Web Forms :: Linkbutton In Dynamically Loaded User Control Does Not Handle Command Event

Feb 27, 2011

I have a user control that is dynamically added to a placeholder control inside an update panel in my main page. The user control has a linkbutton where I try to handle its Command event. The first time the link button is clicked after the user control loads, the form posts back but the command event handler does not execute, although the user control is still on the screen. The second and subsequent times the link button is clicked it works perfectly. When the user control first loads and I mouse over the link button, the browser status bar says: javascript: __doPostBack('ctl08$lbTest',''). After the first click, when I mouseover the link button the browser status bar shows javascript:__doPostBack('ctl07$lbTest',''). Why the changed in id, I can't figure but it must be why it is not hitting the event handler the first time it's clicked. Here is the cs code that loads the user control:


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Handle Button Click Event From User Control Loaded Dynamically

Jul 31, 2010

I have a blank user control (child) and during Page_Load i create some text boxes and a button. I also add an event to the button.

I then load that user control dynamically from a placeholder in another usercontrol (parent). Both controls are rendered correctly but when i click on the button, the event isnt fired. how to handle the event?

Child code:


If i use the child control directy (ie without the parent the control) the click event is raised and handled nicely. But when i use the parent control, the debugger wont even hit a breakpoint inside UpdateButton_Click().

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Loaded User Control Button Event Not Firing?

Mar 11, 2011

I have a aspx page, default.aspx, with an user control in it. Inside the user control (UC 1) there is a DataGrid. When the DataGrid is loading data with ItemDataBound, I need to dynamically load another user control (UC 2) for each row in the DataGrid. UC 2 has a Button ( BTN )with an eventhandler associated with it in code behind.

User control loading is fine, and the Button, BTN, is there. However, when I click the Button, the eventhandler is not reached, not firing, even though the page does postback. I googled for this issues, and I know the dynamically loaded user controls need to be loaded every time the page is postback. In my case, it needs to be loaded each time the datagrid is doing ItemDataBound. I did it and even hook up the eventhandler with button click event each time when the user control is dynamically loaded. I set EnableViewState to true on the Page and controls.

The following is part of the code from UC 1, AcctPaymentDetail is UC 2 in the code.


And the following is UC 2 the is being loaded:



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Handle Click Event For LinkButton In User Control From Parent Page?

Jul 20, 2010

I have a LinkButton within a User Control and it has handled with:

Private Sub LoginLinkLinkButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LoginLinkLinkButton.Click
Response.Redirect("/", True)
End Sub

On certain ASPX pages I would like to handle the click from the page's code behind, opposed to within the user control. How do I override the handle within the control from the parent's code behind page?


Based on the answer, I have the following no added to the User Control:


The problem is determining the correct syntax for the if line because the above is invalid.

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Dynamically Loaded User Control Click Event Not Getting Triggered?

Jun 11, 2012

trigger dynamically loaded usercontrols click event?

What i did.........Created User Control like One.ascx with one button

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="one.ascx.cs" Inherits="one" %>
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Hello, this is My First User Control dynamically loaded :)">
</asp:Label><asp:Button ID="btnShow" runat="server" Text="Show" OnClick="btnShow_Click" />
On Code behind        public void btnShow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)    {    

[Code] .....

Fail to redirect user to google.com by clicking button which written in .ascx file.

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Web Forms :: When To Wire Up Event Handlers For Dynamically Loaded User Controls

Jul 15, 2010

I have a situation where I dynamically load one of twenty user controls at a time in an ASP.net web page. Based on much reading I've done, I understand that I am to reload the user control upon postback via the Page_Init event handler. This I've done and it seems to work fine.

But now I would like to wire up assorted controls in the user controls such that when the value of each is changed, an event is fired and the web page is notified. Here's an example of how I'm doing that:

userControl.NewData_Handler += new EventHandler(UserControl_NewData_Handler);

There's a problem though. Because the user control is being done in Page_Init (ie. before Page_Load) I don't believe that a line of code such as the one above can function yet.

So I'm wondering what the best practice to do this is. It occurred to me that perhaps I could execute the line in the Page_Load event handler but I'm not sure if that's correct or not.

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Loaded User Control Not Getting Selected Value?

Nov 5, 2010

I have created a user control that contains two asp calendar controls. I need to add this user control twice on the same asp page, let's say for Check in date and Check out date. Since the two are conflicting to each other when I add it twice statically, I now dynamically add them on button click so that each time only one control is loaded. The problem is, when I select a date on a calendar, it seems that the selection event is not happening at all. Of course, I am not getting any date.

