Web Forms :: Required Validator Firing When Cancel Button Is Clicked In Wizard Step
Jul 6, 2010
I have a cancel button on a number of steps which when clicked allows the user to exit the wizard. However, I have a few steps that use the RequiredValidator control, which when the cancel button is clicked these validators are also fired. Also I have these steps inside User Controls as a oppose to being on one page. How do I stop these validator controls from firing when the cancel button is clicked?
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The required filed validators is working on the save button if the textbox is empty. But on my cancel button click the required field validators message is blinking .
I am giving the mark up of my controls below:
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Nov 10, 2012
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Wizard Step
<asp:WizardStep ID="Summary" runat="server" OnActivate="Summary_Activate" Title="Summary">
'asp controls (mostly labels) to display the summary
<asp:Label ID="lblirstName" runat="server" />
Finish Navigation Template
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Jul 28, 2010
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I placed my controls under TabContainer is that the reason for not firing.
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Feb 17, 2011
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Feb 1, 2010
I have a web page which contains 3 drop down boxes followed by 3 textboxes. I am implementing Required field validators for all of them . But when i hit submit , The Page first checks for empty Textboxes before checking for any value in Drop down boxes , but i want the Drop down boxes to be validated first before Textboxes. How Can it be achieved?
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Apr 16, 2010
i am working on an asp.net mvc 2 web app and i have ran into an issue. I have implemented client side validation using Html.EnableClientValidation() in my View page for providing the site users the ability to submit or cancel some form fields back to the server database. For this i have implemented an Html.BeginForm() along with 2 submit buttons. One with "Ok" and the other with "Cancel" text.
The ok/cancel funcionality is handled server-side from the controller action. The result is that the form fileds are client-validated when the user clicks the cancel button and this is not what he would expect.
how could avoid this issue? Of cource i could remove the submti cancel button from the form and implement it via an Html action link, but i would prefer finding a solution using the first approach.
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Jun 14, 2010
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Jun 11, 2010
Gridrow Button click loads aspx Page1 which is a Modal window(window.showmodaldialog). It has an ascx in it called UC1. In my Page1 following is added.
<head><base target ='_self'/></head>(this was added to solve the problem of losing session data on load of Page1) I cannot do away without this code.
I am assuming this is avoiding Pageload event of Page1 when the same gridrow button, who opens up Page1, is clicked the second time. Please note that after second click I can see the page1 with all it's controls but when I try to debug, I see that it does not raise the page load event the second time. It's as thought the page had been cached or the same frame is gettign loaded.
Problem is I want to raise the Page load event the second time also beacuse my dataload for Page1 happens only on page load. PS: Please note only the second click onwards page load doesn't happen. the first time pagelaod works. If I click a new row's button the first time it works.. later it stops doing a pageload
here is the code for my page
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Code on the web control .ascx:
This user control gets loaded into a placeholder.
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Is there any way to stop method from firing when the F5 Refresh button is clicked?
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Mar 1, 2010
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Is using both a Required Field Validator and a Compare Validator the way to do this or is there some way to make the Compare Validator also require input of some kind?
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<Round:RoundButton ID="SubmitBtn" runat="server" Height="24px" Width="100px" Blend="FromCenterToSurround"
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Oct 28, 2010
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This works great and keeps the user from updating the record with invalid data.However, when I hit cancel after this operation, it saves the text in the box rather than cancelling the operation. Here's my code for the update button:
Update Function:
I do not handle the cancel button event, as the cancel operation has worked fine... unless someone enters incorrect information and e.Cancel is set to true.What am I doing wrong? Is it the mixture of using the LINQ Datasource and doing my own updating?
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Feb 4, 2011
I have a wizard with 3 steps:
1. login
2. user input form
3. summary and finish(submit)
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Jan 22, 2010
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Aug 11, 2010
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I have tried some solutions but it is navigating to next step in both the conditions.
in aspx the code is like:
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