Web Forms :: Reading Text File Into Multi-line Text Box
Oct 12, 2010
I have an input type, so a text box which has a browse button next to it. When it is clicked, the file that is selected has it's full path placed into the text box.
<input type="file" runat="server" id="txtFilename" style="width:400px" />
Where is the event!
Now that I have the path to the file in the textbox of the input type, I want to load each line of this file into a textbox that is able to handle multiline text.
I don't want the file to be uploaded to the website. I just want to contents of the file read and placed in a textbox all with one click on the browse button.
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It returns something like this:
F|70.5|48.1|-999.9|-999.9|-999.9|-999.9|72.2|44.3|-999.9|73.4|38.1|-999.9I first want a way to read this line so i can write it with response.write. how would i also break those figures up by the"|" so the array would only store the numbers?
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Jun 17, 2010
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using(TextWriter tw=new StreamWriter(file))
string refcode = txtReftypecode.Text;
string priorcode = txtPrioritycode.Text;
tw.Write(priorcode.PadLeft(2, '0'));
string date=txtFilecreatdate.Text.Replace("/","");
string time1=txtFilecreattime.Text.Replace(":","");
tw.Write(txtImmeddestname.Text.PadRight(23,' '));
tw.Write(txtImmedorgname.Text.PadRight(23,' '));
tw.Write(txtRefcode.Text.PadRight(8,' '));
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Jul 13, 2011
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VB.NET Code:
Protected Sub lbLogs_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object,
ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles lbLogs.SelectedIndexChanged
For Each li As ListItem In lbLogs.Items
If li.Selected Then Using sw As New StreamReader(li.Value)
txtLog.Text = sw.ReadToEnd sw.Close() End Using End If Next End Sub
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protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
jtOperationsddl.DataSource = sqlServer.GetOperationsForDataEntry();
jtOperationsddl.DataValueField = "OperationID";
jtOperationsddl.DataTextField = "OperationName";
protected void btnAddOperaions(object sender, EventArgs e)
String s = null;
for (int i = 0; i < listofOperations.Count; i++)
s = s + System.Convert.ToString(listofOperations[i]);
jtOperationsmltbx.Text = s;
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123, joe blow, USA
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1 Jon 18
2 Martin 20
10 Andy 30
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ID: 1
Name: Jon
Age: 18
ID: 2
Name: Martin
Age: 20
ID: 10
Name: Andy
Age: 30
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With control to use?
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OleDBException was unhandled.
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18.0 million effective pixels
Auto lighting optimizer
Full HD video 1920 x 1080
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Oct 12, 2010
I have an input type, so a text box which has a browse button next to it. When it is clicked, the file that is selected has it's full path placed into the text box.
<input type="file" runat="server" id="txtFilename" style="width:400px" />
Where is the event! Now that I have the path to the file in the textbox of the input type, I want to load each line of this file into a textbox that is able to handle multiline text. I don't want the file to be uploaded to the website. I just want to contents of the file read and placed in a textbox all with one click on the browse button.
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