure on [Authorize(Roles="Role1")] filter.
I want to display records based on the Prod ID entered by the user in the text box. Where can I find a tutorial to do that?
I can't find a simple one. I am completely new to .NET, and hardly know anything about grid view, SQL connections and stuff.
I need a step-by-step tutorial that explains how to do it. I want to learn about all of this.
Oh, BTW, I did establish an SQL connection and was successful in displaying my table on the web page. I want to learn how to search from that table and display records.
I am beginner in asp.net / vb.net and I developed a web application for inventory management. here I have my insertion procedure that I entered in my code behind all the different page of my application. My problem is the following:
* I would like to put my procedure in a class that I will call on my different page * how to create this class * how to call this class on my pages
here is my procedure:
Private Sub reqinsertion (ByVal sreq As String)         Dim con As New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection ("Dsn = dshealthboard")         Sun ocommand As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand         con.Open ()         ocommand = New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand (sreq, con)         ocommand.ExecuteNonQuery ()         con.Close ()     End Sub
what is considered a many-to-many relationship in a domain model class ? I mean how to implement a many-to-many relationship in a domain model class ? In SQL this is represented by a link table between two table but how this is represented in a domain model driven application ?
I am creating an ASP.NET application that allows users to edit and insert data that is persisted in a SQL Server database.I would like to implement a controller class that handles queries for certain entities, caches results and triggers events when data is inserted or updated.I need one of these controller classes for each entity in my data model.What I'm unsure of is how to create a singleton class of this sort that different user sessions can access.
For example,I have a Employee entity in my data model.I would like to have an EmployeeController class that handles retrieving the employees from the database, sends inserts and updates to the database,keeps a cache of all employees and triggers events when an employee is inserted or updated.Objects in other user sessions could then listen and respond to these events.
Am I on the right track?Should I be using the ASP.NET MVC framework to accomplish this?How do I instantiate these controller classes when the first user needs them and have subsequent concurrent users access the same class?
EDIT:I've been researching the idea of a controller class as an anti-pattern since @TomTom's answer.I'm not convinced one way or the other.I still need an answer to question #3 above.Let's just drop the specific idea of a controller class for now. How do I create any class that is:accessible by multiple user sessions,allows only one instance,is deleted if there are no user sessions,and triggers events that other classes can listen to.
I've used TinyMCE Editor for textareas in my webpage, it works fine but the problem is, I want the show only the Toggle Spell Checker button to user. I don't want to show any other buttons like bold, underline, etc.
I am not sure how the user defined class objects are garbage collected. Do I need to implement IDisposable interface on every class and call the dispose() method on it to free the memory?
I am developing a couple of small ASP.NET application and would like to know what pattern. approach do you use in your projects.
My projects involve databases, using Data access and Business logic layers.
The data-access approach that I was using so far is the following(I read in some book and liked it):
For DAL layer:
Creating an abstract class that will define all database manipulation methods to implement. The abstract class will contain a static "Instance" property, that will load (if instance == null) an instance (Activator.CreateInstance) of the needed type (a class that implements it).
Creating a classes that implement this abstract class, the implementation will be according to the databases (SQL, mySQL and etc) in use.
With this I can create different implementation according to database in use.
For BLL layer:
A class that encapsulates all all retrieved fields , and static methods that will call the DAL classes.
I created an application and implemented IHTTPHandler for all incoming request ending with ".aspx" extension.Under "ProcessRequest" module, I am creating an instance of HttpContext (with URL attributes different from my application's URL i.e. if I am working on localhost then speciying Yahoo.com as its URL) and assigning it to "context" which comes as method argument.After redirection, an error is generated. Also, the custom HTTPContext is not passed to the requested page (default.aspx, in my case.)Code is as follows.
Currently I am developing website in asp.net. I wanted to include spellchecker module into my code.
It may not be fare to ask like this, but I don't have enough time to do R&D on that topic, of course I did enough study but I am unable to get the exact way to implement spell checker in my application.
Can any one suggest me how to implement spell checker and where to get source code.
I have been assigned a task to find a decent spell checker (UK English) preferably the free one for a project that we are doing.
I have looked at Google AJAX API for this. The project contains some young person's (kids less than 18 years old) data which shouldn't allow exposing or storing outside the application boundaries. Google logs the data for research purpose that means Google owns the data whatever we send over the wire through Google API. Is this right? I fired an email to Google regarding the privacy of data and storage but they haven't come back. If you have some knowledge regarding this At this point our servers might not have access to external entities that means we might not be able to use Web API for this over the wire. But it may change in the future. That means I have to find out some spell checker alternatives that can sit in our environment and do the job or an external APIs.
Would you mind share your findings and knowledge in this regard. I would prefer free services but never know if you have some cracking spell checker for a few quid's then I don't mind recommending to the project board. Technology using ASP.NET 3.5/4.0, MVC, jQuery, SQL Sever 2008 etc
Can any one provide me a good tutorial about to implement spell checker? that is I have a textarea and one button.. what ever I enterd in to the textarea i need to do the spellchecking on that..