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Web Forms :: Group Events And Dynamically Loaded User Control?

Oct 26, 2010

My main file is messages.aspx and i am loading a UC names message_inbox.ascx dynamically as:

SiteUserControls_Message_MessageInbox InboxUC = Page.Load("message_inbox.ascx") as

Now in my user control ("message_inbox.ascx") i have a various events which i am combining in one group event :

public void ForwardLinkButton_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)

View 7 Replies

Web Forms :: Load JavaScript File Dynamically When User Control Is Loaded

Jun 17, 2013

I have a tab control on my page  and on click of tab  user control is loaded dynamically.I need to load the javascript file  of that user control dynamically. I don't want to add the reference of my js file on parent page.so in my .ascx page load event i added:

System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl js = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl("script");
js.Attributes["type"] = "text/javascript";
js.Attributes["src"] = "../../js/DatesJavaScript.js";
but it is not working.

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Web Forms :: How To Find Command Name For Dynamically Generated Linkbutton

Jan 17, 2010

how to Work with Dunamically generated Link buttons..

I need to find the unic name of each dynamially generated linkbutton..]

Is there any way to work with that..

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Accessing Value From The Controls Within A Dynamically Loaded Web User Control?

Jul 31, 2010

I have created a web user control (MemberDetails.ascx) which is loaded dynamically on a page (Member.aspx) for my website. The control has some TextBoxes. I want to store the values inputted by a user in these TextBoxes to a database on the click event of a button that is on the Member.aspx page (i.e. not a part of user control).

I'll use a small code for example.

Member.ascx page:


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Web Forms :: Call User Control On A Click Event Of A Linkbutton?

Feb 4, 2011

Can i bind and call the user control directly on click event of link button? instead of binding user control in another aspx page and then call it to the masterpage's link button click?

or else can i bind user control in a page lets say default.aspx and then call it in two different master page and show different functionality of it according to the masterpage its getting shown?

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C# - Updating Parent Page From Dynamically Loaded User Control

Feb 20, 2011

Hosting page:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
LoadMyControl(Parameters); //Do it every page load to preserve it's state
protected void LoadMyControl(string parameters)
Control userControl = LoadControl("TheUserControl.ascx");
userControl.ID = "userControl1";

Now inside this control, when a button is clicked I want to update ,let's say a Label on the hosting page.
What is the best way to do it? Custom event?

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C# - Viewstate Variable Lost On User Control Loaded Dynamically

Feb 12, 2010

I have a problem with ViewState. I have an aspx page that has a treeview on the left and an UpdatePanel with an ASP.NET Panel inside on the right. It is in that inner Panel where I load and unload dynamically user controls. I use that update panel to load dynamically controls.

I also made a custom control for my user controls because I need to pass some values from page. On that constructor I use ViewState to store these values.

The first time I load the user control I call its constructor with parameters. When I reload that user control on each postback I use its normal constructor.

My problem is I the values I've stored on ViewState has become null on successive postback.


This is a piece of my user control:

public class MyUserControl : System.Web.UI.UserControl
private int PKId
get { return ViewState["pkId"] as int; }
set { ViewState["pkId"] = value; }
public MyUserControl(int pkId)
this.PKId = pkId;

I'm following this article to load controls dynamically: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc748662.aspx#id0070065.

Second Update:
I also set the same control ID when I load the user control at first time and on each reaload.

Maybe I can use another method to store these values like input hidden fields or Cache. I've choosen ViewState because I don't want to overload server with Session values for each user.

Third update:

I load the controls with this code:

System.Web.UI.UserControl baseControl = LoadControl(ucUrl) as System.Web.UI.UserControl;
if (baseControl != null)
baseControl.ID = "DestinationUserControl";

And reaload with this code:

DynamicControls.CreateDestination ud = this.LoadControl(TrackedUserControl) as DynamicControls.CreateDestination;
if (ud != null)
ud.ID = "DestinationUserControl";

View 4 Replies

How To Raise Events To Page From Dynamically Loaded User Control

Feb 23, 2010

I have user control that inherits a base control class and these user controls are loaded using the LoadControl method, I can't seem to figure out how to raise events from user controls to the page that are dynamically loaded this way. Here is the delegate and event in the base user control class.

public delegate void SomeChangeEventHandler(object sender
, SomeChangeEventArgs e);
public event SomeChangeEventHandler SomeChangeEvent;
public virtual void OnSomeChanged(SomeChangeEventArgs e)
if (SomeChangeEvent != null)
SomeChangeEvent(this, e);

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Web Forms :: OnClick Event Is Not Firing For LinkButton And User Control Is Disappearing

Dec 30, 2010

I am using the following code to load user control on to ASPX Page, which under a Master Page:


The user control name is passed as a parameter on the URL.

Inside the user, there is a LinkButton. The link button has a simple server side code for OnClick event.

Everything is working fine on the production machine, but, on the Development machine, I can see incorrect behaviour. I have started making some development changes on the Development Machine since several months back, and it will be very difficult to find out what caused the problem.

When I click the LinkButton inside the user control, the user control is removed from the parent page, and the OnClick event of the LinkButton is not firing.

I did debug, and found out that after I click on the LinkButton inside the user control, then the Page Load events for the master page and the ASPX page are working fine, and the IsPostBack is set to true, but the OnClick event of the LinkButton is not firing.

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Web Forms :: How To Access Linkbutton At Gridview Row Command Event Without Using Commandname

Dec 12, 2011

I want to access linkbutton at rowcommand event which is in footer and without commandname. 

Actually i have a linkbutton in empty data templates footer template. At the rowcommand name of this linkbutton i want to access other linkbutton to change its commandname.

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Web Forms :: User Control Command Button Event Doesn't Fire The First Time

Jan 19, 2011

I am fairly new to the asp.net and experimenting with it to learn the page life cycle. Here is a problem that I have been unable to resolve for past few days.I have a hosting page (.aspx). Then I have two user controls (.ascx). The page has a place holder control in which it loads the user controls one at a time based on the application flow. First user control is loaded on application start up. It has a "continue" button. Continue button click loads the Second user control that has two buttons - "Back" and "Submit". Obviously the "Back" button should load the first user control again and Submit button should submit the form data.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Handle Click Event Of Linkbutton In Gridview

Nov 15, 2010

how to handle click event of linkbutton in gridview in asp.net

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Handle An Event With LinkButton

May 18, 2010

I have a LinkButton click event in asp.net 3.5 that I must assess whether a value exists and return a alert.
I have no idea how you can do. I think we need to Ajax

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User Control Command Button Event Doesn't Fire The First Time?

Jan 23, 2011

I am fairly new to the asp.net and experimenting with it to learn the page life cycle. Here is a problem that I have been unable to resolve for past few days.

I have a hosting page (.aspx). Then I have two user controls (.ascx). The page has a place holder control in which it loads the user controls one at a time based on the application flow. First user control is loaded on application start up. It has a "continue" button. Continue button click loads the Second user control that has two buttons - "Back" and "Submit". Obviously the "Back" button should load the first user control again and Submit button should submit the form data. Pretty simple.

The problem is that the command button event handler that I have on the second user control is not firing the first time. (I have one event handler for both buttons). The load event of the user control fires but then it ignores the button click. If I click it again, then it fires. I re-load the controls on the page in every page_load. Here is some relevent code:



The page_Load fires every time but "CommandBtn_Click" doesn't fire after the first click. I have to do it click it again. It doesn't matter which order I click the buttons.

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Usercontrols - Button Click Not Caught (button In User Control Which Is Dynamically Loaded In Repeater)?

Jun 4, 2010

I have written a user control that captures some user input and has a Save button to save it to the DB. I use a repeater to render a number of these controls on the page - imagine a list of multiple choice questions with a Save button by each question.

I am loading the user control inside the repeater's ItemDataBound event like this (code simplified):


The problem is that when the Save button is clicked, the page posts back, but lbnUpdate_Click is not called. The Page_Load event of the page itself is called however.

I should mention that the repeater is part of a user control, and that user control is loaded inside another user control (this is a DotNetNuke site which makes heavy use of user controls). The Save button link looks like this:


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Web Forms :: Dynamically Loaded UserControl - Receiving Click Event To Parent Page

Oct 9, 2010

In a page , when I click a button 'showDialog' I am loading the user control dynamically in a dialog. I am linking to the event in the user control as explained below. The parent page is not receiving this event.

UseControl1 gc = dlg.LoadContent(:UserControl1.csx);
gc.CausePostback += new EventHandler(execute_CausePostback());}
In UserControl class after clicking the submit button
raise event CausePostBack();

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Loaded Usercontrol Won't Fire Button Click Event

Dec 24, 2010

I have a dynamically loaded usercontrol

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ucEditPanel.ascx.cs"

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Web Forms :: Handle Dynamically Created Buttonn's Event?

Dec 10, 2010

I made a web form in asp.net and I am using loop to add button on the page. But problem is this, I'm not able to handle event of it.

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